Данный релиз соответствует OpenJDK 11.0.10+9, номер версии Axiom JDK - 11.0.10.
Axiom является сертифицированным Java SE 11-совместимым дистрибутивом OpenJDK 11, который работает на серверах (Linux x86_64, Linux ARM64, Solaris SPARC, Solaris x64, Windows 64), настольных компьютерах (Windows 64, Windows 32, Mac, Linux x86_64) и встроенных устройствах (Linux ARM64, Linux ARMv7, включая Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 (ARMv6 hardfloat)). Axiom JDK имеет следующие дополнения:
Пожалуйста, прочитайте примечания к релизу Oracle JDK 11.0.10 для получения дополнительной информации о функционале JDK 11. В этом документе описываются особенности дистрибутива Axiom по сравнению с дистрибутивом Oracle JDK 11.
Axiom поддерживается в следующих ОС:
Также известно, Axiom JDK работает с некоторыми другими дистрибутивами Linux и версиями Windows.
Примечание: Минимальная поддерживаемая версия ядра Linux - 2.6.18, версия GLIBC - 2.6. AxiomFX работает на всех поддерживаемых версиях Ubuntu, семействе Red Hat Linux начиная с версии 7.x и SUSE с бэкэндом GTK2.
Axiom протестирована и сертифицирована для Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 для следующих операционных систем:
* Raspbian OS (armhf) * OpenSUSE (armv8)
Также Axiom JDK работает на Debian (armhf) и Ubuntu (armhf).
Axiom JDK 11.0.10 распространяется в виде .msi, .dmg, .deb, .rpm, .zip и .tar.gz. Пожалуйста, выберите формат, который наиболее подходит для ваших целей.
Axiom 11 содержит весь функционал, поддерживаемый OpenJDK 11.
С появлением Jigsaw в JDK 9 и минимальной виртуальной машины (Minimal VM) теперь можно создать среду исполнения, достаточную для запуска приложения и в то же время оптимизированную по размеру. Чтобы создать среду выполнения только с минимальной виртуальной машиной, добавьте опцию - vm=minimal jlink.
По умолчанию Axiom использует серверную виртуальную машину (Server VM). Серверная виртуальная машина и клиентская виртуальная машина могут быть включены с помощью параметров командной строки -server и -client соответственно. В случае, если требуется минимальный размер среды исполенения, можно использовать Minimal VM, которая оптимизирована по размеру. Minimal VM имеет только компилятор C1 JIT, Serial GC и не имеет функционала Serviceability. Minimal VM можно включить параметром командной строки -minimal.
Axiom JDK 11 поставляется в комплекте со сборкой платформы AxiomFX, основанной на OpenJFX. В следующих таблицах перечислены состояния модулей Java FX дистрибутива Axiom.
* - за исключением сборок для armhf.
Для armhf работают следующие графические конвейеры: EGL, SW (direct framebuffer) и GTK. По умолчанию Axiom пытается использовать конвейер EGL, который требует наличия библиотек EGL. Если они не найдены, реализация возвращается к программному обеспечению.
Используйте следующие параметры командной строки, чтобы указать конвейер рендеринга:
Дополнительная информация доступна на следующей wiki странице.
Axiom JDK 11 для armhf поставляется со встроенным модулем реализации API ввода-вывода (DIO) устройства OpenJDK. DIO предоставляет Java API для доступа к выводам Raspberry PI GPIO и для связи с периферийными устройствами:
Дополнительная информация доступна на следующей wiki странице.
С 2017 года в Raspbian OS изменилось расположение бибилитек libEGL.so и libGLESv2.so для чипа Broadcom. Если вы хотите использовать аппаратное ускорение EGL, доступное в видеодрайверах Broadcom в AxiomFX, при работе в Raspbian OS, выполните следующую команду:
cd /opt/vc/lib
sudo ln -s libbrcmEGL.so libEGL.so
sudo ln -s libbrcmGLESv2.so libGLESv2.so
BellSoft Axiom содержит исправления уязвимостей Oracle Java SE. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к документации Oracle для получения деталей о проблемах, исправленных в данной версии.
Issue | Description |
6722928 | Support SSPI as a native GSS-API provider |
7185258 | [macosx] Deadlock in SunToolKit.realSync() |
8152332 | [macosx] JFileChooser cannot be serialized on Mac OS X |
8161684 | [testconf] Add VerifyOops’ testing into compiler tiers |
8171279 | Support X25519 and X448 in TLS |
8173361 | various crashes in JvmtiExport::post_compiled_method_load |
8173658 | JvmtiExport::post_class_unload() is broken for non-JavaThread initiators |
8181775 | JavaFX WebView does not calculate border-radius properly |
8191006 | hsdis disassembler plugin does not compile with binutils 2.29+ |
8197981 | Missing return statement in __sync_val_compare_and_swap_8 |
8198334 | java/awt/FileDialog/8003399/bug8003399.java fails in headless mode |
8200151 | Add 8 JNDI tests to com/sun/jndi/dns/ConfigTests/ |
8208279 | Add 8 JNDI tests to com/sun/jndi/dns/EnvTests/ |
8208483 | Add 5 JNDI tests to com/sun/jndi/dns/FactoryTests/ |
8208542 | Add 4 JNDI tests to com/sun/jndi/dns/ListTests/ |
8208665 | Amend cross-compilation docs with qemu-debootstrap recipe |
8210088 | ProblemList gc/epsilon/TestMemoryMXBeans.java |
8210339 | Add 10 JNDI tests to com/sun/jndi/dns/FedTests/ |
8211450 | UndetVar::dup is not copying the kind field to the duplicated instance |
8212160 | JVMTI agent crashes with “assert(_value != 0LL) failed: resolving NULL _value” |
8212226 | SurfaceManager throws “Invalid Image variant” for MultiResolutionImage (Windows) |
8213400 | Support choosing group name in keytool keypair generation |
8213535 | Windows HiDPI html lightweight tooltips are truncated |
8213698 | Improve devkit creation and add support for linux/ppc64/ppc64le/s390x |
8214025 | assert(t->singleton()) failed: must be a constant when ScavengeRootsInCode < 2 |
8214242 | compiler/arguments/TestScavengeRootsInCode.java fails because of missing UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions |
8214787 | Zero builds fail with “undefined JavaThread::thread_state()” |
8215583 | Exclude runtime/handshake/HandshakeWalkSuspendExitTest.java |
8216012 | Infinite loop in RSA KeyPairGenerator |
8216324 | GetClassMethods is confused by the presence of default methods in super interfaces |
8217429 | WebSocket over authenticating proxy fails to send Upgrade headers |
8217976 | test/jdk/java/net/httpclient/websocket/WebSocketProxyTest.java fails intermittently |
8218021 | Have jarsigner preserve posix permission attributes |
8218287 | jshell tool: input behavior unstable after 12-ea+24 on Windows |
8218851 | JVM crash in custom classloader stress test, JDK 12 & 13 |
8220420 | Cleanup c1_LinearScan |
8222072 | JVMTI GenerateEvents() sends CompiledMethodLoad events to wrong jvmtiEnv |
8222286 | Fix for JDK-8213419 is broken on s390 |
8222527 | HttpClient doesn’t send HOST header when tunelling HTTP/1.1 through http proxy |
8222533 | jtreg test jdk/internal/platform/cgroup/TestCgroupMetrics.java fails on SLES12.3 linux ppc64le machine |
8224506 | [TESTBUG] TestDockerMemoryMetrics.java fails with exitValue = 137 |
8224555 | vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/scenarios/contention/TC02/tc02t001/TestDescription.java failed |
8224650 | Add tests to support X25519 and X448 in TLS |
8225072 | Add LuxTrust certificate that is expiring in March 2021 to list of allowed but expired certs |
8225329 | -XX:+PrintBiasedLockingStatistics causes crash during initialization on Windows platforms |
8225687 | Newly added sspi.cpp in JDK-6722928 still contains some small errors |
8227006 | [linux] Runtime.availableProcessors execution time increased by factor of 100 |
8227275 | Within native OOM error handling, assertions may hang the process |
8227647 | [Graal] Test8009761.java fails due to “RuntimeException: static java.lang.Object compiler.uncommontrap.Test8009761.m3(boolean,boolean) not compiled” |
8229495 | SIGILL in C2 generated OSR compilation |
8230910 | libsspi_bridge does not build on Windows 32bit |
8231310 | Add .jcheck/conf to jfx git repo |
8232114 | JVM crashed at imjpapi.dll in native code |
8234147 | Avoid looking up standard charsets in core libraries |
8234393 | [macos] printing ignores printer tray |
8234471 | Canvas in webview displayed with wrong scale on Windows |
8234863 | Increase default value of MaxInlineLevel |
8235218 | Minimal VM is broken after JDK-8173361 |
8235456 | Minimal VM is broken after JDK-8212160 |
8235829 | graal crashes with Zombie.java test |
8236124 | Minimal VM slowdebug build failed after JDK-8212160 |
8236512 | PKCS11 Connection closed after Cipher.doFinal and NoPadding |
8236944 | The legVecZ operand should be limited to zmm0-zmm15 registers |
8237186 | Fix typo in copyright header of java/io/Reader/TransferTo.java |
8237499 | JFR: Include stack trace in the ThreadStart event |
8237512 | AArch64: aarch64TestHook leaks a BufferBlob |
8237524 | AArch64: String.compareTo() may return incorrect result |
8237950 | C2 compilation fails with “Live Node limit exceeded limit” during ConvI2L::Ideal optimization |
8238579 | HttpsURLConnection drops the timeout and hangs forever in read |
8239105 | Add exception for expiring Digicert root certificates to VerifyCACerts test |
8239477 | jdk/jfr/jcmd/TestJcmdStartStopDefault.java fails -XX:+VerifyOops with “verify_oop: rsi: broken oop” |
8239497 | SEGV in EdgeUtils::field_name_symbol(Edge const&) |
8239886 | Minimal VM build fails after JDK-8237499 |
8240499 | Enforce whitespace checking for additional source files |
8240633 | Memory leaks in the implementations of FileChooserUI |
8240690 | Race condition between EDT and BasicDirectoryModel.FilesLoader.run0() |
8241234 | Unify monitor enter/exit runtime entries. |
8241311 | Move some charset mapping tests from closed to open |
8241797 | Add some tests to the problem list |
8242029 | AArch64: skip G1 array copy pre-barrier if marking not active |
8242335 | Additional Tests for RSASSA-PSS |
8242480 | Negative value may be returned by getFreeSwapSpaceSize() in the docker |
8242614 | cleanup duplicated test ldap server in some com/sun/jndi/ldap/ tests |
8242846 | Bring back test/jdk/tools/jlink/plugins/OrderResourcesPluginTest.java |
8243114 | Implement montgomery{Multiply,Square}intrinsics on Windows |
8243290 | Improve diagnostic messages for class verification and redefinition failures |
8243488 | Add tests for set/get SendBufferSize and getReceiveBufferSize in DatagramSocket |
8243549 | sun/security/ssl/CipherSuite/NamedGroupsWithCipherSuite.java failed with Unsupported signature algorithm: DSA |
8243617 | compiler/onSpinWait/TestOnSpinWaitC1.java test uses wrong class |
8243619 | compiler/codecache/CheckSegmentedCodeCache.java test misses -version |
8244142 | some hotspot/runtime tests don’t check exit code of forked JVM |
8244278 | Excessive code cache flushes and sweeps |
8244282 | test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/intrinsics/Test8237524.java fails with –illegal-access=deny |
8244621 | [macos10.15] Garbled FX printing plus CoreText warnings on Catalina when building with Xcode 11 |
8244819 | hsdis does not compile with binutils 2.34+ |
8245051 | c1 is broken if it is compiled by gcc without -fno-lifetime-dse |
8245168 | jlink should not be treated as a “small” tool |
8245400 | Upgrade to LittleCMS 2.11 |
8246381 | VM crashes with “Current BasicObjectLock* below than low_mark” |
8246434 | Threads::print_on_error assumes that the heap has been set up |
8246648 | issue with OperatingSystemImpl getFreeSwapSpaceSize in docker after 8242480 |
8247201 | Print potential pointer value of readable stack memory in hs_err file |
8247619 | Improve Direct Buffering of Characters |
8247763 | assert(outer->outcnt() == 2) failed: ‘only phis’ failure in LoopNode::verify_strip_mined() |
8247867 | Upgrade to freetype 2.10.2 |
8248190 | Enable Power10 system and implement new byte-reverse instructions |
8248226 | TestCloneAccessStressGCM fails with -XX:-ReduceBulkZeroing |
8248347 | windows build broken by JDK-8243114 |
8248532 | Every time I change keyboard language at my MacBook, Java crashes |
8248552 | C2 crashes with SIGFPE due to division by zero |
8248596 | [TESTBUG] compiler/loopopts/PartialPeelingUnswitch.java times out with Graal enabled |
8248745 | Add jarsigner and keytool tests for restricted algorithms |
8248791 | sun/util/resources/cldr/TimeZoneNamesTest.java fails with -XX:-ReduceInitialCardMarks -XX:-ReduceBulkZeroing |
8248845 | AArch64: stack corruption after spilling vector register |
8249176 | Update GlobalSignR6CA test certificates |
8249183 | JVM crash in “AwtFrame::WmSize” method |
8249192 | MonitorInfo stores raw oops across safepoints |
8249602 | C2: assert(cnt == _outcnt) failed: no insertions allowed |
8249603 | C1: assert(has_error == false) failed: register allocation invalid |
8249605 | C2: assert(no_dead_loop) failed: dead loop detected |
8249607 | C2: assert(!had_error) failed: bad dominance |
8249608 | Vector register used by C2 compiled method corrupted at safepoint |
8249672 | Include microcode revision in features_string on x86 |
8249748 | gtest silently ignores bad jvm arguments |
8249821 | Separate libharfbuzz from libfontmanager |
8250598 | Hyper-V is detected in spite of running on host OS |
8250605 | Linux x86_32 builds fail after JDK-8249821 |
8250636 | iso8601_time returns incorrect offset part on MacOS |
8250665 | Wrong translation for the month name of May in ar_JO,LB,SY |
8250772 | Test com/sun/jndi/ldap/NamingExceptionMessageTest.java fails intermittently with javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException |
8250825 | C2 crashes with assert(field != __null) failed: missing field |
8250894 | Provide a configure option to build and run against the platform libharfbuzz |
8250928 | JFR: Improve hash algorithm for stack traces |
8250968 | Symlinks attributes not preserved when using jarsigner on zip files |
8250984 | Memory Docker tests fail on some Linux kernels w/o cgroupv1 swap limit capabilities |
8251118 | BiasedLocking::preserve_marks should not have a HandleMark |
8251189 | com/sun/jndi/ldap/LdapDnsProviderTest.java failed due to timeout |
8251241 | macOS: iconify property doesn’t change after minimize when resizable is false |
8251257 | NMT: jcmd VM.native_memory scale=1 crashes target VM |
8251365 | Build failure on AIX after 8250636 |
8251397 | NPE on ClassValue.ClassValueMap.cacheArray |
8251456 | [TESTBUG] compiler/vectorization/TestVectorsNotSavedAtSafepoint.java failed OutOfMemoryError |
8251458 | Parse::do_lookupswitch fails with “assert(_cnt >= 0) failed” |
8251535 | Partial peeling at unsigned test adds incorrect loop exit check |
8251858 | Update to Xcode 11.3.1 |
8251949 | ZGC: Set explicit heap size for compiler/gcbarriers tests |
8252060 | gstreamer fails to build with gcc 10 |
8252062 | WebKit build fails with recent VS 2019 compiler |
8252090 | JFR: StreamWriterHost::write_unbuffered() stucks in an infinite loop OpenJDK (build 13.0.1+9) |
8252191 | Update to gcc 10.2 on Linux |
8252415 | Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-11.0.10 |
8252470 | java/awt/dnd/DisposeFrameOnDragCrash/DisposeFrameOnDragTest.java fails on Windows |
8252497 | Incorrect numeric currency code for ROL |
8252660 | Shenandoah: support manageable SoftMaxHeapSize option |
8252679 | Two windows specific FileDIalog tests may fail on some Windows_Server_2016_Standard |
8252696 | Loop unswitching may cause out of bound array load to be executed |
8252754 | Hash code calculation of JfrStackTrace is inconsistent |
8253219 | Epsilon: clean up unnecessary includes |
8253224 | Shenandoah: ShenandoahStrDedupQueue destructor calls virtual num_queues() |
8253226 | Shenandoah: remove unimplemented ShenandoahStrDedupQueue::verify |
8253269 | The CheckCommonColors test should provide more info on failure |
8253284 | Zero OrderAccess barrier mappings are incorrect |
8253375 | OSX build fails with Xcode 12.0 (12A7209) |
8253778 | ShenandoahSafepoint::is_at_shenandoah_safepoint should not access VMThread state from other threads |
8253791 | Issue with useAppleColor check in CSystemColors.m |
8254016 | Test8237524 fails with -XX:-CompactStrings option |
8254081 | java/security/cert/PolicyNode/GetPolicyQualifiers.java fails due to an expired certificate |
8254100 | FX: Update copyright year in docs, readme files to 2021 |
8254144 | Non-x86 Zero builds fail with return-type warning in os_linux_zero.cpp |
8254166 | Zero: return-type warning in zeroInterpreter_zero.cpp |
8254177 | (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2020b |
8254185 | Fix Code cache sweeper heuristics for JDK 11 |
8254190 | [s390] interpreter misses exception check after calling monitorenter |
8254790 | SIGSEGV in string_indexof_char and stringL_indexof_char intrinsics |
8254854 | [cgroups v1] Metric limits not properly detected on some join controller combinations |
8254982 | (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2020c |
8255050 | Add pkcs11/KeyStore/ClientAuth.sh to Problem list |
8255065 | Zero: accessor_entry misses the IRIW case |
8255226 | (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2020d |
8255269 | Unsigned overflow in g1Policy.cpp |
8255365 | Problem list failing client manual tests |
8255457 | Shenandoah: cleanup ShenandoahMarkTask |
8255466 | C2 crashes at ciObject::get_oop() const+0x0 |
8255550 | x86: Assembler::cmpq(Address dst, Register src) encoding is incorrect |
8255603 | Memory/Performance regression after JDK-8210985 |
8255760 | Shenandoah: match constants style in ShenandoahMarkTask fallback |
8255937 | Better cleanup for test/jdk/javax/imageio/stream/StreamFlush.java |
8256264 | Printed GlyphVector outline with low DPI has bad quality on Windows |
8256427 | Test com/sun/jndi/dns/ConfigTests/PortUnreachable.java does not work on AIX |
8256452 | Integrate missing part of JDK-8232370 to 11u |
8256483 | [TESTBUG] serviceability/jvmti/GetClassMethods/libOverpassMethods.c fails to compile on gcc 4.4.x |
8256557 | libharfbuzz fails to link on gcc 4.4.x due to -Wl,-z,defs |
8256618 | Zero: Linux x86_32 build still fails |
8256736 | Zero: GTest tests fail with “unsuppported vm variant” |
8256809 | Annotation processing causes NPE during flow analysis |
8257181 | s390x builds are very noisy with gc-sections messages |
8257242 | [macOS] Java app crashes while switching input methods |
8257545 | SunJSSE FIPS regression in key exchange after JDK-8171279 11u backport |
8257641 | Shenandoah: Query is_at_shenandoah_safepoint() from control thread should return false |
8257701 | Shenandoah: objArrayKlass metadata is not marked with chunked arrays |