Данный релиз соответствует OpenJDK 11.0.11+9, номер версии Axiom JDK - 11
Axiom является сертифицированным Java SE 11-совместимым дистрибутивом OpenJDK 11, который работает на серверах (Linux x86_64, Linux ARM64, Solaris SPARC, Solaris x64, Windows 64), настольных компьютерах (Windows 64, Windows 32, Mac, Linux x86_64) и встроенных устройствах (Linux ARM64, Linux ARMv7, включая Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 (ARMv6 hardfloat)). Axiom JDK имеет следующие дополнения:
Пожалуйста, прочитайте примечания к релизу Oracle JDK 11.0.11 для получения дополнительной информации о функционале JDK 11. В этом документе описываются особенности дистрибутива Axiom по сравнению с дистрибутивом Oracle JDK 11.
Axiom поддерживается в следующих ОС:
Также известно, Axiom JDK работает с некоторыми другими дистрибутивами Linux и версиями Windows.
Примечание: Минимальная поддерживаемая версия ядра Linux - 2.6.18, версия GLIBC - 2.6. AxiomFX работает на всех поддерживаемых версиях Ubuntu, семействе Red Hat Linux начиная с версии 7.x и SUSE с бэкэндом GTK2.
Axiom протестирована и сертифицирована для Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 для следующих операционных систем:
* Raspbian OS (armhf) * OpenSUSE (armv8)
Также Axiom JDK работает на Debian (armhf) и Ubuntu (armhf).
Axiom JDK 11.0.11 распространяется в виде .msi, .dmg, .deb, .rpm, .zip и .tar.gz. Пожалуйста, выберите формат, который наиболее подходит для ваших целей.
Axiom 11 содержит весь функционал, поддерживаемый OpenJDK 11.
С появлением Jigsaw в JDK 9 и минимальной виртуальной машины (Minimal VM) теперь можно создать среду исполнения, достаточную для запуска приложения и в то же время оптимизированную по размеру. Чтобы создать среду выполнения только с минимальной виртуальной машиной, добавьте опцию - vm=minimal jlink.
По умолчанию Axiom использует серверную виртуальную машину (Server VM). Серверная виртуальная машина и клиентская виртуальная машина могут быть включены с помощью параметров командной строки -server и -client соответственно. В случае, если требуется минимальный размер среды исполенения, можно использовать Minimal VM, которая оптимизирована по размеру. Minimal VM имеет только компилятор C1 JIT, Serial GC и не имеет функционала Serviceability. Minimal VM можно включить параметром командной строки -minimal.
Axiom JDK 11 поставляется в комплекте со сборкой платформы AxiomFX, основанной на OpenJFX. В следующих таблицах перечислены состояния модулей Java FX дистрибутива Axiom.
* - за исключением сборок для armhf.
Для armhf работают следующие графические конвейеры: EGL, SW (direct framebuffer) и GTK. По умолчанию Axiom пытается использовать конвейер EGL, который требует наличия библиотек EGL. Если они не найдены, реализация возвращается к программному обеспечению.
Используйте следующие параметры командной строки, чтобы указать конвейер рендеринга:
Дополнительная информация доступна на следующей wiki странице.
Axiom JDK 11 для armhf поставляется со встроенным модулем реализации API ввода-вывода (DIO) устройства OpenJDK. DIO предоставляет Java API для доступа к выводам Raspberry PI GPIO и для связи с периферийными устройствами:
Дополнительная информация доступна на следующей wiki странице.
С 2017 года в Raspbian OS изменилось расположение бибилитек libEGL.so и libGLESv2.so для чипа Broadcom. Если вы хотите использовать аппаратное ускорение EGL, доступное в видеодрайверах Broadcom в AxiomFX, при работе в Raspbian OS, выполните следующую команду:
cd /opt/vc/lib
sudo ln -s libbrcmEGL.so libEGL.so
sudo ln -s libbrcmGLESv2.so libGLESv2.so
BellSoft Axiom содержит исправления уязвимостей Oracle Java SE. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к документации Oracle для получения деталей о проблемах, исправленных в данной версии.
Issue | Description |
7107012 | sun.jvm.hostspot.code.CompressedReadStream readDouble() conversion to long mishandled |
7146776 | deadlock between URLStreamHandler.getHostAddress and file.Handler.openconnection |
8086003 | Test fails on OSX with java.lang.RuntimeException ‘Narrow klass base: 0x0000000000000000, Narrow klass shift: 3’ missing |
8087980 | Add property to disable Monocle cursor |
8167068 | Fix GLS language errors |
8177945 | Single cell selection flickers when adding data to TableView |
8178297 | TableView scrolls slightly when adding new elements |
8197536 | TableView, ListView: unexpected scrolling behaviour on up/down keys |
8199592 | Control labels truncated at certain DPI scaling levels |
8201567 | QuantumRenderer modifies buffer in use by JavaFX Application Thread |
8202343 | Disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1 |
8202990 | javafx webview css filter property with display scaling |
8204568 | Relative CSS-Attributes don’t work all time |
8205092 | NullPointerException in PickResultChooser.processOffer when using viewOrder |
8205992 | jhsdb cannot attach to Java processes running in Docker containers |
8209193 | Fix aarch64-linux compilation after -Wreorder changes |
8209764 | JavaFX/Monocle - Partial Screen Capture Broken |
8210413 | AArch64: Optimize div/rem by constant in C1 |
8210578 | AArch64: Invalid encoding for fmlsvs instruction |
8211051 | jdeps usage of –dot-output doesn’t provide valid output for modular jar |
8211057 | Gensrc step CompileProperties generates unstable CompilerProperties output |
8211150 | G1 Full GC not purging code root memory and hence causing memory leak |
8211825 | ModuleLayer.defineModulesWithXXX does not setup delegation when module reads automatic module |
8212043 | Add floating-point Math.min/max intrinsics |
8212102 | [TextField] IOOBE on paste/replace text with control characters |
8212218 | [TESTBUG] runtime/ErrorHandling/TestHeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryErrorInMetaspace.java timed out |
8213116 | javax/swing/JComboBox/WindowsComboBoxSize/WindowsComboBoxSizeTest.java fails in Windows |
8213135 | HTMLEditorTest.checkStyleProperty fails intermittently |
8213539 | Remove unintended changes done as part of JDK-8213135 |
8213909 | jdeps –print-module-deps should report missing dependences |
8214180 | Need better granularity for sleeping |
8214223 | tools/jdeps/listdeps/ListModuleDeps.java failed due to missing Lib2 file |
8214230 | Classes generated by SystemModulesPlugin.java are not reproducable |
8214397 | Provide fallback if user home is not writable for native libs |
8214741 | docs/index.html has no title or copyright |
8215687 | [Graal] unit test CheckGraalIntrinsics failed after 8212043 |
8217848 | [Graal] vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/ResourceExhausted/resexhausted003/TestDescription.java fails |
8218482 | sun/security/krb5/auto/ReplayCachePrecise.java failed - no KrbException thrown |
8218550 | Add test omitted from JDK-8212043 |
8221584 | SIGSEGV in os::PlatformEvent::unpark() in JvmtiRawMonitor::raw_exit while posting method exit event |
8221995 | AARCH64: problems with CAS instructions encoding |
8222518 | Remove unnecessary caching of Parker object in java.lang.Thread |
8222785 | aarch64: add necessary masking for immediate shift counts |
8223186 | HotSpot compile warnings from GCC 9 |
8223296 | NullPointerException in GlassScene.java at line 325 |
8225773 | jdeps –check produces NPE if there are missing module dependences |
8225805 | Java Access Bridge does not close the logger |
8226274 | NPE in WinWindow.notifyMoving when Stage with no Scene is shown on 2nd monitor |
8226754 | FX build fails using gradle 5.6+ or 6 |
8226810 | Failed to launch JVM because of NullPointerException occured on System.props |
8227367 | Missing @Override annotations in javafx.graphics/src/main/java/com/sun/prism/* |
8229396 | jdeps ignores multi-release when generate-module-info used on command line |
8229474 | Shenandoah: Cleanup CM::update_roots() |
8232225 | Rework the fix for JDK-8071483 |
8232905 | JFR fails with assertion: assert(t->unflushed_size() == 0) failed: invariant |
8233164 | C2 fails with assert(phase->C->get_alias_index(t) == phase->C->get_alias_index(t_adr)) failed: correct memory chain |
8233678 | [macos 10.15] System menu bar does not work initially on macOS Catalina |
8233910 | java/awt/ColorClass/AlphaColorTest.java is failing intermittently in nightly lnux-x64 system |
8233912 | aarch64: minor improvements of atomic operations |
8234508 | VM_HeapWalkOperation::iterate_over_object reads non-strong fields with an on-strong load barrier |
8234742 | Improve handshake logging |
8234796 | Refactor Handshake::execute to take a more complex type than ThreadClosure |
8235324 | Dying objects are published from users of CollectedHeap::object_iterate |
8235351 | Lookup::unreflect should bind with the original caller independent of Method’s accessible flag |
8237369 | Shenandoah: failed vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/AttachOnDemand/attach021/TestDescription.java test |
8237392 | Shenandoah: Remove unreliable assertion |
8237469 | Inherited styles don’t update when node is moved |
8237483 | AArch64 C1 OopMap inserted twice fatal error |
8237495 | Java MIDI fails with a dereferenced memory error when asked to send a raw 0xF7 |
8239355 | (dc) Initial value of SO_SNDBUF should allow sending large datagrams (macOS) |
8239589 | JavaFX UI will not repaint after reconnecting via Remote Desktop |
8239822 | Intermittent unit test failures in RegionCSSTest |
8240353 | AArch64: missing support for -XX:+ExtendedDTraceProbes in C1 |
8240704 | CheckHandles.java failed “AssertionError: Handle use increased by more than 10 percent.” |
8240751 | Shenandoah: fold ShenandoahTracer definition |
8240795 | [REDO] 8238384 CTW: C2 compilation fails with “assert(store != load->find_exact_control(load->in(0))) failed: dependence cycle found” |
8241598 | Upgrade JLine to 3.14.0 |
8241649 | Optimize Character.toString |
8241770 | Module xxxAnnotation() methods throw NCDFE if module-info.class found as resource in unnamed module |
8241911 | AArch64: Fix a potential register clash issue in reduce_add2I |
8242030 | Wrong package declarations in jline classes after JDK-8241598 |
8242361 | JavaFX Web View crashes with Segmentation Fault, when HTML contains Data-URIs |
8242565 | Policy initialization issues when the denyAfter constraint is enabled |
8242861 | Update ImagePattern to apply SVG pattern transforms |
8243618 | compiler/rtm/cli tests can be run w/o WhiteBox |
8243670 | Unexpected test result caused by C2 MergeMemNode::Ideal |
8244088 | [Regression] Switch of Gnome theme ends up in deadlocked UI |
8244154 | Update SunPKCS11 provider with PKCS11 v3.0 header files |
8244340 | Handshake processing thread lacks yielding |
8244473 | Contextualize registration for JNDI |
8244543 | Enhanced handling of abstract classes |
8244573 | java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException thrown for malformed class file |
8244683 | A TSA server used by tests |
8245005 | javax/net/ssl/compatibility/BasicConnectTest.java failed with No enum constant |
8245026 | PsAdaptiveSizePolicy::_old_gen_policy_is_ready is unused |
8245283 | JFR: Can’t handle constant dynamic used by Jacoco agent |
8245512 | CRC32 optimization using AVX512 instructions |
8245527 | LDAP Channel Binding support for Java GSS/Kerberos |
8246707 | (sc) SocketChannel.read/write throws AsynchronousCloseException on closed channel |
8246709 | sun/security/tools/jarsigner/TsacertOptionTest.java compilation failed after JDK-8244683 |
8247200 | assert((unsigned)fpargs < 32) |
8247766 | [aarch64] guarantee(val < (1U « nbits)) failed: Field too big for insn. |
8248126 | JavaFX ignores HiDPI scaling settings on some linux platforms |
8248336 | AArch64: C2: offset overflow in BoxLockNode::emit |
8248865 | Document JNDI/LDAP timeout properties |
8248901 | Signed immediate support in …/share/assembler.hpp is broken. |
8249543 | Force DirectBufferAllocTest to run with -ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent |
8249588 | libwindowsaccessbridge issues on 64bit Windows |
8249737 | java.lang.RuntimeException: Too many touch points reported |
8249749 | modify a primitive array through a stream and a for cycle causes jre crash |
8249787 | Make TestGCLocker more resilient with concurrent GCs |
8249867 | xml declaration is not followed by a newline |
8249906 | Enhance opening JARs |
8250568 | Less ambiguous processing |
8250911 | [windows] os::pd_map_memory() error detection broken |
8251255 | [linux] Add process-memory information to hs-err and VM.info |
8251359 | Shenandoah: filter null oops before calling enqueue/SATB barrier |
8251925 | C2: RenaissanceStressTest fails with assert(!had_error): bad dominance |
8251944 | Add Shenandoah test config to compiler/gcbarriers/UnsafeIntrinsicsTest.java |
8251992 | VM crashed running TestComplexAddrExpr.java test with -XX:UseAVX=X |
8252099 | JavaFX does not render Myanmar script correctly |
8252192 | Update to Visual Studio 2019 version 16.7.2 |
8252446 | Screen.getScreens() is empty sometimes |
8252811 | The list of cells in a VirtualFlow is cleared every time the number of items changes |
8253220 | Epsilon: clean up unused code/declarations |
8253274 | The CycleDMImagetest brokes the system |
8253353 | Crash in C2: guarantee(n != NULL) failed: No Node |
8253356 | JavaFX Terminology Refresh |
8253368 | TLS connection always receives close_notify exception |
8253404 | C2: assert(C->live_nodes() <= C->max_node_limit()) failed: Live Node limit exceeded limit |
8253409 | Double-rounding possibility in float fma |
8253476 | TestUseContainerSupport.java fails on some Linux kernels w/o swap limit capabilities |
8253524 | C2: Refactor code that clones predicates during loop unswitching |
8253644 | C2: assert(skeleton_predicate_has_opaque(iff)) failed: unexpected |
8253681 | closed java/awt/dnd/MouseEventAfterStartDragTest/MouseEventAfterStartDragTest.html test failed |
8253702 | BigSur version number reported as 10.16, should be 11.nn |
8253756 | C2 CompilerThread0 crash in Node::add_req(Node*) |
8253799 | Make lists of normal filenames |
8254049 | Update WebView to public suffix list 2020-04-24 |
8254104 | MethodCounters must exist before nmethod is installed |
8254734 | “dead loop detected” assert failure with patch from 8223051 |
8254748 | Bad Copyright header format after JDK-8212218 |
8254799 | runtime/ErrorHandling/TestHeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError.java fails with release VMs |
8254836 | Cherry pick GTK WebKit 2.30.3 changes |
8255058 | C1: assert(is_virtual()) failed: type check |
8255351 | Add detection for Graviton 2 CPUs |
8255368 | Math.exp() gives wrong result for large values on x86 32-bit platforms |
8255387 | Japanese characters were printed upside down on AIX |
8255401 | Shenandoah: Allow oldval and newval registers to overlap in cmpxchg_oop() |
8255415 | Nested calls to snap methods in Region give different results |
8255479 | [aarch64] assert(src->section_index_of(target) == CodeBuffer::SECT_NONE) failed: sanity |
8255544 | Create a checked cast |
8255559 | Leak File Descriptors Because of ResolverLocalFilesystem#engineResolveURI() |
8255681 | print callstack in error case in runAWTLoopWithApp |
8255734 | VM should ignore SIGXFSZ on ppc64, s390 too |
8255742 | PrintInlining as compiler directive doesn’t print virtual calls |
8255845 | Memory leak in imageFile.cpp |
8255880 | UI of Swing components is not redrawn after their internal state changed |
8255908 | ExceptionInInitializerError due to UncheckedIOException while initializing cgroupv1 subsystem |
8256025 | AArch64: MachCallRuntimeNode::ret_addr_offset() is incorrect for stub calls |
8256056 | Deoptimization stub doesn’t save vector registers on x86 |
8256061 | RegisterSaver::save_live_registers() omits upper halves of ZMM0-15 registers |
8256187 | [TEST_BUG] Automate bug4275046.java test |
8256220 | C1: x86_32 fails with -XX:UseSSE=1 after JDK-8210764 due to mishandled lir_neg |
8256258 | some missing NULL checks or asserts after CodeCache::find_blob_unsafe |
8256264 | Printed GlyphVector outline with low DPI has bad quality on Windows |
8256283 | IndexOutOfBoundsException when sorting a TreeTableView |
8256290 | javac/lambda/T8031967.java fails with StackOverflowError on x86_32 |
8256359 | AArch64: runtime/ReservedStack/ReservedStackTestCompiler.java fails |
8256387 | Unexpected result if patching an entire instruction on AArch64 |
8256421 | Add 2 HARICA roots to cacerts truststore |
8256488 | [aarch64] Use ldpq/stpq instead of ld4/st4 for small copies in StubGenerator::copy_memory |
8256489 | Make gtest for long path names on Windows more resilient in the presence of virus scanners |
8256501 | libTestMainKeyWindow fails to build with Xcode 12.2 |
8256633 | Fix product build on Windows+Arm64 |
8256682 | JDK-8202343 is incomplete |
8256751 | Incremental rebuild with precompiled header fails when touching a header file |
8256757 | Incorrect MachCallRuntimeNode::ret_addr_offset() for CallLeafNoFP on x86_32 |
8256806 | Shenandoah: optimize shenandoah/jni/TestPinnedGarbage.java test |
8256807 | C2: Not marking stores correctly as mismatched in string opts |
8256818 | SSLSocket that is never bound or connected leaks socket resources |
8256888 | Client manual test problem list update |
8257001 | Improve Http Client Support |
8257083 | Security infra test failures caused by JDK-8202343 |
8257408 | Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-11.0.11 |
8257423 | [PPC64] Support -XX:-UseInlineCaches |
8257436 | [aarch64] Regressions in ArrayCopyUnalignedDst.testByte/testChar for 65-78 bytes when UseSIMDForMemoryOps is on |
8257513 | C2: assert((constant_addr - _masm.code()->consts()->start()) == con.offset()) |
8257547 | Handle multiple prereqs on the same line in deps files |
8257561 | Some code is not vectorized after 8251925 and 8250607 |
8257565 | epsilonBarrierSet.hpp should not include barrierSetAssembler |
8257575 | C2: “failed: only phis” assert failure in loop strip mining verification |
8257594 | C2 compiled checkcast of non-null object triggers endless deoptimization/recompilation cycle |
8257633 | Missing -mmacosx-version-min=X flag when linking libjvm |
8257670 | sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/SSLSocketLeak.java reports leaks |
8257707 | Fix incorrect format string in Http1HeaderParser |
8257719 | JFXPanel scene fails to render correctly on HiDPI |
8257746 | Regression introduced with JDK-8250984 - memory might be null in some machines |
8257798 | [PPC64] undefined reference to Klass::vtable_start_offset() |
8257884 | Re-enable sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/SSLSocketLeak.java as automatic test |
8257897 | Fix webkit build for XCode 12 |
8257910 | [JVMCI] Set exception_seen accordingly in the runtime. |
8257997 | sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/SSLSocketLeak.java again reports leaks after JDK-8257884 |
8257999 | Parallel GC crash in gc/parallel/TestDynShrinkHeap.java: new region is not in covered_region |
8258077 | Using -Xcheck:jni can lead to a double-free after JDK-8193234 |
8258247 | Couple of issues in fix for JDK-8249906 |
8258373 | Update the text handling in the JPasswordField |
8258396 | SIGILL in jdk.jfr.internal.PlatformRecorder.rotateDisk() |
8258419 | RSA cipher buffer cleanup |
8258471 | “search codecache” clhsdb command does not work |
8258534 | Epsilon: clean up unused includes |
8258592 | Control labels in Dialogs are truncated at certain DPI scaling levels |
8258805 | Japanese characters not entered by mouse click on Windows 10 |
8258833 | Cancel multi-part cipher operations in SunPKCS11 after failures |
8258836 | JNI local refs exceed capacity getDiagnosticCommandInfo |
8258884 | [TEST_BUG] Convert applet-based test open/test/jdk/javax/swing/JMenuItem/8031573/bug8031573.java to a regular java test |
8259007 | This test printed a blank page |
8259048 | (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2020f |
8259049 | Uninitialized variable after JDK-8257513 |
8259231 | Epsilon: improve performance under contention during virtual space expansion |
8259271 | gc/parallel/TestDynShrinkHeap.java still fails “assert(covered_region.contains(new_memregion)) failed: new region is not in covered_region” |
8259312 | VerifyCACerts.java fails as soneraclass2ca cert will expire in 90 days |
8259319 | Illegal package access when SunPKCS11 requires SunJCE’s classes |
8259339 | AllocateUninitializedArray C2 intrinsic fails with void.class input |
8259428 | AlgorithmId.getEncodedParams() should return copy |
8259451 | Zero: skip serviceability/sa tests, set vm.hasSA to false |
8259580 | Shenandoah: uninitialized label in VerifyThreadGCState |
8259619 | C1: 3-arg StubAssembler::call_RT stack-use condition is incorrect |
8259633 | compiler/graalunit/CoreTest.java fails with NPE after JDK-8244543 |
8259635 | Update to 610.2 version of WebKit |
8259680 | Need API to query states of CAPS LOCK and NUM LOCK keys |
8259706 | C2 compilation fails with assert(vtable_index == Method::invalid_vtable_index) failed: correct sentinel value |
8259707 | LDAP channel binding does not work with StartTLS extension |
8259773 | Incorrect encoding of AVX-512 kmovq instruction |
8259849 | Shenandoah: Rename store-val to IU-barrier |
8259949 | x86 32-bit build fails when -fcf-protection is passed in the compiler flags |
8259954 | gc/shenandoah/mxbeans tests fail with -Xcomp |
8260029 | aarch64: fix typo in verify_oop_array |
8260163 | IrresponsiveScriptTest.testInfiniteLoopInScript unit test fails on Windows |
8260165 | CSSFilterTest.testCSSFilterRendering system test fails |
8260257 | [Linux] WebView no longer reacts to some mouse events |
8260308 | Update LogCompilation junit to 4.13.1 |
8260338 | Some fields in HaltNode is not cloned |
8260349 | Cannot programmatically retrieve Metaspace max set via JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS |
8260356 | (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2021a |
8260378 | [TESTBUG] DcmdMBeanTestCheckJni.java reports false positive |
8260497 | Shenandoah: Improve SATB flushing |
8260502 | [s390] NativeMovRegMem::verify() fails because it’s too strict |
8260632 | Build failures after JDK-8253353 |
8260704 | ParallelGC: oldgen expansion needs release-store for _end |
8261022 | Fix incorrect result of Math.abs() with char type |
8261089 | [TESTBUG] native library of test TestCheckedReleaseCriticalArray.java fails to compile with gcc 4.x |
8261183 | Follow on to Make lists of normal filenames |
8261209 | isStandalone property: remove dependency on pretty-print |
8261231 | Windows IME was disabled after DnD operation |
8261251 | Shenandoah: Use object size for full GC humongous compaction |
8261310 | PPC64 Zero build fails with ‘VMError::controlled_crash(int)::FunctionDescriptor functionDescriptor’ has incomplete type and cannot be defined |
8261334 | NMT: tuning statistic shows incorrect hash distribution |
8261413 | Shenandoah: Disable class-unloading in I-U mode |
8261460 | Incorrect CSS applied to ContextMenu on DialogPane |
8261522 | [PPC64] AES intrinsics write beyond the destination array |
8261534 | Test sun/security/pkcs11/KeyAgreement/IllegalPackageAccess.java fails on platforms where no nsslib artifacts are defined |
8261585 | Restore HandleArea used in Deoptimization::uncommon_trap |
8261753 | Test java/lang/System/OsVersionTest.java still failing on BigSur patch versions after JDK-8253702 |
8261829 | Exclude tools/jlink/JLinkReproducibleTest.java in 11u |
8261912 | Code IfNode::fold_compares_helper more defensively |
8261920 | [AIX] jshell command throws java.io.IOError on non English locales |
8261927 | WebKit build fails with Visual Studio 2017 |
8262018 | Wrong format in SAP copyright header of OsVersionTest |
8263069 | Exclude some failing tests from security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator |