Данный релиз соответствует OpenJDK 11.0.8+10, номер версии Axiom JDK - 11.0.8.
Axiom является сертифицированным Java SE 11-совместимым дистрибутивом OpenJDK 11, который работает на серверах (Linux x86_64, Linux ARM64, Solaris SPARC, Solaris x64, Windows 64), настольных компьютерах (Windows 64, Windows 32, Mac, Linux x86_64) и встроенных устройствах (Linux ARM64, Linux ARMv7, включая Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 (ARMv6 hardfloat)). Axiom JDK имеет следующие дополнения:
Пожалуйста, прочитайте примечания к релизу Oracle JDK 11.0.8 для получения дополнительной информации о функционале JDK 11. В этом документе описываются особенности дистрибутива Axiom по сравнению с дистрибутивом Oracle JDK 11.
Axiom поддерживается в следующих ОС:
Также известно, Axiom JDK работает с некоторыми другими дистрибутивами Linux и версиями Windows.
Примечание: Минимальная поддерживаемая версия ядра Linux - 2.6.18, версия GLIBC - 2.6. AxiomFX работает на всех поддерживаемых версиях Ubuntu, семействе Red Hat Linux начиная с версии 7.x и SUSE с бэкэндом GTK2.
Axiom протестирована и сертифицирована для Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 для следующих операционных систем:
* Raspbian OS (armhf) * OpenSUSE (armv8)
Также Axiom JDK работает на Debian (armhf) и Ubuntu (armhf).
Axiom JDK 11.0.8 распространяется в виде .msi, .dmg, .deb, .rpm, .zip и .tar.gz. Пожалуйста, выберите формат, который наиболее подходит для ваших целей.
Axiom 11 содержит весь функционал, поддерживаемый OpenJDK 11.
С появлением Jigsaw в JDK 9 и минимальной виртуальной машины (Minimal VM) теперь можно создать среду исполнения, достаточную для запуска приложения и в то же время оптимизированную по размеру. Чтобы создать среду выполнения только с минимальной виртуальной машиной, добавьте опцию - vm=minimal jlink.
По умолчанию Axiom использует серверную виртуальную машину (Server VM). Серверная виртуальная машина и клиентская виртуальная машина могут быть включены с помощью параметров командной строки -server и -client соответственно. В случае, если требуется минимальный размер среды исполенения, можно использовать Minimal VM, которая оптимизирована по размеру. Minimal VM имеет только компилятор C1 JIT, Serial GC и не имеет функционала Serviceability. Minimal VM можно включить параметром командной строки -minimal.
Axiom JDK 11 поставляется в комплекте со сборкой платформы AxiomFX, основанной на OpenJFX. В следующих таблицах перечислены состояния модулей Java FX дистрибутива Axiom.
* - за исключением сборок для armhf.
Для armhf работают следующие графические конвейеры: EGL, SW (direct framebuffer) и GTK. По умолчанию Axiom пытается использовать конвейер EGL, который требует наличия библиотек EGL. Если они не найдены, реализация возвращается к программному обеспечению.
Используйте следующие параметры командной строки, чтобы указать конвейер рендеринга:
Дополнительная информация доступна на следующей wiki странице.
Axiom JDK 11 для armhf поставляется со встроенным модулем реализации API ввода-вывода (DIO) устройства OpenJDK. DIO предоставляет Java API для доступа к выводам Raspberry PI GPIO и для связи с периферийными устройствами:
Дополнительная информация доступна на следующей wiki странице.
С 2017 года в Raspbian OS изменилось расположение бибилитек libEGL.so и libGLESv2.so для чипа Broadcom. Если вы хотите использовать аппаратное ускорение EGL, доступное в видеодрайверах Broadcom в AxiomFX, при работе в Raspbian OS, выполните следующую команду:
cd /opt/vc/lib
sudo ln -s libbrcmEGL.so libEGL.so
sudo ln -s libbrcmGLESv2.so libGLESv2.so
BellSoft Axiom содержит исправления уязвимостей Oracle Java SE. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к документации Oracle для получения деталей о проблемах, исправленных в данной версии.
Issue | Description |
6933331 | (d3d/ogl) java.lang.IllegalStateException: Buffers have not been created |
7124307 | JSpinner and changing value by mouse |
8022574 | remove HaltNode code after uncommon trap calls |
8039082 | [TEST_BUG] Test java/awt/dnd/BadSerializationTest/BadSerializationTest.java fails |
8040630 | Popup menus and tooltips flicker with previous popup contents when first shown |
8044365 | (dc) MulticastSendReceiveTests.java failing with ENOMEM when joining group (OS X 10.9) |
8048215 | [TESTBUG] java/lang/management/ManagementFactory/ThreadMXBeanProxy.java Expected non-null LockInfo |
8051349 | nsk/jvmti/scenarios/sampling/SP06/sp06t003 fails in nightly |
8080353 | JShell: Better error message on attempting to add default method |
8139876 | Exclude hanging nsk/stress/stack from execution with deoptimization enabled |
8146090 | java/lang/ref/ReachabilityFenceTest.java fails with -XX:+DeoptimizeALot |
8153430 | jdk regression test MletParserLocaleTest, ParserInfiniteLoopTest reduce default timeout |
8156207 | Resource allocated BitMaps are often cleared unnecessarily |
8175984 | ICC_Profile has un-needed, not-empty finalize method |
8176359 | Frame#setMaximizedbounds not working properly in multi screen environments |
8183369 | RFC unconformity of HttpURLConnection with proxy |
8187078 | -XX:+VerifyOops finds numerous problems when running JPRT |
8189092 | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on Linux in getCachedGlyph |
8191169 | java/net/Authenticator/B4769350.java failed intermittently |
8191930 | [Graal] emits unparseable XML into compile log |
8193879 | Java debugger hangs on method invocation |
8196019 | java/awt/Window/Grab/GrabTest.java fails on Windows |
8196181 | sun/java2d/GdiRendering/InsetClipping.java fails |
8198000 | java/awt/List/EmptyListEventTest/EmptyListEventTest.java debug assert on Windows |
8198001 | java/awt/Menu/WrongParentAfterRemoveMenu/WrongParentAfterRemoveMenu.java debug assert on Windows |
8198339 | Test javax/swing/border/Test6981576.java is unstable |
8200701 | jdk/jshell/ExceptionsTest.java fails on Windows, after JDK-8198801 |
8203672 | JNI exception pending in PlainSocketImpl.c |
8204834 | Fix confusing “allocate” naming in OopStorage |
8205399 | Set node color on pinned HashMap.TreeNode deletion |
8205653 | test/jdk/sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/RmiRegistrySslTest.java and RmiSslBootstrapTest.sh fail with handshake_failure |
8206179 | com/sun/management/OperatingSystemMXBean/GetCommittedVirtualMemorySize.java fails with Committed virtual memory size illegal value |
8207334 | VM times out in VM_HandshakeAllThreads::doit() with RunThese30M |
8208277 | Code cache heap (-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize) doesn’t work with 1GB LargePages |
8209113 | Use WeakReference for lastFontStrike for created Fonts |
8209333 | Socket reset issue for TLS 1.3 socket close |
8209439 | C2 library_call can potentially ignore Math.pow intrinsic or use null pointer |
8209534 | [TESTBUG]runtime/appcds/cacheObject/ArchivedModuleCompareTest.java fails with EnableJVMCI. |
8210147 | adjust some WSAGetLastError usages in windows network coding |
8210284 | “assert((av & 0x00000001) == 0) failed: unsupported V8” on Solaris 11.4 |
8210303 | VM_HandshakeAllThreads fails assert with “failed: blocked and not walkable” |
8210515 | [TESTBUG]CheckArchivedModuleApp.java needs to check if EnableJVMCI is set. |
8210788 | Javadoc for Thread.join(long, int) should specify that it waits forever when both arguments are zero |
8211301 | [macos] support full window content options |
8211332 | Space for stub routines (code_size2) is too small on new Skylake CPUs |
8211339 | NPE during SSL handshake caused by HostnameChecker |
8211392 | compiler/profiling/spectrapredefineclass_classloaders/Launcher.java times out in JDK12 CI |
8211743 | [AOT] crash in ScopeDesc::decode_body() when JVMTI walks AOT frames |
8212034 | Potential memory leaks in jpegLoader.c in error case |
8212154 | [TESTBUG] CheckArchivedModuleApp fails with NPE when JVMCI is absent |
8212933 | Thread-SMR: requesting a VM operation whilst holding a ThreadsListHandle can cause deadlocks |
8212986 | Make Visual Studio compiler check less strict |
8213250 | CDS archive creation aborts due to metaspace object allocation failure |
8213516 | jck test api/javax_accessibility/AccessibleState/fields.html fails intermittent |
8213947 | ARM32: failed check_simd should set UsePopCountInstruction to false |
8214418 | half-closed SSLEngine status may cause application dead loop |
8214440 | ldap over a TLS connection negotiate failed with “javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: hostname of the server ‘’ does not match the hostname in the server’s certificate” |
8214444 | Wrong strncat limits in dfa.cpp |
8214481 | freetype path does not disable TrueType hinting with AA+FM hints |
8214571 | -Xdoclint of array serialField gives “error: array type not allowed here” |
8214856 | Errors with JSZip in web console after upgrade to 3.1.5 |
8214862 | assert(proj != __null) at compile.cpp:3251 |
8215369 | Jcstress pollute /var/tmp with temporary files. |
8215435 | Warn on usage of trampolines with gcc |
8215551 | Missing case label in nmethod::reloc_string_for() |
8215555 | TieredCompilation C2 threads can excessively block handshakes |
8215711 | Missing key_share extension for (EC)DHE key exchange should alert missing_extension |
8216151 | [Graal] Module jdk.internal.vm.compiler.management has not been granted accessClassInPackage.org.graalvm.compiler.debug |
8216154 | C4819 warnings at HotSpot sources on Windows |
8216541 | CompiledICHolders of VM locked unloaded nmethods are released too late |
8217230 | assert(t == t_no_spec) failure in NodeHash::check_no_speculative_types() |
8217404 | –with-jvm-features doesn’t work when multiple features are explicitly disabled |
8217447 | Develop flag TraceICs is broken |
8217606 | LdapContext#reconnect always opens a new connection |
8218807 | Compilation database (compile_commands.json) may contain obsolete items |
8219214 | Infinite Loop in CodeSection::dump() |
8219904 | ClassCastException when calling FlightRecorderMXBean#getRecordings() |
8219991 | New fix of the deadlock in sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl |
8221121 | applications/microbenchmarks are encountering crashes in tier5 |
8221445 | FastSysexMessage constructor crashes MIDI receiption thread |
8221482 | Initialize VMRegImpl::regName[] earlier to prevent assert during PrintStubCode |
8221741 | ClassCastException can happen when fontconfig.properties is used |
8221823 | Requested JDialog width is ignored |
8223108 | Test java/awt/EventQueue/NonComponentSourcePost.java is unstable |
8223298 | SVG patterns are drawn wrong |
8223760 | support static builds |
8223935 | PIT: java/awt/font/WindowsIndicFonts.java fails on windows10 |
8224109 | Text spaced incorrectly by drawString under rotation with fractional metric |
8224632 | testbug: java/awt/dnd/RemoveDropTargetCrashTest/RemoveDropTargetCrashTest.java fails on MacOS |
8224793 | os::die() does not honor CreateCoredumpOnCrash option |
8224847 | gc/stress/TestReclaimStringsLeaksMemory.java fails with reserved greater than expected |
8224931 | disable JAOTC invokedynamic support until 8223533 is fixed |
8224997 | ChaCha20-Poly1305 TLS cipher suite decryption throws ShortBufferException |
8225068 | Remove DocuSign root certificate that is expiring in May 2020 |
8225069 | Remove Comodo root certificate that is expiring in May 2020 |
8225126 | Test SetBoundsPaintTest.html faild on Windows when desktop is scaled |
8225325 | Add tests for redefining a class’ private method during resolution of the bootstrap specifier |
8225622 | [AOT] runtime/SharedArchiveFile/TestInterpreterMethodEntries.java crashed with AOTed java.base |
8225653 | Provide more information when hitting SIGILL from HaltNode |
8225783 | Incorrect use of binary operators on booleans in type.cpp |
8225789 | Empty method parameter type should generate ClassFormatError |
8226198 | use of & instead of && in LibraryCallKit::arraycopy_restore_alloc_state |
8226253 | JAWS reports wrong number of radio buttons when buttons are hidden. |
8226653 | [accessibility] Can edit text cell correctly, but Accessibility Tool reads nothing about editor |
8226806 | [macOS 10.14] Methods of Java Robot should be called from appropriate thread |
8226879 | Memory leak in Type::hashcons |
8227632 | Incorrect PrintCompilation message: made not compilable on levels 0 1 2 3 4 |
8228407 | JVM crashes with shared archive file mismatch |
8228482 | fix xlc16/xlclang comparison of distinct pointer types and string literal conversion warnings |
8228757 | Fail fast if the handshake type is unknown |
8229158 | make UseSwitchProfiling non-experimental or false by-default |
8229421 | The logic of java/net/ipv6tests/TcpTest.java is flawed |
8229855 | C2 fails with assert(false) failed: bad AD file |
8230591 | AArch64: Missing intrinsics for Math.ceil, floor, rint |
8230613 | Better ASCII conversions |
8231118 | ARM32: Math tests failures |
8231213 | Migrate SimpleDateFormatConstTest to JDK Repo |
8231243 | [TESTBUG] CustomFont.java cannot find font file |
8231438 | [macOS] Dark mode for the desktop is not supported |
8231550 | C2: ShouldNotReachHere() in verify_strip_mined_scheduling |
8231572 | Use -lobjc instead of -fobjc-link-runtime in libosxsecurity |
8231631 | sun/net/ftp/FtpURLConnectionLeak.java fails intermittently with NPE |
8231671 | Fix copyright headers in hotspot (missing comma after year) |
8231720 | Some perf regressions after 8225653 |
8231779 | crash HeapWord*ParallelScavengeHeap::failed_mem_allocate |
8231800 | Better listing of arrays |
8231863 | Crash if classpath is read from @argument file and the main gets option argument |
8232014 | Expand DTD support |
8232080 | jlink plugins for vendor information and run-time options |
8232106 | [x86] C2: SIGILL due to usage of SSSE3 instructions on processors which don’t support it |
8232134 | Change to Visual Studio 2017 15.9.16 for building on Windows at Oracle |
8232226 | [macos 10.15] test/jdk/java/awt/color/EqualityTest/EqualityTest.java may fail |
8232357 | Compare version info of Santuario to legal notice |
8232572 | Add hooks for custom output dir in Bundles.gmk |
8232634 | Problem List ICMColorDataTest.java |
8232748 | Build static versions of certain JDK libraries |
8232811 | Dialog’s preferred size no longer accommodates multi-line strings |
8232846 | ProcessHandle.Info command with non-English shows question marks |
8233033 | C2 produces wrong result while unswitching a loop due to lost control dependencies |
8233137 | runtime/ErrorHandling/VeryEarlyAssertTest.java fails after 8232080 |
8233197 | Invert JvmtiExport::post_vm_initialized() and Jfr:on_vm_start() start-up order for correct option parsing |
8233234 | Better Zip Naming |
8233239 | Enhance TIFF support |
8233255 | Better Swing Buttons |
8233291 | [TESTBUG] tools/jlink/plugins/VendorInfoPluginsTest.java fails with debug or non-server VMs |
8233364 | Fix undefined behavior in Canonicalizer::do_ShiftOp |
8233494 | Avoid calling MallocTracker::record_malloc and record_free when NMT is off |
8233573 | Toolkit.getScreenInsets(GraphicsConfiguration) may throw ClassCastException |
8233608 | Minimal build broken after JDK-8233494 |
8233621 | Mismatch in jsse.enableMFLNExtension property name |
8233696 | [TESTBUG]Some jtreg tests fail when CAPS_LOCK is ON |
8233707 | systemScale.cpp could not compile with VS2019 |
8233801 | GCMEmptyIv.java test fails on Solaris 11.4 |
8233880 | Support compilers with multi-digit major version numbers |
8233920 | MethodHandles::tryFinally generates illegal bytecode for long/double return type |
8233942 | Update to 609.1 version of WebKit |
8234032 | Improve basic calendar services |
8234042 | Better factory production of certificates |
8234137 | The “AutoTestOnTop.java” test may run external applications |
8234146 | compiler/jsr292/ContinuousCallSiteTargetChange.java times out on SPARC |
8234184 | [TESTBUG] java/awt/Mouse/EnterExitEvents/ModalDialogEnterExitEventsTest.java fails in Windows |
8234270 | [REDO] JDK-8204128 NMT might report incorrect numbers for Compiler area |
8234332 | [TESTBUG] java/awt/Focus/DisposedWindow/DisposeDialogNotActivateOwnerTest/DisposeDialogNotActivateOwnerTest.java fails on linux-x64 nightly |
8234398 | Replace ID2D1Factory::GetDesktopDpi with GetDeviceCaps |
8234418 | Better parsing with CertificateFactory |
8234474 | [macos 10.15] Crash in file dialog in sandbox mode |
8234522 | [macos] Crash with use of native file dialog |
8234691 | Potential double-free in ParallelSPCleanupTask constructor |
8234696 | tools/jlink/plugins/VendorInfoPluginsTest.java times out |
8234727 | sun/security/ssl/X509TrustManagerImpl tests support TLSv1.3 |
8234728 | Some security tests should support TLSv1.3 |
8234779 | Provide idiom for declaring classes noncopyable |
8234836 | Improve serialization handling |
8234916 | [macos 10.15] Garbled text running with native-image |
8234968 | check calloc rv in libinstrument InvocationAdapter |
8235153 | [TESTBUG] [macos 10.15] java/awt/Graphics/DrawImageBG/SystemBgColorTest.java fails |
8235183 | Remove the “HACK CODE” in comment |
8235263 | Revert TLS 1.3 change that wrapped IOExceptions |
8235311 | Tag mismatch may alert bad_record_mac |
8235332 | TestInstanceCloneAsLoadsStores.java fails with -XX:+StressGCM |
8235452 | Strip mined loop verification fails with assert(is_OuterStripMinedLoop()) failed: invalid node class |
8235584 | UseProfiledLoopPredicate fails with assert(_phase->get_loop(c) == loop) failed: have to be in the same loop |
8235620 | Broken merge between JDK-8006406 and JDK-8003559 |
8235638 | NPE in LWWindowPeer.getOnscreenGraphics() |
8235686 | Add more custom hooks in Bundles.gmk |
8235739 | Rare NPE at WComponentPeer.getGraphics() |
8235762 | JVM crash in SWPointer during C2 compilation |
8235834 | IBM-943 charset encoder needs updating |
8235874 | The ordering of Cipher Suites is not maintained provided through jdk.tls.client.cipherSuites and jdk.tls.server.cipherSuites system property. |
8235908 | omit ThreadPriorityPolicy warning when value is set from image |
8235984 | C2: assert(out->in(PhiNode::Region) == head || out->in(PhiNode::Region) == slow_head) failed: phi must be either part of the slow or the fast loop |
8236191 | Enhance OID processing |
8236211 | [Graal] compiler/graalunit/GraphTest.java is skipped in all testing |
8236470 | Deal with ECDSA using ecdsa-with-SHA2 plus hash algorithm as AlgorithmId |
8236545 | Compilation error in mach5 java/awt/FileDialog/MacOSGoToFolderCrash.java |
8236685 | [macOs] Remove obsolete file dialog subclasses |
8236700 | Upgrading JSZip from v3.1.5 to v3.2.2 |
8236759 | ShouldNotReachHere in PhaseIdealLoop::verify_strip_mined_scheduling |
8236832 | [macos 10.15] JavaFX Application hangs on video play on Cata… |
8236867 | Enhance Graal interface handling |
8236897 | Fix the copyright header for pkcs11gcm2.h |
8236921 | Add build target to produce a JDK image suitable for a Graal/SVM build |
8236953 | [macos] JavaFX SwingNode is not rendered on macOS |
8236971 | [macos] Gestures handled incorrectly due to missing events |
8236996 | Incorrect Roboto font rendering on Windows with subpixel antialiasing |
8237045 | JVM uses excessive memory with -XX:+EnableJVMCI -XX:JVMCICounterSize=2147483648 |
8237055 | [TESTBUG] compiler/c2/TestJumpTable.java fails with release VMs |
8237078 | [macOS] Media build broken on XCode 11 |
8237086 | assert(is_MachReturn()) running CTW with fix for JDK-8231291 |
8237117 | Better ForkJoinPool behavior |
8237192 | Generate stripped/public pdbs on Windows for jdk images |
8237396 | JvmtiTagMap::weak_oops_do() should not trigger barriers |
8237474 | Default SSLEngine should create in server role |
8237592 | Enhance certificate verification |
8237782 | Only read advances up to the minimum of the numHorMetrics or the available font data. |
8237833 | Check glyph size before adding to glyph texture cache |
8237859 | C2: Crash when loads float above range check |
8237889 | Update libxml2 to version 2.9.10 |
8237944 | webview native cl “-m32” unknown option for windows 32-bit build |
8237951 | CTW: C2 compilation fails with “malformed control flow” |
8237962 | give better error output for invalid OCSP response intervals in CertPathValidator checks |
8238002 | Better matrix operations |
8238013 | Enhance String writing |
8238190 | [JVMCI] Fix single implementor speculation for diamond shapes. |
8238249 | GetPrimitiveArrayCritical passed with hardcoded FALSE value |
8238356 | CodeHeap::blob_count() overestimates the number of blobs |
8238434 | Ensemble: Update version of Lucene to 7.7.2 |
8238452 | Keytool generates wrong expiration date if validity is set to 2050/01/01 |
8238555 | Allow Initialization of SunPKCS11 with NSS when there are external FIPS modules in the NSSDB |
8238575 | DragSourceEvent.getLocation() returns wrong value on HiDPI screens (Windows) |
8238676 | jni crashes on accessing it from process exit hook |
8238721 | Add failing client jtreg tests to the Problem List |
8238738 | AudioSystem.getMixerInfo() takes about 30 sec to report a gone audio device |
8238756 | C2: assert(((n) == __null || !VerifyIterativeGVN || !((n)->is_dead()))) failed: can not use dead node |
8238765 | PhaseCFG::schedule_pinned_nodes cannot handle precedence edges from unmatched CFG nodes correctly |
8238804 | Enhance key handling process |
8238842 | AIOOBE in GIFImageReader.initializeStringTable |
8238843 | Enhanced font handing |
8238898 | Missing hash characters for header on license file |
8238920 | Better Buffer support |
8238925 | Enhance WAV file playback |
8238942 | Rendering artifacts with LCD text and fractional metrics |
8238985 | [TESTBUG] The arrow image is blue instead of green |
8239000 | handle ContendedPaddingWidth in vm_version_ppc |
8239055 | Wrong implementation of VMState.hasListener |
8239091 | Reversed arguments in call to strstr in freetype “debug” code. |
8239107 | Update libjpeg to version 9d |
8239142 | C2’s UseUniqueSubclasses optimization is broken for array accesses |
8239224 | libproc_impl.c previous_thr may be used uninitialized warning |
8239351 | Give more meaningful InternalError messages in Deflater.c |
8239365 | ProcessBuilder test modifications for AIX execution |
8239456 | vtable stub generation: assert failure (code size estimate) |
8239457 | call ReleaseStringUTFChars before early returns in Java_sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11_connect |
8239462 | jdk.hotspot.agent misses some ReleaseStringUTFChars calls in case of early returns |
8239557 | [TESTBUG] VeryEarlyAssertTest.java validating “END.” marker at lastline is not always true |
8239787 | AArch64: String.indexOf may incorrectly handle empty strings |
8239792 | Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-11.0.8 |
8239798 | SSLSocket closes socket both socket endpoints on a SocketTimeoutException |
8239819 | XToolkit: Misread of screen information memory |
8239852 | java/util/concurrent tests fail with -XX:+VerifyGraphEdges: assert(!VerifyGraphEdges) failed: verification should have failed |
8239893 | Windows handle Leak when starting processes using ProcessBuilder |
8239915 | Zero VM crashes when handling dynamic constant |
8239931 | [win][x86] vtable stub generation: assert failure (code size estimate) follow-up |
8239965 | XMLEncoder/Test4625418.java fails due to “Error: Cp943 - can’t read properly” |
8239976 | Put JDK-8239965 on the ProblemList.txt |
8240073 | Fix ‘test-make’ build target in 11u |
8240119 | Less Affine Transformations |
8240197 | Cannot start JVM when $JAVA_HOME includes CJK characters |
8240202 | A few client tests leave mouse buttons pressed |
8240220 | IdealLoopTree::dump_head predicate printing is broken |
8240223 | Use consistent predicate order in and with PhaseIdealLoop::find_predicate |
8240227 | Loop predicates should be copied to unswitched loops |
8240286 | [TESTBUG] Test command error in hotspot/jtreg/compiler/loopopts/superword/SumRedAbsNeg_Float.java |
8240482 | Improved WAV file playback |
8240518 | Incorrect JNU_ReleaseStringPlatformChars in Windows Print |
8240529 | CheckUnhandledOops breaks NULL check in Modules::define_module |
8240576 | JVM crashes after transformation in C2 IdealLoopTree::merge_many_backedges |
8240603 | Windows 32bit compile error after 8238676 |
8240629 | argfiles parsing broken for argfiles with comment cross 4096 bytes chunk |
8240694 | [macos 10.15] JavaFX Media hangs on some video files on Catalina |
8240711 | TestJstatdPort.java failed due to “ExportException: Port already in use:” |
8240786 | [TESTBUG] The test java/awt/Window/GetScreenLocation/GetScreenLocationTest.java fails on HiDPI screen |
8240824 | enhance print_full_memory_info on Linux by THP related information |
8240827 | Downport SSLSocketImpl.java from “8221882: Use fiber-friendly java.util.concurrent.locks in JSSE” |
8240905 | assert(mem == (Node*)1 || mem == mem2) failed: multiple Memories being matched at once? |
8240972 | macOS codesign fail on macOS 10.13.5 or older |
8241108 | Glib improvements |
8241370 | Crash in JPEGImageLoader after fix for JDK-8212034 |
8241379 | Update JCEKS support |
8241445 | Fix copyright in test/jdk/tools/launcher/ArgFileSyntax.java |
8241458 | [JVMCI] add mark value to expose CodeOffsets::Frame_Complete |
8241464 | [11u] Backport: make rehashing be a needed guaranteed safepoint cleanup action |
8241474 | Build failing on Ubuntu 20.04 |
8241476 | Linux build warnings issued on gcc 9 |
8241522 | Manifest improved jar headers redux |
8241556 | Memory leak if -XX:CompileCommand is set |
8241568 | (fs) UserPrincipalLookupService.lookupXXX failure with IOE “Operation not permitted” |
8241586 | compiler/cpuflags/TestAESIntrinsicsOnUnsupportedConfig.java fails on aarch64 |
8241629 | [macos10.15] Long startup delay playing media over https on Catalina |
8241638 | launcher time metrics always report 1 on Linux when _JAVA_LAUNCHER_DEBUG set |
8241660 | Add virtualization information output to hs_err file on macOS |
8241808 | [TESTBUG] The JDK-8039467 bug appeared on macOS |
8241888 | Mirror jdk.security.allowNonCaAnchor system property with a security one |
8241900 | Loop unswitching may cause dependence on null check to be lost |
8241948 | enhance list of environment variables printed in hs_err file |
8241996 | on linux set full relro in the linker flags |
8242106 | [macos] Remove obsolete GlassView2D.m class |
8242108 | Performance regression after fix for JDK-8229496 |
8242136 | Better XML namespace handling |
8242141 | New System Properties to configure the TLS signature schemes |
8242154 | Backport parts of JDK-4947890 to OpenJDK 11u |
8242174 | [macos] The NestedModelessDialogTest test make the macOS unstable |
8242209 | Increase web native thread stack size for x86 mode |
8242239 | [Graal] javax/management/generified/GenericTest.java fails: FAILED: queryMBeans sets same |
8242294 | JSSE Client does not throw SSLException when an alert occurs during handshaking |
8242379 | [TESTBUG] compiler/loopopts/TestLoopUnswitchingLostCastDependency.java fails with release VMs |
8242470 | Update Xerces to Version 2.12.1 |
8242490 | Upgrade to gcc 9.2 on Linux |
8242498 | Invalid “sun.awt.TimedWindowEvent” object leads to JVM crash |
8242530 | [macos] Some audio files miss spectrum data when another audio file plays first |
8242541 | Small charset issues (ISO8859-16, x-eucJP-Open, x-IBM834 and x-IBM949C) |
8242626 | enhance posix print_rlimit_info |
8243059 | Build fails when –with-vendor-name contains a comma |
8243539 | Copyright info (Year) should be updated for fix of 8241638 |
8243541 | (tz) Upgrade time-zone data to tzdata2020a |
8244407 | JVM crashes after transformation in C2 IdealLoopTree::split_fall_in |
8244520 | problemlist java/awt/font/Rotate/RotatedFontTest.java on linux |
8244579 | Windows “User Objects” leakage with WebView |
8244777 | ClassLoaderStats VM Op uses constant hash value |
8244853 | The static build of libextnet is missing the JNI_OnLoad_extnet function |
8244951 | Missing entitlements for hardened runtime |
8245047 | [PPC64] C2: ReverseBytes + Load always match to unordered Load (acquire semantics missing) |
8245422 | Better Pisces rasterizing |
8245649 | Revert 8245397 backport of 8230591 |
8246031 | SSLSocket.getSession() doesn’t close connection for timeout/ interrupts |
8246613 | Choose the default SecureRandom algo based on registration ordering |
8247360 | Add missing license file for Microsoft DirectShow Samples |
8248505 | Unexpected NoSuchAlgorithmException when using secure random impl from BCFIPS provider |