Примечания к релизу Axiom JDK 22+37


Данный релиз соответствует OpenJDK 22+37, номер версии Axiom JDK - 22

Axiom JDK 22+37

Axiom является сертифицированным Java SE 22-совместимым дистрибутивом OpenJDK 22, который работает на серверах (Linux x86_64, Linux ARM64, Windows 64), настольных компьютерах (Windows 64, Mac, Linux x86_64) и встроенных устройствах (Linux ARM64, Linux ARMv7, включая Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 (ARMv6 hardfloat). Axiom JDK имеет следующие дополнения:

  • В версии для Linux x86_64, ARMv8 и ARMv7 можно выбрать клиентскую виртуальную машину (Client VM), серверную виртуальную машину (Server VM) и минимальную виртуальную машину (Minimal VM).
  • Версия для Alpine Linux x86_64 построена с поддержкой musl.
  • Версии для Windows x86_64, Windows x86, Windows ARMv8, Mac, Linux x86_64, Linux x86 и Linux ARMv7 содержат OpenJFX 22.
  • Версия для Linux ARMv7 содержит Device IO API, скомпилированный для Raspberry Pi.

Пожалуйста, прочитайте примечания к релизу Oracle JDK 22 для получения дополнительной информации о функционале JDK 22. В этом документе описываются особенности дистрибутива Axiom по сравнению с дистрибутивом Oracle JDK 22.

Поддерживаемые серверные и десктопные конфигурации

Axiom поддерживается в следующих ОС:

  • Ubuntu Linux 16.04+, 18.04 (x86, x86_64, ARMv7, ARMv8)
  • Debian Linux 8, 9 (x86, x86_64, ARMv7, ARMv8)
  • Red Hat, Oracle Linux и CentOS 8x, 6.x, 7.x (x86, x86_64, ARMv7, ARMv8)
  • Alpine Linux 3.7+
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise 12, 16, tumbleweed (x86_64, ARMv8)
  • Apple macOS 11.0+ (x86_64, ARMv8)
  • Microsoft Windows 2019, Windows 2016, Windows 2012 R2, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 (x86, x86_64, ARMv8)

Также известно, Axiom JDK работает с некоторыми другими дистрибутивами Linux и версиями Windows.

Примечание: Минимальная поддерживаемая версия ядра Linux - 2.6.18, версия GLIBC - 2.6. AxiomFX работает на всех поддерживаемых версиях Ubuntu, семействе Red Hat Linux начиная с версии 7.x и SUSE с бэкэндом GTK2.

Поддерживаемые конфигурации для встраиваемых применений

Axiom протестирован и сертифицирован на Raspberry Pi 2, 3 и 4 под управлением следующих ОС:

  • Raspbian OS (armhf)
  • OpenSUSE (armv8)

Также есть успешный опыт запуска и работы на Debian (armhf) и Ubuntu (armhf).

Поставка Axiom JDK 22

Axiom JDK 22 распространяется в виде .msi, .dmg, .deb, .rpm, .zip и .tar.gz. Пожалуйста, выберите формат, который наиболее подходит для ваших целей.

Axiom JDK 22 содержит весь функционал, поддерживаемый OpenJDK 22.

С появлением Jigsaw в JDK 9 и минимальной виртуальной машины (Minimal VM) теперь можно создать среду исполнения, достаточную для запуска приложения и в то же время оптимизированную по размеру. Чтобы создать среду выполнения только с минимальной виртуальной машиной, добавьте опцию - vm=minimal jlink.

Axiom JDK продолжает поддерживать AOT и Graal JIT. Поскольку в сборках OpenJDK 22 эти экспериментальные функции признаны устаревшими, для безошибочной компиляции нативных образов рекомендуется использовать Axiom Native Image Kit.

По умолчанию Axiom использует серверную виртуальную машину (Server VM). Серверная виртуальная машина и клиентская виртуальная машина могут быть включены с помощью параметров командной строки -server и -client соответственно. В случае, если требуется минимальный размер среды исполенения, можно использовать Minimal VM, которая оптимизирована по размеру. Minimal VM имеет только компилятор C1 JIT, Serial GC и не имеет функционала Serviceability. Minimal VM можно включить параметром командной строки -minimal.

AxiomFX для Raspberry Pi

Axiom JDK 22 поставляется в комплекте со сборкой платформы AxiomFX, основанной на OpenJFX. В следующих таблицах перечислены состояния модулей Java FX дистрибутива Axiom.

  • Java FX Graphics - поддерживается.
  • Java FX Controls - поддерживается.
  • Java FX Media - не поддерживается.
  • Java FX Webkit - не поддерживается.

Для armhf работают следующие графические конвейеры: EGL, SW (direct framebuffer) и GTK. По умолчанию Axiom пытается использовать конвейер EGL, который требует наличия библиотек EGL. Если они не найдены, реализация возвращается к программному обеспечению.

Используйте следующие параметры командной строки, чтобы указать конвейер рендеринга:

  • -Dprism.order=sw - программный конвейер рендеринга. *
  • -Dprism.order=es2 - EGL-конвейер и аппаратное ускорение. *
  • -Djavafx.platform=gtk, если вы хотите запустить приложение AxiomFX, используя Axiom из X11.

* Не поддерживается на Raspberry Pi 4.

Дополнительная информация доступна на следующей wiki странице.

Device IO API для Raspberry Pi

Axiom JDK 22 для armhf поставляется со встроенным модулем реализации API ввода-вывода (DIO) устройства OpenJDK. DIO предоставляет Java API для доступа к выводам Raspberry PI GPIO и для связи с периферийными устройствами:

  • Универсальный ввод / вывод (GPIO).
  • Межинтегральная шина (I2C), последовательный интерфейс (SPI).
  • Универсальный асинхронный приемник / передатчик (UART).

Дополнительная информация доступна на следующей wiki странице.

Известные особенности

AxiomFX и EGL на ОС Raspbian

С 2017 года в Raspbian OS изменилось расположение бибилитек libEGL.so и libGLESv2.so для чипа Broadcom. Если вы хотите использовать аппаратное ускорение EGL, доступное в видеодрайверах Broadcom в AxiomFX, при работе в Raspbian OS, выполните следующую команду:

cd /opt/vc/lib
sudo ln -s libbrcmEGL.so libEGL.so
sudo ln -s libbrcmGLESv2.so libGLESv2.so


Axiom JDK содержит исправления уязвимостей Oracle Java SE. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к документации Oracle для получения деталей о проблемах, исправленных в данной версии.

Дефекты, исправленные в этом релизе

Issue Description
8322750 Test “api/java_awt/interactive/SystemTrayTests.html” failed because A blue ball icon is added outside of the system tray
8325001 Typo in the javadocs for the Arena::ofShared method
8324858 [vectorapi] Bounds checking issues when accessing memory segments
8324983 Race in CompileBroker::possibly_add_compiler_threads
8324041 ModuleOption.java failed with update release versioning scheme
8322066 Update troff manpages in JDK 22 before RC
8319547 Remove EA from the JDK 22 version string with first RC promotion
8307788 vmTestbase/gc/gctests/LargeObjects/large003/TestDescription.java timed out
8323950 Null CLD while loading shared lambda proxy class with javaagent active
8325096 Test java/security/cert/CertPathBuilder/akiExt/AKISerialNumber.java is failing
8323556 CDS archive space addresses should be randomized with ArchiveRelocationMode=1
8324688 C2: Disable ReduceAllocationMerges by default
8319128 sun/security/pkcs11 tests fail on OL 7.9 aarch64
8322282 Incorrect LoaderConstraintTable::add_entry after JDK-8298468
8322100 Fix GCMIncrementByte4 & GCMIncrementDirect4, and increase overlap testing
8324082 more monitoring test timeout adjustments
8324074 increase timeout for jvmci test TestResolvedJavaMethod.java
8321938 java/foreign/critical/TestCriticalUpcall.java does not need a core file
8323595 is_aligned(p, alignof(OopT))) assertion fails in Jetty without compressed OOPs
8322799 Test JPKG003-013: ServiceTest fails because the user cannot uninstall the “servicetest” package on OEL 9.2 x64 and OEL 9.2 64-bit Arm (aarch64)
8322657 CDS filemap fastdebug assert while loading Graal CE Polyglot in isolated classloader
8322512 StringBuffer.repeat does not work correctly after toString() was called
8316756 C2 EA fails with “missing memory path” when encountering unsafe_arraycopy stub call
8323159 Consider adding some text re. memory zeroing in Arena::allocate
8323745 Missing comma in copyright header in TestScope
8320175 [BACKOUT] 8316533: C2 compilation fails with assert(verify(phase)) failed: missing Value() optimization
8321479 java -D-D crashes
8323243 JNI invocation of an abstract instance method corrupts the stack
8323659 LinkedTransferQueue add and put methods call overridable offer
8322235 Split up and improve LocaleProvidersRun
8317547 Enhance TLS connection support
8314307 Improve loop handling
8318588 Windows build failure after JDK-8314468 due to ambiguous call
8314468 Improve Compiler loops
8317331 Solaris build failed with “declaration can not follow a statement (E_DECLARATION_IN_CODE)”
8314295 Enhance verification of verifier
8308204 Enhanced certificate processing
8323651 compiler/c2/irTests/TestPrunedExHandler.java fails with -XX:+DeoptimizeALot
8323631 JfrTypeSet::write_klass can enqueue a CLD klass that is unloading
8322330 JavadocHelperTest.java OOMEs with Parallel GC and ZGC
8322987 Remove gc/stress/gclocker/TestGCLocker* since they always fail with OOME
8323508 Remove TestGCLockerWithShenandoah.java line from TEST.groups
8322957 Generational ZGC: Relocation selection must join the STS
8323101 C2: assert(n->in(0) == nullptr) failed: divisions with zero check should already have bailed out earlier in split-if
8322818 Thread::getStackTrace can fail with InternalError if virtual thread is timed-parked when pinned
8323002 test/jdk/java/lang/Thread/virtual/stress/GetStackTraceALotWhenPinned.java times out on macosx-x64
8323296 java/lang/Thread/virtual/stress/GetStackTraceALotWhenPinned.java#id1 timed out
8322846 Running with -Djdk.tracePinnedThreads set can hang
8323008 filter out harmful -std* flags added by autoconf from CXX
8323610 G1: HeapRegion pin count should be size_t to avoid overflows
8319757 java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/InterruptibleOrNot.java failed: wrong exception thrown
8321712 C2: “failed: Multiple uses of register” in C2_MacroAssembler::vminmax_fp
8321786 SegmentAllocator:allocateFrom(ValueLayout, MemorySegment,ValueLayout,long,long) spec mismatch in exception scenario
8323190 Segfault during deoptimization of C2-compiled code
8322538 remove fatal from JVM_VirtualThread functions for !INCLUDE_JVMTI
8321685 Missing ResourceMark in code called from JvmtiEnvBase::get_vthread_jvf
8322003 JShell - Incorrect type inference in lists of records implementing interfaces
8323066 gc/g1/TestSkipRebuildRemsetPhase.java fails with ‘Skipping Remembered Set Rebuild.’ missing
8322513 Build failure with minimal
8323571 Regression in source resolution process
8322237 Heap dump contains duplicate thread records for mounted virtual threads
8322971 KEM.getInstance() should check if a 3rd-party security provider is signed
8318971 Better Error Handling for Jar Tool When Processing Non-existent Files
8322324 java/foreign/TestStubAllocFailure.java times out while waiting for forked process
8322637 java/foreign/critical/TestCriticalUpcall.java timed out
8321683 Tests fail with AssertionError in RangeWithPageSize
8320788 The system properties page is missing some properties
8323547 tools/jlink/plugins/SystemModuleDescriptors/ModuleMainClassTest.java fails to compile
8323540 assert((!((((method)->is_trace_flag_set(((1 « 4) « 8))))))) failed: invariant
8311218 fatal error: stuck in JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler::VTMS_transition_disable
8322809 SystemModulesMap::classNames and moduleNames arrays do not match the order
8320919 Clarify Locale related system properties
8316241 Test jdk/jdk/jfr/jvm/TestChunkIntegrity.java failed
8310995 missing @since tags in 36 jdk.dynalink classes
8322163 runtime/Unsafe/InternalErrorTest.java fails on Alpine after JDK-8320886
8323241 jcmd manpage should use lists for argument lists
8321480 ISO 4217 Amendment 176 Update
8322725 (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2023d
8322418 Problem list gc/TestAllocHumongousFragment.java subtests for 8298781
8322532 JShell : Unnamed variable issue
8322142 JFR: Periodic tasks aren’t orphaned between recordings
8322489 22-b27: Up to 7% regression in all Footprint3-*-G1/ZGC
8310844 [AArch64] C1 compilation fails because monitor offset in OSR buffer is too large for immediate
8319948 jcmd man page needs to be updated
8322985 [BACKOUT] 8318562: Computational test more than 2x slower when AVX instructions are used
8320275 assert(_chunk->bitmap().at(index)) failed: Bit not set at index
8321582 yield .class not parsed correctly.
8322214 Return value of XMLInputFactory.getProperty() changed from boolean to String in JDK 22 early access builds
8321515 ARM32: Move method resolution information out of the cpCache properly
8322647 Short name for the Europe/Lisbon time zone is incorrect
8321599 Data loss in AVX3 Base64 decoding
8322321 Add man page doc for -XX:+VerifySharedSpaces
8322154 RISC-V: JDK-8315743 missed change in MacroAssembler::load_reserved
8321565 [REDO] Heap dump does not contain virtual Thread stack references
8322041 JDK 22 RDP1 L10n resource files update
8321619 Generational ZGC: ZColorStoreGoodOopClosure is only valid for young objects
8321514 UTF16 string gets constructed incorrectly from codepoints if CompactStrings is not enabled
8321958 @param/@return descriptions of ZoneRules#isDaylightSavings() are incorrect
8320682 [AArch64] C1 compilation fails with “Field too big for insn”
8321542 C2: Missing ChaCha20 stub for x86_32 leads to crashes
8321400 java/foreign/TestStubAllocFailure.java fails with code cache exhaustion
8321974 Crash in ciKlass::is_subtype_of because TypeAryPtr::_klass is not initialized
8321641 ClassFile ModuleAttribute.ModuleAttributeBuilder::moduleVersion spec contains a copy-paste error
8321739 Source launcher fails with “Not a directory” error
8320886 Unsafe_SetMemory0 is not guarded
8321422 Test gc/g1/pinnedobjs/TestPinnedObjectTypes.java times out after completion
8321387 SegmentAllocator:allocateFrom(AddressLayout, MemorySegment) does not throw stated UnsupportedOperationException
8321539 Minimal build is broken by JDK-8320935
8321409 Console read line with zero out should zero out underlying buffer in JLine (redux)
8316738 java/net/httpclient/HttpClientLocalAddrTest.java failed in timeout
8320597 RSA signature verification fails on signed data that does not encode params correctly
8319313 G1: Rename G1EvacFailureInjector appropriately
8320370 NMT: Change MallocMemorySnapshot to simplify code.
8321223 Implementation of Scoped Values (Second Preview)
8321001 RISC-V: C2 SignumVF
8321002 RISC-V: C2 SignumVD
8316454 JFR break locale settings
8321470 ThreadLocal.nextHashCode can be static final
8321467 MemorySegment.setString(long, String, Charset) throws IAE(Misaligned access)
8321505 JFR: Update views
8321519 Typo in exception message
8320805 JFR: Create view for deprecated methods
8321270 Virtual Thread.yield consumes parking permit
8319925 CSS.BackgroundImage incorrectly uses double-checked locking
8263256 Test java/net/Inet6Address/serialize/Inet6AddressSerializationTest.java fails due to dynamic reconfigurations of network interface during test
8211238 @Deprecated JFR event
8320969 Shenandoah: Enforce stable number of GC workers
8320538 Obsolete CSS styles in collection framework doc-file
8321164 javac with annotation processor throws AssertionError: Filling jrt:/… during JarFileObject[/…]
8305825 getBounds API returns wrong value resulting in multiple Regression Test Failures on Ubuntu 23.04
8315827 Kitchensink.java and RenaissanceStressTest.java time out with jvmti module errors
8320365 IPPPrintService.getAttributes() causes blanket re-initialisation
8321013 Parallel: Refactor ObjectStartArray
8320443 [macos] Test java/awt/print/PrinterJob/PrinterDevice.java fails on macOS
8320570 NegativeArraySizeException decoding >1G UTF8 bytes with non-ascii characters
8321484 Make TestImplicitlyDeclaredClasses release independent
8321122 Shenandoah: Remove ShenandoahLoopOptsAfterExpansion flag
8321410 Shenandoah: Remove ShenandoahSuspendibleWorkers flag
8319969 os::large_page_init() turns off THPs for ZGC
8321073 Defer policy of disabling annotation processing by default
8318756 Create better internal buffer for AEADs
8320948 NPE due to unreported compiler error
8319938 TestFileChooserSingleDirectorySelection.java fails with “getSelectedFiles returned empty array”
8319662 ForkJoinPool trims worker threads too slowly
8319498 ForkJoinPool.invoke(ForkJoinTask) does not specify behavior when task throws checked exception
8320144 Compilation crashes when a custom annotation with invalid default value is used
8320892 AArch64: Restore FPU control state after JNI
8321248 ClassFile API ClassModel::verify is inconsistent with the rest of the API
8321369 Unproblemlist gc/cslocker/TestCSLocker.java
8319111 Mismatched MemorySegment heap access is not consistently intrinsified
8321159 SymbolLookup.libraryLookup(Path, Arena) Assumes default Filesystem
8321124 java/util/stream/GatherersTest.java times out
8320935 Move CDS config initialization code to cdsConfig.cpp
8321406 Null IDs should be resolved as before catalogs are added
8321207 javac is not accepting correct code
8317831 compiler/codecache/CheckLargePages.java fails on OL 8.8 with unexpected memory string
8321325 Remove unused Java_java_awt_MenuComponent_initIDs function
8321219 runtime/jni/FastGetField: assert(is_interpreted_frame()) failed: interpreted frame expected
8308715 Create a mechanism for Implicitly Declared Class javadoc
8320860 add-opens/add-exports require ‘=’ in JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS
8315149 Add hsperf counters for CPU time of internal GC threads
8321053 Use ByteArrayInputStream.buf directly when parameter of transferTo() is trusted
8318590 JButton ignores margin when painting HTML text
8294699 Launcher causes lingering busy cursor
8321225 [JVMCI] HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl.isLeafClass shouldn’t create strong references
8314327 Issues with JShell when using “local” execution engine
8317288 [macos] java/awt/Window/Grab/GrabTest.java: Press on the outside area didn’t cause ungrab
8320349 Simplify FileChooserSymLinkTest.java by using single-window testUI
8321224 ct.sym for JDK 22 contains references to internal modules
8320303 Allow PassFailJFrame to accept single window creator
8321183 Incorrect warning from cds about the modules file
8321215 Incorrect x86 instruction encoding for VSIB addressing mode
8318468 compiler/tiered/LevelTransitionTest.java fails with -XX:CompileThreshold=100 -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1
8320943 Files/probeContentType/Basic.java fails on latest Windows 11 - content type mismatch
8321216 SerialGC attempts to access the card table beyond the end of the heap during card table scan
8321300 Cleanup TestHFA
8321105 Enable UseCryptoPmullForCRC32 for Neoverse V2
8320652 ThreadInfo.isInNative needs to be updated to say what executing native code means
8321163 [test] OutputAnalyzer.getExitValue() unnecessarily logs even when process has already completed
8317809 Insertion of free code blobs into code cache can be very slow during class unloading
8321269 Require platforms to define DEFAULT_CACHE_LINE_SIZE
8321273 Parallel: Remove unused UpdateOnlyClosure::_space_id
8306914 Implement JEP 458: Launch Multi-File Source-Code Programs
8320697 RISC-V: Small refactoring for runtime calls
8318809 java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentLinkedQueue/WhiteBox.java shows intermittent failures on linux ppc64le and aarch64
8320687 sun.jvmstat.monitor.MonitoredHost.getMonitoredHost() throws unexpected exceptions when invoked concurrently
8321069 JvmtiThreadState::state_for_while_locked() returns nullptr for an attached JNI thread with a java.lang.Thread object after JDK-8319935
8321131 Console read line with zero out should zero out underlying buffer in JLine
8311906 Improve robustness of String constructors with mutable array inputs
8321276 runtime/cds/appcds/dynamicArchive/DynamicSharedSymbols.java failed with “‘17 2: jdk/test/lib/apps ‘ missing from stdout/stderr”
8305931 jdk/jfr/jcmd/TestJcmdDumpPathToGCRoots.java failed with “Expected chains but found none”
8316193 jdk/jfr/event/oldobject/TestListenerLeak.java java.lang.Exception: Could not find leak
8315128 jdk/jfr/event/runtime/TestResidentSetSizeEvent.java fails with “The size should be less than or equal to peak”
8319072 JFR: Turn off events for JFR.view
8321220 JFR: RecordedClass reports incorrect modifiers
8321214 Parallel: Remove unused SpaceInfo::_min_dense_prefix
8315559 Delay TempSymbol cleanup to avoid symbol table churn
8320655 awt screencast robot spin and sync issues with native libpipewire api
8225220 When the Tab Policy is checked,the scroll button direction displayed incorrectly.
8320924 Improve heap dump performance by optimizing archived object checks
8321120 Shenandoah: Remove ShenandoahElasticTLAB flag
8319872 AArch64: [vectorapi] Implementation of unsigned (zero extended) casts
8317307 test/jdk/com/sun/jndi/ldap/LdapPoolTimeoutTest.java fails with ConnectException: Connection timed out: no further information
5108458 JTable does not properly layout its content
8308753 Class-File API transition to Preview
8309871 jdk/jfr/api/consumer/recordingstream/TestSetEndTime.java timed out
8318983 Fix comment typo in PKCS12Passwd.java
8314905 jdk/jfr/tool/TestView.java fails with RuntimeException ‘Invoked Concurrent’ missing from stdout/stderr
8320440 Implementation of Structured Concurrency (Second Preview)
8320931 [REDO] dsymutil command leaves around temporary directories
8320129 “top” command during jtreg failure handler does not display CPU usage on OSX
8321182 SourceExample.SOURCE_14 comment should refer to ‘switch expressions’ instead of ‘text blocks’
8313722 JFR: Avoid unnecessary calls to Events.from(Recording)
8308614 Enabling JVMTI ClassLoad event slows down vthread creation by factor 10
8320941 Discuss receiver type handling
8312098 Update man page for javadoc
8321059 Unneeded array assignments in MergeCollation and CompactByteArray
8320798 Console read line with zero out should zero out underlying buffer
8320807 [PPC64][ZGC] C1 generates wrong code for atomics
8312560 Annotation on Decomposed Record Component in Enhanced For Loop Fails Compilation
8321130 Microbenchmarks do not build any more after 8254693 on 32 bit platforms
8321114 Rename “Unnamed Classes” to “Implicitly Declared Classes” better
8321107 Add more test cases for JDK-8319372
8320716 ResolvedModule::reads includes self when configuration contains two or more automatic modules
8320145 Compiler should accept final variable in Record Pattern
8321141 VM build issue on MacOS after JDK-8267532
8227529 With malformed –app-image the error messages are awful
8320608 Many jtreg printing tests are missing the @printer keyword
8320530 has_resolved_ref_index flag not restored after resetting entry
8318586 Explicitly handle upcall stub allocation failure
8318653 UpcallTestHelper::runInNewProcess waits for forked process without timeout
8320826 call allocate_shared_strings_array after all strings are interned
8302233 HSS/LMS: keytool and jarsigner changes
8315034 File.mkdirs() occasionally fails to create folders on Windows shared folder
8320239 add dynamic switch for JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler sync protocol
8321066 Multiple JFR tests have started failing
8321119 Disable java/foreign/TestHandshake.java on Zero VMs
8321018 Parallel: Make some methods in ParCompactionManager private
8321127 ProblemList java/util/stream/GatherersTest.java
8315701 [macos] Regression: KeyEvent has different keycode on different keyboard layouts
8320347 Emulate vblendvp[sd] on ECore
8320916 jdk/jfr/event/gc/stacktrace/TestParallelMarkSweepAllocationPendingStackTrace.java failed with “OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded”
8319980 [JVMCI] libgraal should reuse Thread instances as C2 does
8319123 Implement JEP 461: Stream Gatherers (Preview)
8315458 Implement JEP 463: Implicitly Declared Classes and Instance Main Method (Second Preview)
8320304 Refactor and simplify monitor deflation functions
8320665 update jdk_core at open/test/jdk/TEST.groups
8321025 Enable Neoverse N1 optimizations for Neoverse V2
8320830 [AIX] Dont mix os::dll_load() with direct dlclose() calls
8321063 AArch64: Zero build fails after JDK-8320368
8320921 GHA: Parallelize hotspot_compiler test jobs
8320515 assert(monitor->object_peek() != nullptr) failed: Owned monitors should not have a dead object
8318157 RISC-V: implement ensureMaterializedForStackWalk intrinsic
8319372 C2 compilation fails with “Bad immediate dominator info”
8318854 [macos14] Running any AWT app prints Secure coding warning
8320888 Shenandoah: Enable ShenandoahVerifyOptoBarriers in debug builds
8318626 GetClassFields does not filter out ConstantPool.constantPoolOop field
8320945 problemlist tests failing on latest Windows 11 update
8210410 Refactor java.util.Currency:i18n shell tests to plain java tests
8320942 Only set openjdk-target when cross compiling linux-aarch64
8320937 support latest VS2022 MSC_VER in abstract_vm_version.cpp
8319444 Unhelpful failure output in TestLegalNotices
8313816 Accessing jmethodID might lead to spurious crashes
8320877 Shenandoah: Remove ShenandoahUnloadClassesFrequency support
8320806 Augment test/langtools/tools/javac/versions/Versions.java for JDK 22 language changes
8320940 Fix typo in java.lang.Double
8320907 Shenandoah: Remove ShenandoahSelfFixing flag
8319935 Ensure only one JvmtiThreadState is created for one JavaThread associated with attached native thread
8319417 (dc) DatagramChannel.connect undocumented behavior
8320859 gtest high malloc footprint caused by BufferNodeAllocator stress test
8320368 Per-CPU optimization of Klass range reservation
8316734 URLEncoder should specify that replacement bytes will be used in case of coding error
8310644 Make panama memory segment close use async handshakes
8308399 Recommend –release when -source and -target are misused
8320911 RISC-V: Enable hotspot/jtreg/compiler/intrinsics/chacha/TestChaCha20.java
8319373 Serial: Refactor dirty cards scanning during Young GC
8318706 Implement JEP 423: Region Pinning for G1
8320858 Move jpackage tests to tier3
8320715 Improve the tests of test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/intrinsics/float16
8320898 exclude compiler/vectorapi/reshape/TestVectorReinterpret.java on ppc64(le) platforms
8320918 Fix errors in the built-in Catalog implementation
8316422 TestIntegerUnsignedDivMod.java triggers “invalid layout” assert in FrameValues::validate
8320681 [macos] Test tools/jpackage/macosx/MacAppStoreJlinkOptionsTest.java timed out on macOS
8320379 C2: Sort spilling/unspilling sequence for better ld/st merging into ldp/stp on AArch64
8320049 PKCS10 would not discard the cause when throw SignatureException on invalid key
8320932 [BACKOUT] dsymutil command leaves around temporary directories
8320915 Update copyright year in build files
8320525 G1: G1UpdateRemSetTrackingBeforeRebuild::distribute_marked_bytes accesses partially unloaded klass
8320061 [nmt] Multiple issues with peak accounting
8320767 Use := wherever possible in spec.gmk.in
8320714 java/util/Locale/LocaleProvidersRun.java and java/util/ResourceBundle/modules/visibility/VisibilityTest.java timeout after passing
8320899 Select the correct Makefile when running make in build directory
8320769 Remove ill-adviced “make install” target
8320863 dsymutil command leaves around temporary directories
8320358 GHA: ignore jdk* branches
8319437 NMT should show library names in call stacks
8319311 JShell Process Builder should be configurable
8319668 Fixup of jar filename typo in BadFactoryTest.sh
8319713 Parallel: Remove PSAdaptiveSizePolicy::should_full_GC
8320781 Fix whitespace in j.l.Double and j.u.z.ZipInputStream @snippets
8267532 C2: Profile and prune untaken exception handlers
8310011 Arena with try-with-resources is slower than it should be
8319633 runtime/posixSig/TestPosixSig.java intermittent timeouts on UNIX
8319048 Monitor deflation unlink phase prolongs time to safepoint
8313355 javax/management/remote/mandatory/notif/ListenerScaleTest.java failed with “Exception: Failed: ratio=792.2791601423487”
8320533 Adjust capstone integration for v6 changes
8320602 Lock contention in SchemaDVFactory.getInstance()
8318599 HttpURLConnection cache issues leading to crashes in JGSS w/ native GSS introduced by 8303809
8301856 Generated .spec file for RPM installers uninstalls desktop launcher on update
8320706 RuntimePackageTest.testUsrInstallDir test fails on Linux
8261837 SIGSEGV in ciVirtualCallTypeData::translate_from
8320249 tools/jpackage/share/AddLauncherTest.java#id1 fails intermittently on Windows in verifyDescription
8320803 Update SourceVersion.RELEASE_22 description for language changes
8310159 Bulk copy with Unsafe::arrayCopy is slower compared to memcpy
8320763 Fix spacing arround assignment in spec.gmk.in
8194743 Compiler implementation for Statements before super()
8320001 javac crashes while adding type annotations to the return type of a constructor
8319703 Serial: Remove generationSpec
8294549 configure script should detect unsupported path
8320330 Improve implementation of RShift Value
8314220 Configurable InlineCacheBuffer size
8318113 CSS.BackgroundImage doesn’t implement equals
8320618 NPE: Cannot invoke “java.lang.constant.ClassDesc.isArray()” because “this.sym” is null
8320601 ProblemList java/lang/invoke/lambda/LambdaFileEncodingSerialization.java on linux-all
8304701 Request with timeout aborts later in-flight request on HTTP/1.1 cxn
8319778 Remove unreachable code in ObjectSynchronizer::exit
8320363 ppc64 TypeEntries::type_unknown logic looks wrong, missed optimization opportunity
8320691 Timeout handler on Windows takes 2 hours to complete
8319220 Pattern matching switch with a lot of cases is unduly slow
8320383 refresh libraries cache on AIX in VMError::report
8318913 The module-infos for –release data do not contain pre-set versions
8320679 [JVMCI] invalid code in PushLocalFrame event message
8318776 Require supports_cx8 to always be true
8314502 Change the comparator taking version of GrowableArray::find to be a template method
8314243 Make VM_Exit::wait_for_threads_in_native_to_block wait for user threads time configurable
8318490 Increase timeout for JDK tests that are close to the limit when run with libgraal
8224261 JProgressBar always with border painted around it
8318159 RISC-V: Improve itable_stub
8320645 DocLint should use javax.lang.model to detect default constructors
8320663 Fix C syntax in LIB_SETUP_HSDIS_BINUTILS
8319700 [AArch64] C2 compilation fails with “Field too big for insn”
8320586 update manual test/jdk/TEST.groups
8319813 Remove upper limit on number of compiler phases in phasetype.hpp
8320403 C2: PrintIdeal is no longer dumped to tty when xtty is set
8320582 Zero: Misplaced CX8 enablement flag
8314614 jdk/jshell/ImportTest.java failed with “InternalError: Failed remote listen”
8312140 jdk/jshell tests failed with JDI socket timeouts
8320564 RISC-V: Minimal build failed after JDK-8316592
8319569 Several java/util tests should be updated to accept VM flags
8314745 JFR: @StackFilter
8320577 Improve MessageHeader’s toString() function to make HttpURLConnection’s debug log readable
8320536 problemlist failing serviceability/attach/ConcAttachTest.java test on macosx
8318986 Improve GenericWaitBarrier performance
8320207 doclet incorrectly chooses code font for a See Also link
8320331 G1 Full GC Heap verification relies on metadata not reset before verification
8306055 Add a built-in Catalog to JDK XML module
8319440 RISC-V: jdk can’t be built with clang due to register keyword
8320418 PPC64: invokevfinal_helper duplicates code to handle ResolvedMethodEntry
8319449 compiler/print/CompileCommandPrintMemStat.java fails on Graal
8257076 os::scan_pages is empty on all platforms
8317799 AIX PPC64: FFI symbol lookup doesn’t find symbols
8319137 release _object in ObjectMonitor dtor to avoid races
8320309 AIX: pthreads created by foreign test library don’t work as expected
8318175 AIX PPC64: Handle alignment of double in structs
8295343 sun/security/pkcs11 tests fail on Linux RHEL 8.6 and newer
8320399 RISC-V: Some format clean-up in opto assembly code
8320447 Remove obsolete LintCategory.hidden
8320382 Remove CompressedKlassPointers::is_valid_base()
8320335 Deprecate RegisterFinalizersAtInit option and code
8320131 Zero build fails on macOS after JDK-8254693
8309067 gtest/AsyncLogGtest.java fails again in stderrOutput_vm
8074211 javax.sound.midi: Error with send System Exclusive messages of different length
8250667 MIDI sysex over USB scrambled when reply length matches previous message
8320278 ARM32 build is broken after JDK-8301997
8318364 Add an FFM-based implementation of harfbuzz OpenType layout
8319124 Update XML Security for Java to 3.0.3
8317742 ISO Standard Date Format implementation consistency on DateTimeFormatter and String.format
8320272 Make method_entry_barrier address shared
8320526 Use title case in building.md
8315969 compiler/rangechecks/TestRangeCheckHoistingScaledIV.java: make flagless
8187591 -Werror turns incubator module warning to an error
8310807 java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/Connect.java timed out
8282726 java/net/vthread/BlockingSocketOps.java timeout/hang intermittently on Windows
8318480 Obsolete UseCounterDecay and remove CounterDecayMinIntervalLength
8264425 Update building.md on non-English locales on Windows
8320222 Wrong bytecode accepted, and StackMap table generated
8304446 javap –system flag doesn’t override system APIs
8319244 implement JVMTI handshakes support for virtual threads
8316592 RISC-V: implement poly1305 intrinsic
8319784 VM crash during heap dump after JDK-8287061
8319879 Stress mode to randomize incremental inlining decision
8308144 Uncontrolled memory consumption in SSLFlowDelegate.Reader
8320192 SHAKE256 does not work correctly if n >= 137
8320208 Update Public Suffix List to b5bf572
8319777 Zero: Support 8-byte cmpxchg
8320052 Zero: Use __atomic built-ins for atomic RMW operations
8275889 Search dialog has redundant scrollbars
8319988 Wrong heading for inherited nested classes
8320348 test/jdk/java/io/File/GetAbsolutePath.windowsDriveRelative fails if working directory is not on drive C
8320372 test/jdk/sun/security/x509/DNSName/LeadingPeriod.java validity check failed
8320234 Merge doclint.Env.AccessKind with tool.AccessKind
8319817 Charset constructor should make defensive copy of aliases
8320147 Remove DumpSharedSpaces
8319973 AArch64: Save and restore FPCR in the call stub
8320410 Reflow markdown in building.md
8319928 Exceptions thrown by cleanup actions should be handled correctly
8320280 RISC-V: Avoid passing t0 as temp register to MacroAssembler::lightweight_lock/unlock
8320300 Adjust hs_err output in malloc/mmap error cases
8320386 Remove java/nio/channels/vthread/BlockingChannelOps.java#direct-register from ProblemList
8320168 handle setsocktopt return values
8316557 Make fields final in ‘sun.util’ package
8283214 [macos] Screen magnifier does not show the magnified text for JcomboBox
8320361 Doc error in RemoteRecordingStream.java
8295391 Add discussion of binary <-> decimal conversion issues
8320258 Refresh building.md
8320212 Disable GCC stringop-overflow warning for affected files
8318562 Computational test more than 2x slower when AVX instructions are used
8320206 Some intrinsics/stubs missing vzeroupper on x86_64
8319985 Delete sun.awt.windows.WToolkit.embedded*() API
8320334 Reflow markdown in testing.md
8315457 Implement JEP 459: String Templates (Second Preview)
8317834 java/lang/Thread/IsAlive.java timed out
8317357 Update links in building.md to use https rather than http
8315801 [PPC64] JNI code should be more similar to the Panama implementation
8319876 Reduce memory consumption of VM_ThreadDump::doit
8319897 Move StackWatermark handling out of LockStack::contains
8311932 Suboptimal compiled code of nested loop over memory segment
8319896 Remove monitor deflation from final audit
8319567 Update java/lang/invoke tests to support vm flags
8319568 Update java/lang/reflect/exeCallerAccessTest/CallerAccessTest.java to accept vm flags
8319672 Several classloader tests ignore VM flags
8319676 A couple of jdk/modules/incubator/ tests ignore VM flags
8319677 Test jdk/internal/misc/VM/RuntimeArguments.java should be marked as flagless
8320199 Fix HTML 5 errors in java.math.BigInteger
8314621 ClassNotFoundException due to lambda reference to elided anonymous inner class
8319987 compilation of sealed classes leads to infinite recursion
8320209 VectorMaskGen clobbers rflags on x86_64
8319103 Popups that request focus are not shown on Linux with Wayland
8319630 Monitor final audit log lacks separator
8318757 VM_ThreadDump asserts in interleaved ObjectMonitor::deflate_monitor calls
8319927 Log that IEEE rounding mode was corrupted by loading a library
8319764 C2 compilation asserts during incremental inlining because Phi input is out of bounds
8318826 C2: “Bad graph detected in build_loop_late” with incremental inlining
8319531 FileServerHandler::discardRequestBody could be improved
8319825 jdk.net/jdk.net.ExtendedSocketOptions::IP_DONTFRAGMENT is missing @since 19
8319747 galoisCounterMode_AESCrypt stack walking broken
8319542 Fix boundaries of region to be tested with os::is_readable_range
8316653 Large NMethodSizeLimit triggers assert during C1 code buffer allocation
8317723 C2: CountedLoopEndNodes and Zero Trip Guards are wrongly treated as Runtime Predicate
8319301 Static analysis warnings after JDK-8318016
8283140 Remove unused encoding classes/operands from x86_64.ad
8304020 Speed up test/jdk/java/util/zip/ZipFile/TestTooManyEntries.java and clarify its purpose
8301997 Move method resolution information out of the cpCache
8319986 Invalid/inconsistent description and example for DateFormat
8320130 Problemlist 2 vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/StepRequest/addClassFilter_rt tests with Xcomp
8319187 Add three eMudhra emSign roots
8318219 RISC-V: C2 ExpandBits
8320053 GHA: Cross-compile gtest code
8319966 AIX: expected [[0:i4]] but found [[0:I4]] after JDK-8319882
8318671 Potential uninitialized uintx value after JDK-8317683
8319781 RISC-V: Refactor UseRVV related checks
8313672 C2: PhaseCCP does not correctly track analysis dependencies involving shift, convert, and mask
8319955 Improve dependencies removal during class unloading
8287284 C2: loop optimization performs split_thru_phi infinitely many times
8320054 Remove unused _count from NMT walker classes
8315986 [macos14] javax/swing/JMenuItem/4654927/bug4654927.java: component must be showing on the screen to determine its location
8319999 Refactor MetaspaceShared::use_full_module_graph()
8319572 Test jdk/incubator/vector/LoadJsvmlTest.java ignores VM flags
8319439 Move BufferNode from PtrQueue files to new files
8319628 DateFormat does not mention IllegalArgumentException for invalid style args
8301310 The SendRawSysexMessage test may cause a JVM crash
8287843 File::getCanonicalFile doesn’t work for \?\C:\ style paths DOS device paths
8319196 ExecutableElement.getReceiverType doesn’t return receiver types for methods loaded from bytecode
8318759 Add four DigiCert root certificates
8319958 test/jdk/java/io/File/libGetXSpace.c does not compile on Windows 32-bit
8316392 compiler/interpreter/TestVerifyStackAfterDeopt.java failed with SIGBUS in PcDescContainer::find_pc_desc_internal
8191460 crash in Annotate with duplicate declaration and annotation processing enabled
8316342 CLHSDB “dumpclass” command produces invalid classes
8319961 JvmtiEnvBase doesn’t zero _ext_event_callbacks
8319883 Zero: Use atomic built-ins for 64-bit accesses
8254693 Add Panama feature to pass heap segments to native code
8319970 AArch64: enable tests compiler/intrinsics/Test(Long|Integer)UnsignedDivMod.java on aarch64
8319960 RISC-V: compiler/intrinsics/TestInteger/LongUnsignedDivMod.java failed with “counts: Graph contains wrong number of nodes”
8318218 RISC-V: C2 CompressBits
8318479 [jmh] the test security.CacheBench failed for multiple threads run
8210807 Printing a JTable with a JScrollPane prints table without rows populated
8309203 C2: remove copy-by-value of GrowableArray for InterfaceSet
8319406 x86: Shorter movptr(reg, imm) for 32-bit immediates
8318817 Could not reserve enough space in CodeHeap ‘profiled nmethods’ (0K)
8303920 Avoid calling out to python in DataDescriptorSignatureMissing test
8319640 ClassicFormat::parseObject (from DateTimeFormatter) does not conform to the javadoc and may leak DateTimeException
8319570 Change to GCC 13.2.0 for building on Linux at Oracle
8317562 [JFR] Compilation queue statistics
8319753 Duration javadoc has “period” instead of “duration” in several places
8319944 Remove DynamicDumpSharedSpaces
8319818 Address GCC 13.2.0 warnings (stringop-overflow and dangling-pointer)
8306116 Update CLDR to Version 44.0
8296250 Update ICU4J to Version 74.1
8319650 Improve heap dump performance with class metadata caching
8319820 Use unnamed variables in the FFM implementation
8319704 LogTagSet::set_output_level() should not accept NULL as LogOutput
8318636 Add jcmd to print annotated process memory map
8319375 test/hotspot/jtreg/serviceability/jvmti/RedefineClasses/RedefineLeakThrowable.java runs into OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace on AIX
8309893 Integrate ReplicateB/S/I/L/F/D nodes to Replicate node
8318189 ChoiceFormat::format throws undocumented AIOOBE
8319314 NMT detail report slow or hangs for large number of mappings
8319339 Internal error on spurious markup in a hybrid snippet
8318895 Deoptimization results in incorrect lightweight locking stack
8319882 SequenceLayout::toString throws ArithmeticException
8319828 runtime/NMT/VirtualAllocCommitMerge.java may fail if mixing interpreted and compiled native invocations
8319174 Enhance robustness of some j.m.BigInteger constructors
8319256 Print more diagnostic information when an unexpected user is found in a Phi
8319670 Improve comments describing system properties for TLS server and client for max chain length
8319649 inline_boxing_calls unused gvn variable
8319429 Resetting MXCSR flags degrades ecore
8319554 Select LogOutput* directly for stdout and stderr
8319574 Exec/process tests should be marked as flagless
8319705 RISC-V: signumF/D intrinsics fails compiler/intrinsics/math/TestSignumIntrinsic.java
8319324 FFM: Reformat javadocs
8319664 IGV always output on PhaseRemoveUseless
8319726 Parallel GC: Re-use object in object-iterator
8319748 [JVMCI] TestUseCompressedOopsFlagsWithUlimit.java crashes on libgraal
8316746 Top of lock-stack does not match the unlocked object
8310886 C2 SuperWord: Two nodes should be isomorphic if they are loop invariant but pinned at different nodes outside the loop
8318962 Update ProcessTools javadoc with suggestions in 8315097
8319104 GtestWrapper crashes with SIGILL in AsyncLogTest::test_asynclog_raw on AIX opt
8319725 G1: Subtracting virtual time from wall time after JDK-8319204
6928542 Chinese characters in RTF are not decoded
8319665 [macOS] Obsolete imports of <Carbon/Carbon.h> in java.desktop
8319253 [BACKOUT] Change LockingMode default from LM_LEGACY to LM_LIGHTWEIGHT
8187655 jdk.lambda.vm.InterfaceAccessFlagsTest.testPrivateMethodCall needs update after nestmates support
8319184 RISC-V: improve MD5 intrinsic
8311961 Update Manual Test Groups for ATR JDK22
8318915 Enhance checks in BigDecimal.toPlainString()
8319423 Improve Year.isLeap by checking divisibility by 16
8319376 ParallelGC: Forwarded objects found during heap inspection
8319456 jdk/jfr/event/gc/collection/TestGCCauseWith[Serial|Parallel].java : GC cause ‘GCLocker Initiated GC’ not in the valid causes
8294980 test/jdk/java/lang/invoke 15 test classes use experimental bytecode library
8319374 JFR: Remove instrumentation for exception events
8319306 Serial: Remove TenuredSpace::verify
8316719 C2 compilation still fails with “bad AD file”
8319318 bufferedStream fixed case can be removed
8319556 Harmonize interface formatting in the FFM API
8319378 Spec for j.util.Timer::purge and j.util.Timer::cancel could be improved
8315680 java/lang/ref/ReachabilityFenceTest.java should run with -Xbatch
8305814 Update Xalan Java to 2.7.3
8319573 Change to Visual Studio 17.6.5 for building on Windows at Oracle
8319338 tools/jpackage/share/RuntimeImageTest.java fails with -XX:+UseZGC
8319436 Proxy.newProxyInstance throws NPE if loader is null and interface not visible from class loader
8314891 Additional Zip64 extra header validation
8318594 NMT: VM.native_memory crashes on assert if functionality isn’t supported by OS
8319532 jshell - Non-sealed declarations sometimes break a snippet evaluation
8317937 @sealedGraph: Links to inner classes fails in links
8319560 Reformat method parameters in the FFM API
8319607 FFM: Review the language in the FFM documentation
8319204 G1: Change G1CMTask::_termination_time_ms to wallclock time
8319525 RISC-V: Rename *_riscv64.ad files to *_riscv.ad under riscv/gc
8319615 IGV incomplete gitignore
8319541 G1: Inline G1RemoveSelfForwardsTask into RestoreRetainedRegionsTask
8319620 Parallel: Remove unused PSPromotionManager::*_is_full getters and setters
8319462 Signature.ClassTypeSig::classDesc() incorrect for inner class types
8318144 Match on enum constants with body compiles but fails with MatchException
8319563 Reformat code in the FFM API
8319613 Complier error in benchmark TestLoadSegmentVarious
8319238 JMX ThreadPoolAccTest.java is too verbose and should fail before timeout
8319559 [JVMCI] ensureLinked must be able to call Java
8319408 RISC-V: MaxVectorSize is not consistently checked in several situations
8318678 Vector access on heap MemorySegments only works for byte[]
8319197 Exclude hb-subset and hb-style from compilation
8319450 New methods java.net.InetXAddress.ofLiteral() miss @since tag
8319233 AArch64: Build failure with clang due to -Wformat-nonliteral warning
8318580 “javax/swing/MultiMonitor/MultimonVImage.java failing with Error. Can’t find library: /open/test/jdk/java/awt/regtesthelpers” after JDK-8316053
8319316 Clarify text around which layouts a linker supports
8308453 Convert JKS test keystores in test/jdk/javax/net/ssl/etc to PKCS12
8319455 Test compiler/print/CompileCommandMemLimit.java times out
8319153 Fix: Class is a raw type in ProcessTools
4365952 Cannot disable JFileChooser
8319465 Typos in javadoc of com.sun.management.OperatingSystemMXBean methods
8319379 G1: gc/logging/TestUnifiedLoggingSwitchStress.java crashes after JDK-8318894
8316533 C2 compilation fails with assert(verify(phase)) failed: missing Value() optimization
8318959 C2: define MachNode::fill_new_machnode() statically
8319165 hsdis binutils: warns on empty string as option string
8319412 RISC-V: Simple fix of indent in c2_MacroAssembler_riscv.hpp
8295159 DSO created with -ffast-math breaks Java floating-point arithmetic
8318422 Allow poller threads be virtual threads
8319053 Segment dump files remain after parallel heap dump on Windows
8318466 Improve spec of NumberFormat’s methods with unsupported operations
8225377 type annotations are not visible to javac plugins across compilation boundaries
8317620 Build JDK tools with ModuleMainClass attribute
8318736 com/sun/jdi/JdwpOnThrowTest.java failed with “transport error 202: bind failed: Address already in use”
8318955 Add ReleaseIntArrayElements in Java_sun_awt_X11_XlibWrapper_SetBitmapShape XlbWrapper.c to early return
8319323 FFM: Harmonize the @throws tags in the javadocs
8319268 Build failure with GCC8.3.1 after 8313643
8296240 Augment discussion of test tiers in doc/testing.md
8315364 Assert thread state invariant for JFR stack trace capture
8316028 Update FreeType to 2.13.2
8319195 Move most tier 1 vector API regression tests to tier 3
8318982 Improve Exceptions::special_exception
8319213 Compatibility.java reads both stdout and stderr of JdkUtils
8319265 TestLoadLibraryDeadlock.java fails on windows-x64 “Unable to load b.jar”
8317374 Add Let’s Encrypt ISRG Root X2
8316969 Improve CDS module graph support for –module option
8315890 Attempts to load from nullptr in instanceKlass.cpp and unsafe.cpp
8319166 Typos in the JavaDocs for MemorySegment
8317545 AIX PPC64: Implementation of Foreign Function & Memory API
8319300 Remove unused methods in WorkArounds and Utils
8319206 [REDO] Event NativeLibraryLoad breaks invariant by taking a stacktrace when thread is in state _thread_in_native
8316538 runtime/handshake/MixedHandshakeWalkStackTest.java crashes with JFR
8315921 Invalid CSS declarations in java.lang class documentation
8319205 Parallel: Reenable work stealing after JDK-8310031
8318894 G1: Use uint for age in G1SurvRateGroup
8317332 Prepare security for permissive-
8318957 enhance agentlib:jdwp help output by info about allow option
8306561 Possible out of bounds access in print_pointer_information
8319203 Parallel: Rename addr_is_marked_imprecise
8317132 Prepare HotSpot for permissive-
8317965 TestLoadLibraryDeadlock.java fails with “Unable to load native library.: expected true, was false”
8317612 ChoiceFormat and MessageFormat constructors call non-final public method
8319211 Regression in LoopOverNonConstantFP
8311546 Certificate name constraints improperly validated with leading period
8318694 [JVMCI] disable can_call_java in most contexts for libjvmci compiler threads
8319046 Execute tests in source/class-file order in JavadocTester
8319139 Improve diagnosability of JavadocTester output
8316025 Use testUI() method of PassFailJFrame.Builder in FileChooserSymLinkTest.java
8317048 VerifyError with unnamed pattern variable and more than one components
8318647 Serial: Refactor BlockOffsetTable
8304939 os::win32::exit_process_or_thread should be marked noreturn
8318016 Per-compilation memory ceiling
8318683 compiler/c2/irTests/TestPhiDuplicatedConversion.java “Failed IR Rules (2) of Methods (2)”
8306980 Generated docs should contain correct Legal Documents
8316132 CDSProtectionDomain::get_shared_protection_domain should check for exception
8313643 Update HarfBuzz to 8.2.2
8301846 Invalid TargetDataLine after screen lock when using JFileChooser or COM library
8169475 WheelModifier.java fails by timeout
8317609 Classfile API fails to verify /jdk.jcmd/sun/tools/jstat/Alignment.class
8299058 AssertionError in sun.net.httpserver.ServerImpl when connection is idle
8239508 JFR: @RemoveFields
8311596 Add separate system properties for TLS server and client for maximum chain length
8309118 HttpClient: Add more tests for 100 ExpectContinue with HTTP/2
8318908 Parallel: Remove ExtendedCardValue
8318940 [JVMCI] do not set HotSpotNmethod oop for a default HotSpotNmethod
8319136 Skip pkcs11 tests on linux-aarch64
8319120 Unbound ScopedValue.get() throws the wrong exception
8318467 [jmh] tests concurrent.Queues and concurrent.ProducerConsumer hang with 101+ threads
8317951 Refactor loading of zip library to help resolve JDK-8315220
8318492 Http2ClientImpl should attempt to close and remove connection in stop()
8319106 Remove unimplemented TaskTerminator::do_delay_step
8318951 Additional negative value check in JPEG decoding
8009550 PlatformPCSC should load versioned so
8318410 jdk/java/lang/instrument/BootClassPath/BootClassPathTest.sh fails on Japanese Windows
8310933 Copying from runtime image to application image should not follow symlinks
8318677 (ch) Add implNote about minBufferCap to main variant of Channels.newWriter
8313621 test/jdk/jdk/internal/math/FloatingDecimal/TestFloatingDecimal should use RandomFactory
8310239 Add missing cross modifying fence in nmethod entry barriers
8318961 increase javacserver connection timeout values and max retry attempts
8317507 C2 compilation fails with “Exceeded _node_regs array”
8316271 JfrJvmtiAgent::retransformClasses failed: JVMTI_ERROR_FAILS_VERIFICATION
8318981 compiler/compilercontrol/TestConflictInlineCommands.java fails intermittent with ‘disallowed by CompileCommand’ missing from stdout/stderr
8315532 Compiler Implementation for Unnamed Variables & Patterns
8317221 Implementation for javax.lang.model for Unnamed Variables & Patterns
8318709 Improve System.nanoTime performance on Windows
8318889 C2: add bailout after assert Bad graph detected in build_loop_late
8310978 JFR events SocketReadEvent/SocketWriteEvent for Socket adaptor ops
8318953 RISC-V: Small refactoring for MacroAssembler::test_bit
8319067 ProblemList serviceability/AsyncGetCallTrace/MyPackage/ASGCTBaseTest.java on linux-aarch64 in Xcomp mode
8318827 RISC-V: Improve readability of fclass result testing
8318225 RISC-V: C2 UModI
8318226 RISC-V: C2 UModL
8316996 Catalog API Enhancement: add a factory method
8318850 Duplicate code in the LCMSImageLayout
8318091 Remove empty initIDs functions
8318753 hsdis binutils may place libs in lib64
8318837 javac generates wrong ldc instruction for dynamic constant loads
8317661 [REDO] store/load order not preserved when handling memory pool due to weakly ordered memory architecture of aarch64
8318811 Compiler directives parser swallows a character after line comments
8288899 java/util/concurrent/ExecutorService/CloseTest.java failed with “InterruptedException: sleep interrupted”
8318964 Fix build failures caused by 8315097
8315097 Rename createJavaProcessBuilder
8307168 Inconsistent validation and handling of –system flag arguments
8316632 Shenandoah: Raise OOME when gc threshold is exceeded
8313781 Add regression tests for large page logging and user-facing error messages
8318096 Introduce AsymmetricKey interface with a getParams method
8274122 java/io/File/createTempFile/SpecialTempFile.java fails in Windows 11
8272215 Add InetAddress methods for parsing IP address literals
8318689 jtreg is confused when folder name is the same as the test name
8318834 s390x: Debug builds are missing debug helpers
8318723 RISC-V: C2 UDivL
8318224 RISC-V: C2 UDivI
8318737 Fallback linker passes bad JNI handle
8318447 Move NMT source code to own subdirectory
8318700 MacOS Zero cannot run gtests due to wrong JVM path
8318801 Parallel: Remove unused verify_all_young_refs_precise
8318805 RISC-V: Wrong comments instructions cost in riscv.ad
8316437 JFR: assert(!tl->has_java_buffer()) failed: invariant
8318788 java/net/Socks/SocksSocketProxySelectorTest.java fails on machines with no IPv6 link-local addresses
8318705 [macos] ProblemList java/rmi/registry/multipleRegistries/MultipleRegistries.java
8305321 Remove unused exports in java.desktop
8318720 G1: Memory leak in G1CodeRootSet after JDK-8315503
8318843 ProblemList java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/CollectionUsageThreshold.java in Xcomp
8317510 Change Windows debug symbol files naming to avoid losing info when an executable and a library share the same name
8318613 ChoiceFormat patterns are not well tested
8318186 ChoiceFormat inconsistency between applyPattern() and setChoices()
8318487 Specification of the ListFormat.equals() method can be improved
8317360 Missing null checks in JfrCheckpointManager and JfrStringPool initialization routines
8318735 RISC-V: Enable related hotspot tests run on riscv
8318727 Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/vm/gc/concurrent tests
8318607 Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/nsk/stress/jni tests
8318608 Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/nsk/stress/threads tests
8312980 C2: “malformed control flow” created during incremental inlining
8316017 Refactor timeout handler in PassFailJFrame
8318669 Target OS detection in ‘test-prebuilt’ makefile target is incorrect when running on MSYS2
8316003 Update FileChooserSymLinkTest.java to HTML instructions
8294156 Allow PassFailJFrame.Builder to create test UI
8294158 HTML formatting for PassFailJFrame instructions
8318713 G1: Use more accurate age in predict_eden_copy_time_ms
8318692 Add instructions for creating Ubuntu-based sysroot for cross compilation
8316961 Fallback implementations for 64-bit Atomic::{add,xchg} on 32-bit platforms
8318102 macos10.14 check in CSystemColors can be removed.
8318100 Remove redundant check for Metal support
8311877 [macos] Add CLI options to provide signing identity directly to codesign and productbuild
8318051 Duration.between uses exceptions for control flow
8316964 Security tools should not call System.exit
8318306 java/util/Arrays/Sorting.java fails with “Array is not sorted at 8228-th position: 8251.0 and 8153.0”
8318569 Add getter methods for Locale and Patterns in ListFormat
8318702 G1: Fix nonstandard indentation in g1HeapTransition.cpp
8318160 javac does not reject private method reference with type-variable receiver
8318693 Fix rendering for code blocks nested under list items in building.md
8318509 x86 count_positives intrinsic broken for -XX:AVX3Threshold=0
8317689 [JVMCI] include error message when CreateJavaVM in libgraal fails
8318222 RISC-V: C2 CmpU3
8318223 RISC-V: C2 CmpUL3
8316046 x64 platforms unecessarily save xmm16-31 when UseAVX >= 3
8318701 Fix copyright year
8318240 [AIX] Cleaners.java test failure
8316470 Incorrect error location for “invalid permits clause” depending on file order
8293713 java/net/httpclient/BufferingSubscriberTest.java fails in timeout, blocked in submission publisher
8318646 Integer#parseInt(“”) throws empty NumberFormatException message
8318528 Rename TestUnstructuredLocking test
8318474 Fix memory reporter for thread_count
8318455 Fix the compiler/sharedstubs/SharedTrampolineTest.java and SharedStubToInterpTest.java
8318609 Upcall stubs should be smaller
8315024 Vector API FP reduction tests should not test for exact equality
8317289 javadoc fails with -sourcepath if module-info.java contains import statements
8318591 avoid leaks in loadlib_aix.cpp reload_table()
8318587 refresh libraries cache on AIX in print_vm_info
8310031 Parallel: Implement better work distribution for large object arrays in old gen
8305753 Allow JIT compilation for -Xshare:dump
8318130 SocksSocketImpl needlessly encodes hostname for IPv6 addresses
8318691 runtime/CompressedOops/CompressedClassPointersEncodingScheme.java fails with release VMs
8318476 Add resource consumption note to BigInteger and BigDecimal
8318485 Narrow klass shift should be zero if encoding range extends to 0x1_0000_0000
8317678 Fix up hashCode() for ZipFile.Source.Key
8318124 JFR: Rewrite instrumentation to use Class-File API
8318445 More broken bailout chains in C2
8318071 IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions flag still causes failure in ArchiveHeapTestClass
8312475 org.jline.util.PumpReader signed byte problem
8318109 Writing JFR records while a CHT has taken its lock asserts in rank checking
8318027 Support alternative name to jdk.internal.vm.compiler
8295795 hsdis does not build with binutils 2.39+
8317807 JAVA_FLAGS removed from jtreg running in JDK-8317039
8303525 Refactor/cleanup open/test/jdk/javax/rmi/ssl/SSLSocketParametersTest.java
8318649 G1: Remove unimplemented HeapRegionRemSet::add_code_root_locked
8318643 +UseTransparentHugePages must enable +UseLargePages
8318082 ConcurrentModificationException from IndexWriter
8318507 G1: Improve remset clearing for humongous candidates
8318585 Rename CodeCache::UnloadingScope to UnlinkingScope
8317868 Add @sealedGraph to MethodHandleDesc and descendants
8318484 Initial version of cdsConfig.hpp
8316741 BasicStroke.createStrokedShape miter-limits failing on small shapes
8318573 The nsk.share.jpda.SocketConnection should fail if socket was closed.
8318622 ProblemList gc/cslocker/TestCSLocker.java on linux-x64 in Xcomp mode
8306308 (ch) Writer created by Channels::newWriter may lose data
8318482 problemlist compiler/codecache/CheckLargePages.java on Linux-x64 until JDK-8317831 is fixed
8317373 Add Telia Root CA v2
8318107 Un-ProblemList LocaleProvidersRun and CalendarDataRegression
7061097 [Doc] Inconsistenency between the spec and the implementation for DateFormat.Field
8316030 Update Libpng to 1.6.40
8209595 MonitorVmStartTerminate.java timed out
8318421 AbstractPipeline.sourceStageSpliterator() chases pointers needlessly
8318420 AbstractPipeline invokes overridden method in constructor
8316563 test tools/jpackage/linux/LinuxResourceTest.java fails on CentOS Linux release 8.5.2111 and Fedora 27
8318598 FFM stylistic cleanups
8314588 gc/metaspace/TestMetaspaceInitialization.java failed “assert(capacity_until_gc >= committed_bytes) failed: capacity_until_gc: 3145728 < committed_bytes: 3211264”
8317971 RISC-V: implement copySignF/D and signumF/D intrinsics
8318601 Remove javadoc text about restricted methods
8077371 Binary files in JAXP test should be removed
8318457 Use prefix-less prepend methods directly to reduce branches in String concat expressions
8318448 Link PopupMenu/PopupMenuLocation.java failure to JDK-8259913
8318101 Additional test cases for CSSAttributeEqualityBug
8304684 Memory leak in DirectivesParser::set_option_flag
8318049 C2: assert(!failure) failed: Missed optimization opportunity in PhaseIterGVN
8318538 Add a way to obtain a strided var handle from a layout
8317819 Scope should reflect lifetime of underying resource (mainline)
8318510 Serial: Remove TenuredGeneration::block_size
8317920 JDWP-agent sends broken exception event with onthrow option
8318296 Move Space::initialize to ContiguousSpace
8318525 Atomic gtest should run as TEST_VM to access VM capabilities
8318489 Remove unused alignment_unit and alignment_offset
8314438 NMT: Performance benchmarks are needed to have a baseline for comparison of improvements
8316587 Use ArraysSupport.vectorizedHashCode in Utf8EntryImpl
8318540 make test cannot run .jasm tests directly
8317350 Move code cache purging out of CodeCache::UnloadingScope
8316436 ContinuationWrapper uses unhandled nullptr oop
8317575 AArch64: C2_MacroAssembler::fast_lock uses rscratch1 for cmpxchg result
8318150 StaticProxySelector.select should not throw NullPointerExceptions
8312777 notifyJvmtiMount before notifyJvmtiUnmount
8317692 jcmd GC.heap_dump performance regression after JDK-8292818
8315064 j.text.ChoiceFormat provides no specification on quoting behavior
8314901 AES-GCM interleaved implementation using AVX2 instructions
8318322 Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2023-10-16
8317635 Improve GetClassFields test to verify correctness of field order
8318383 Remove duplicated checks in os::get_native_stack() in posix implementation
8318454 TestLayoutPaths broken on Big Endian platforms after JDK-8317837
8318418 hsdis build fails with system binutils on Ubuntu
8318324 Drop redundant default methods from FFM API
8317358 G1: Make TestMaxNewSize use createTestJvm
8318415 Adjust describing comment of os_getChildren after 8315026
8316144 Remove unused field jdk.internal.util.xml.impl.XMLStreamWriterImpl.Element._Depth
8318089 Class space not marked as such with NMT when CDS is off
8318104 macOS 10.13 check in TabButtonAccessibility.m can be removed
8318471 ProblemList compiler/sharedstubs/SharedTrampolineTest.java
8317979 Use TZ database style abbreviations in the CLDR locale provider
8318029 Minor improvement to logging output in container at-requires
8318458 Update javac and java manpages with restricted method options
8318363 Foreign benchmarks fail to build on some platforms
8318183 C2: VM may crash after hitting node limit
8315974 Make fields final in ‘com.sun.crypto.provider’ package
8317886 Add @sealedGraph to ByteBuffer
8318365 Test runtime/cds/appcds/sharedStrings/InternSharedString.java fails after JDK-8311538
8309966 Enhanced TLS connections
8286503 Enhance security classes
8297856 Improve handling of Bidi characters
8296581 Better system proxy support
8316967 Correct the scope of vmtimer in UnregisteredClasses::load_class
8318126 Refresh manpages
8314975 JavadocTester should set source path if not specified
8316972 Add javadoc support for restricted methods
8318328 DHKEM should check XDH name in case-insensitive mode
8317600 VtableStubs::stub_containing() table load not ordered wrt to stores
8316959 Improve InlineCacheBuffer pending queue management
8316462 sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm/MonitorVmStartTerminate.java ignores VM flags
8311538 CDS InternSharedString test fails on huge pages host - cannot find shared string
8318295 Update launcher help for enable-native-access
8318015 Lock inflation not needed for OSR or Deopt for new locking modes
8316927 JFR: Move shouldCommit check earlier for socket events
8317300 javac erroneously allows “final” in front of a record pattern
8315588 JShell does not accept underscore from JEP 443 even with –enable-preview
8314578 Non-verifiable code is emitted when two guards declare pattern variables in colon-switch
8316410 GC: Make TestCompressedClassFlags use createTestJvm
8316973 GC: Make TestDisableDefaultGC use createTestJvm
8317188 G1: Make TestG1ConcRefinementThreads use createTestJvm
8317042 G1: Make TestG1ConcMarkStepDurationMillis use createTestJvm
8317218 G1: Make TestG1HeapRegionSize use createTestJvm
8249832 java/util/zip/DataDescriptorSignatureMissing.java uses @ignore w/o bug-id
8317316 G1: Make TestG1PercentageOptions use createTestJvm
8318155 Remove unnecessary virtual specifier in Space
8318180 Memory model reference from foreign package-info is broken
8317317 G1: Make TestG1RemSetFlags use createTestJvm
8317343 GC: Make TestHeapFreeRatio use createTestJvm
8317347 Parallel: Make TestInitialTenuringThreshold use createTestJvm
8317228 GC: Make TestXXXHeapSizeFlags use createTestJvm
8310673 [JVMCI] batch compilation for libgraal should work the same way as for C2
8317696 Fix compilation with clang-16
8318078 ADLC: pass ASSERT and PRODUCT flags
8318086 [jvmci] RISC-V: Reuse target config from TargetDescription
8317285 Misspellings in hprof test lib
8313613 Use JUnit in langtools/lib tests
8268916 Tests for AffirmTrust roots
8316309 AArch64: VMError::print_native_stack() crashes on Java native method frame
8312527 (ch) Re-examine use of sun.nio.ch.Invoker.myGroupAndInvokeCount
8317687 (fs) FileStore.supportsFileAttributeView(“posix”) incorrectly returns ‘true’ for FAT32 volume on macOS
8308659 Use CSS scroll-margin instead of flexbox layout in API documentation
8317975 [JVMCI] assert(pointee != nullptr) failed: invariant
8316918 Optimize conversions duplicated across phi nodes
8318154 Improve stability of WheelModifier.java test
8317112 Add screenshot for Frame/DefaultSizeTest.java
8317994 Serial: Use SerialHeap in generation
8154846 SwingNode does not resize when content size constraints are changed
8315362 NMT: summary diff reports threads count incorrectly
8316585 [REDO] runtime/InvocationTests spend a lot of time on dependency verification
8316304 (fs) Add support for BasicFileAttributes.creationTime() for Linux
8318085 ProblemList jdk/jfr/api/consumer/recordingstream/TestOnEvent.java on linux-aarch64
8317262 LockStack::contains(oop) fails “assert(t->is_Java_thread()) failed: incorrect cast to JavaThread”
8305971 NPE in JavacProcessingEnvironment for missing enum constructor body
8318072 DowncallLinker does not acquire/release segments in interpreter
8317683 Add JIT memory statistics
8266242 java/awt/GraphicsDevice/CheckDisplayModes.java failing on macOS 11 ARM
8317535 Shenandoah: Remove unused code
8317514 Ensure MemorySegment is initialized before touching NativeMemorySegmentImpl
8317372 Refactor some NumberFormat tests to use JUnit
8317970 Bump target macosx-x64 version to 11.00.00
8317824 Beef up javadoc for base offset in var handles derived from layouts (mainline)
8317837 Leftover FFM implementation-only changes
8318039 GHA: Bump macOS and Xcode versions
8317808 HTTP/2 stream cancelImpl may leave subscriber registered
8318028 Remove unused class=”centered” from FocusCycle.svg
8317433 Async UL: Only grab lock once when write():ing
8315940 ARM32: Move field resolution information out of the cpCache
8317432 Async UL: Use memcpy instead of strcpy in Message ctr
8318006 remove unused net related coding
8315026 ProcessHandle implementation listing processes on AIX should use getprocs64
8317677 Specialize Vtablestubs::entry_for() for VtableBlob
8317919 pthread_attr_init handle return value and destroy pthread_attr_t object
8317959 Check return values of malloc in native java.base coding
8317987 C2 recompilations cause high memory footprint
8316464 3 sun/tools tests ignore VM flags
8317818 Combinatorial explosion during ‘this’ escape analysis
8315484 java/awt/dnd/RejectDragDropActionTest.java timed out
8317847 Typo in API documentation of class JPopupMenu
8318038 ProblemList runtime/CompressedOops/CompressedClassPointers.java on two platforms
8318040 ProblemList vmTestbase/nsk/monitoring/ThreadMXBean/findMonitorDeadlockedThreads/find006/TestDescription.java on macosx-aarch64
8318042 ProblemList java/nio/channels/vthread/BlockingChannelOps.java#direct-register with GenZGC
8317266 Move nmethod::check_all_dependencies to codeCache.cpp and mark it NOT_PRODUCT
8312522 Implementation of Foreign Function & Memory API
8317967 Enhance test/jdk/javax/net/ssl/TLSCommon/SSLEngineTestCase.java to handle default cases
8317336 Assertion error thrown during ‘this’ escape analysis
8316693 Simplify at-requires checkDockerSupport()
8317956 Make jdk.internal.util.Architecture current architecture final
8316426 Optimization for HexFormat.formatHex
8317772 NMT: Make peak values available in release builds
8170817 G1: Returning MinTLABSize from unsafe_max_tlab_alloc causes TLAB flapping
8317998 Temporarily disable malformed control flow assert to reduce noise in testing
8316947 Write a test to check textArea triggers MouseEntered/MouseExited events properly
8317963 Serial: Remove unused GenerationIsInReservedClosure
8315850 Improve AbstractMap anonymous Iterator classes
8317866 replace NET_SocketAvailable
8038244 (fs) Check return value of malloc in Java_sun_nio_fs_AixNativeDispatcher_getmntctl()
8317873 Add @sealedGraph to IllegalFormatException
8317763 Follow-up to AVX512 intrinsics for Arrays.sort() PR
8317581 [s390x] Multiple test failure with LockingMode=2
8309621 [XWayland][Screencast] screen capture failure with sun.java2d.uiScale other than 1
8317977 update problemlist to include MacOS for sun/security/tools/keytool/NssTest.java
8317964 java/awt/Mouse/MouseModifiersUnitTest/MouseModifiersUnitTest_Standard.java fails on macosx-all after JDK-8317751
8314283 Support for NSS tests on aarch64 platforms
8314896 additional clarifications to reversed() default methods’ implementation requirements
8317874 Add @sealedGraph to StringTemplate.Processor.Linkage
8315716 RISC-V: implement ChaCha20 intrinsic
8317675 Serial: Move gc/shared/generation to serial folder
8316958 Add test for unstructured locking
8317797 G1: Remove unimplemented predict_will_fit
8313438 [s390x] build broken after JDK-8301996
8317839 Exclude java/nio/channels/Channels/SocketChannelStreams.java on AIX
8317603 Improve exception messages thrown by sun.nio.ch.Net native methods (win)
8317738 CodeCacheFullCountTest failed with “VirtualMachineError: Out of space in CodeCache for method handle intrinsic”
8317803 Exclude java/net/Socket/asyncClose/Race.java on AIX
8317790 Fix Bug entry for exclusion of runtime/jni/terminatedThread/TestTerminatedThread.java on AIX
8317761 Combine two versions of print_statistics() in java.cpp
8316975 Memory leak in MTLSurfaceData
8317802 jmh tests fail with Unable to find the resource: /META-INF/BenchmarkList after JDK-8306819
8317751 ProblemList ConsumeForModalDialogTest.java, MenuItemActivatedTest.java & MouseModifiersUnitTest_Standard.java for windows
8316452 java/lang/instrument/modules/AppendToClassPathModuleTest.java ignores VM flags
8316691 Heap dump: separate stack traces for mounted virtual threads
8317795 Add an ImmutableBitSetPredicate variant for bitsets <= 128 elements
8317730 Change byte_size to return size_t
8261894 Remove support for UseSHM
8315505 CompileTask timestamp printed can overflow
8317706 Exclude java/awt/Graphics2D/DrawString/RotTransText.java on linux
8317711 Exclude gtest/GTestWrapper.java on AIX
8317705 ProblemList sun/tools/jstat/jstatLineCountsX.sh on linux-ppc64le and aix due to JDK-8248691
8314199 Initial size PBEKeyFactory#validTypes is not up-to-date
8316233 VirtualThreadStart events should not be thread-filtered
8316447 8 sun/management/jmxremote tests ignore VM flags
8316446 4 sun/management/jdp tests ignore VM flags
8317633 Modernize text.testlib.HexDumpReader
8317631 Refactor ChoiceFormat tests to use JUnit
8316608 Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/gc/vector tests
8317693 Unused parameter to Tokens.Token.comment method
8317736 Stream::handleReset locks twice
8317471 ListFormat::parseObject() spec can be improved on parsePosition valid values
8317422 [JVMCI] concurrency issue in MethodData creation
8310727 C2: *_of() methods in PhaseIterGVN should use uint for the node index
8317594 G1: Refactor find_empty_from_idx_reverse
8317136 [AIX] Problem List runtime/jni/terminatedThread/TestTerminatedThread.java
8317440 Lock rank checking fails when code root set is modified with the Servicelock held after JDK-8315503
8317601 Windows build on WSL broken after JDK-8317340
8314978 Multiple server call from connection failing with expect100 in getOutputStream
8306819 Consider disabling the compiler’s default active annotation processing
8309130 x86_64 AVX512 intrinsics for Arrays.sort methods (int, long, float and double arrays)
8317128 java/nio/file/Files/CopyAndMove.java failed with AccessDeniedException
8317515 Unify the code of the parse*() families of methods in j.l.Integer and j.l.Long
8317560 Change to Xcode 14.3.1 for building on macOS at Oracle
8317318 Serial: Change GenCollectedHeap to SerialHeap in whitebox
8317592 Serial: Remove Space::toContiguousSpace
8317660 [BACKOUT] 8269393: store/load order not preserved when handling memory pool due to weakly ordered memory architecture of aarch64
8269393 store/load order not preserved when handling memory pool due to weakly ordered memory architecture of aarch64
8317502 Add asserts to check for non-null in ciInstance::java_lang_Class_klass
4964430 (spec) missing IllegalStateException exception requirement for javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal
8317443 StackOverflowError on calling ListFormat::getInstance() for Norwegian locales
8313348 Fix typo in JFormattedTextField: ‘it self’
8317240 Promptly free OopMapEntry after fail to insert the entry to OopMapCache
8317522 Test logic for BODY_CF in AbstractThrowingSubscribers.java is wrong
8316523 Relativize esp in interpreter frames (PowerPC only)
8317039 Enable specifying the JDK used to run jtreg
8309204 Obsolete DoReserveCopyInSuperWord
8316594 C2 SuperWord: wrong result with hand unrolled loops
8314654 Metaspace: move locking out of MetaspaceArena
8316146 Open some swing tests 4
8267509 Improve IllegalAccessException message to include the cause of the exception
8305765 CompressedClassPointers.java is unreliable due to ASLR
8317354 Serial: Move DirtyCardToOopClosure to gc/serial folder
8316414 C2: large byte array clone triggers “failed: malformed control flow” assertion failure on linux-x86
8316396 Endless loop in C2 compilation triggered by AddNode::IdealIL
8280120 [IR Framework] Add attribute to @IR to enable/disable IR matching based on the architecture
8317452 [JVMCI] Export symbols used by lightweight locking to JVMCI compilers.
8316971 Add Lint warning for restricted method calls
8317294 Classloading throws exceptions over already pending exceptions
8316679 C2 SuperWord: wrong result, load should not be moved before store if not comparable
8219652 [aix] Tests failing with JNI attach problems.
8315042 NPE in PKCS7.parseOldSignedData
8316778 test hprof lib: invalid array element type from JavaValueArray.elementSize
8317446 ProblemList gc/arguments/TestNewSizeFlags.java on macosx-aarch64 in Xcomp
8317448 ProblemList compiler/interpreter/TestVerifyStackAfterDeopt.java on macosx-aarch64 in Xcomp
8317449 ProblemList serviceability/jvmti/stress/StackTrace/NotSuspended/GetStackTraceNotSuspendedStressTest.java on several platforms
8317265 ListFormat::format specification could be made clearer regarding handling IllegalArgumentException.
8317121 vector_masked_load instruction is moved too early after JDK-8286941
8316696 Remove the testing base classes: IntlTest and CollatorTest
8314085 Fixing scope from benchmark to thread for JMH tests having shared state
8316923 Add DEF_STATIC_JNI_OnLoad for librmi
8303773 Replace “main.wrapper” with “test.thread.factory” property in test code
8308429 jvmti/StopThread/stopthrd007 failed with “NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class jdk.internal.misc.VirtualThreads”
8317235 Remove Access API use in nmethod class
8317340 Windows builds are not reproducible if MS VS compiler install path differs
8317246 Cleanup java.net.URLEncoder and URLDecoder use of file.encoding property
8316880 AArch64: “stop: Header is not fast-locked” with -XX:-UseLSE since JDK-8315880
8316893 Compile without -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks
8314294 Unsafe::allocateMemory and Unsafe::freeMemory are slower than malloc/free
8296631 NSS tests failing on OL9 linux-aarch64 hosts
8309667 TLS handshake fails because of ConcurrentModificationException in PKCS12KeyStore.engineGetEntry
8316929 Shenandoah: Shenandoah degenerated GC and full GC need to cleanup old OopMapCache entries
8268622 Performance issues in javac Name class
8317034 Remove redundant type cast in the java.util.stream package
8316771 Krb5.java has not defined messages for all error codes
8309356 Read files in includedir in alphanumeric order
8315692 Parallelize gc/stress/TestStressRSetCoarsening.java test
8317273 compiler/codecache/OverflowCodeCacheTest.java fails transiently on Graal
8317314 Remove unimplemented ObjArrayKlass::oop_oop_iterate_elements_bounded
8317295 ResponseSubscribers.SubscriberAdapter should call the finisher function asynchronously
8316907 Fix nonnull-compare warnings
8316415 Parallelize sun/security/rsa/SignedObjectChain.java subtests
8316361 C2: assert(!failure) failed: Missed optimization opportunity in PhaseIterGVN with -XX:VerifyIterativeGVN=10
8317327 Remove JT_JAVA dead code in jib-profiles.js
8315503 G1: Code root scan causes long GC pauses due to imbalanced iteration
8315604 IGV: dump and visualize node bottom and phase types
5066247 Refine the spec of equals() and hashCode() for j.text.Format classes
8317335 Build on windows fails after 8316645
8316186 RISC-V: Remove PlatformCmpxchg<4>
8316645 RISC-V: Remove dependency on libatomic by adding cmpxchg 1b
8317141 Remove unused validIndex method from URLClassPath$JarLoader
8295919 java.security.MessageDigest.isEqual does not adhere to @implNote
8303959 tools/jpackage/share/RuntimePackageTest.java fails with java.lang.AssertionError missing files
8317126 Redundant entries in Windows tzmappings file
8316998 Remove redundant type arguments in the java.util.stream package
8316000 File.setExecutable silently fails if file does not exist
8317139 [JVMCI] oop handles clearing message pollutes event log
8317283 jpackage tests run osx-specific checks on windows and linux
8316401 sun/tools/jhsdb/JStackStressTest.java failed with “InternalError: We should have found a thread that owns the anonymous lock”
8301327 convert assert to guarantee in Handle_IDiv_Exception
8317257 RISC-V: llvm build broken
8301686 TLS 1.3 handshake fails if server_name doesn’t match resuming session
8316559 Refactor some util/Calendar tests to JUnit
8317264 Pattern.Bound has static fields that should be static final.
8317119 Remove unused imports in the java.util.stream package
8313810 BoxLayout uses <blockquote> instead of list for layout options
8313811 Improve description of how BoxLayout lays out components
4622866 javax.swing.text.Document.remove(int, int) has a misleading picture
8316879 RegionMatches1Tests fails if CompactStrings are disabled after JDK-8302163
8316445 Mark com/sun/management/HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean/CheckOrigin.java as vm.flagless
8315031 YoungPLABSize and OldPLABSize not aligned by ObjectAlignmentInBytes
8316974 ListFormat creation is unsuccessful for some of the supported Locales
8316894 make test TEST=”jtreg:test/jdk/…” fails on AIX
8315936 Parallelize gc/stress/TestStressG1Humongous.java test
8316580 HttpClient with StructuredTaskScope does not close when a task fails
8313631 SA: stack trace printed using “where” command does not show class name
8309599 WeakHandle and OopHandle release should clear obj pointer
8316885 jcmd: Compiler.CodeHeap_Analytics cmd does not inform about missing aggregate
8316957 Serial: Change GenCollectedHeap to SerialHeap inside gc/serial folder
8317144 Exclude sun/security/pkcs11/sslecc/ClientJSSEServerJSSE.java on Linux ppc64le
8316159 Update BoxLayout sample image for crisper edges
8316970 Add internal annotation to mark restricted methods
8316906 Clarify TLABWasteTargetPercent flag
8316566 RISC-V: Zero extended narrow oop passed to Atomic::cmpxchg
8316946 jtreg failure handler pages are mislabelling the jcmd/thread/dump_to_file results.
8316125 Windows call_stub unnecessarily saves xmm16-31 when UseAVX>=3
8316658 serviceability/jvmti/RedefineClasses/RedefineLeakThrowable.java fails intermittently
8316994 Avoid modifying ClassLoader and Module objects during -Xshare:dump
8306630 Bump minimum boot jdk to JDK 21
8316371 Open some swing tests 6
8316743 RISC-V: Change UseVectorizedMismatchIntrinsic option result to warning
8315848 G1: Rename rs_ prefix to card_rs in analytics
8299560 Assertion failed: currentQueryIndex >= 0 && currentQueryIndex < numberOfJavaProcessesAtInitialization
8316661 CompilerThread leaks CodeBlob memory when dynamically stopping compiler thread in non-product
8315721 CloseRace.java#id0 fails transiently on libgraal
8315966 Relativize initial_sp in interpreter frames
8316924 java/lang/Thread/virtual/stress/ParkALot.java times out
8316710 Exclude java/awt/font/Rotate/RotatedTextTest.java
8299915 Remove ArrayAllocatorMallocLimit and associated code
8316417 ObjectMonitorIterator does not return the most recent monitor and is incorrect if no monitors exists
8293176 SSLEngine handshaker does not send an alert after a bad parameters
8316895 SeenThread::print_action_queue called on a null pointer
8316933 RISC-V: compiler/vectorapi/VectorCastShape128Test.java fails when using RVV
8316897 tools/jpackage/junit tests fail on AIX after JDK-8316547
6450193 After the first Serialization, JTableHeader does not uninstall its UI
8316211 Open source several manual applet tests
8316389 Open source few AWT applet tests
8316218 Open some swing tests 5
8304839 Move TestScaffold.main() to the separate class DebugeeWrapper
8073061 (fs) Files.copy(foo, bar, REPLACE_EXISTING) deletes bar even if foo is not readable
8316935 [s390x] Use consistent naming for lightweight locking in MacroAssembler
8315920 C2: “control input must dominate current control” assert failure
8316671 sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/SSLSocketCloseHang.java test fails intermittent with Read timed out
8316735 Print LockStack in hs_err files
8316098 Revise signature of numa_get_leaf_groups
8316940 Serial: Remove unused declarations in genCollectedHeap
8303737 C2: Load can bypass subtype check that enforces it’s from the right object type
8316851 Add @sealedGraph to Executable
8308479 [s390x] Implement alternative fast-locking scheme
8312136 Modify runtime/ErrorHandling/TestDwarf.java to split dwarf and decoder testing
8313220 Remove Windows specific workaround in LCMS.c for _snprintf
8312191 ColorConvertOp.filter for the default destination is too slow
8315871 Opensource five more Swing regression tests
8313403 Remove unused ‘mask’ field from JFormattedTextField
8310631 test/jdk/sun/nio/cs/TestCharsetMapping.java is spuriously passing
8313804 JDWP support for -Djava.net.preferIPv6Addresses=system
8271268 Fix Javadoc links for Stream.mapMulti
8311823 JFR: Uninitialized EventEmitter::_thread_id field
8315684 Parallelize sun/security/util/math/TestIntegerModuloP.java
8316859 RISC-V: Disable detection of V through HWCAP
8316648 jrt-fs.jar classes not reproducible between standard and bootcycle builds
8316669 ImmutableOopMapSet destructor not called
8316670 Remove effectively unused nmethodBucket::_count
8316556 Fix typos in java.desktop
8287325 AArch64: fix virtual threads with -XX:UseBranchProtection=pac-ret
8315742 Open source several Swing Scroll related tests
8316053 Open some swing tests 3
8315882 Open some swing tests 2
8316711 SEGV in LoaderConstraintTable::find_loader_constraint after JDK-8310874
8315825 Open some swing tests
8301639 JDI and JDWP specs should clarify potential deadlock issues with method invocation
8315464 Uncouple AllClassesIndexWriter from IndexBuilder
8316305 Initial buffer size of StackWalker is too small caused by JDK-8285447
8304956 Update KeyStore.getDefaultType​() specification to return pkcs12 as fallback
8315960 test/jdk/java/io/File/TempDirDoesNotExist.java leaves test files behind
8316540 StoreReproducibilityTest fails on some locales
8316688 Widen allowable error bound of Math.hypot
8316514 Better diagnostic header for VtableStub
8315750 Update subtype check profile collection on PPC following 8308869
8316206 Test StretchedFontTest.java fails for Baekmuk font
8316681 Rewrite URLEncoder.encode to use small reusable buffers
8316702 Only evaluate buffer when IGVPrintLevelOption >= 5
8316130 Incorrect control in LibraryCallKit::inline_native_notify_jvmti_funcs
8316418 containers/docker/TestMemoryWithCgroupV1.java get OOM killed with Parallel GC
8315576 compiler/codecache/CodeCacheFullCountTest.java fails after JDK-8314837
8316319 Generational ZGC: The SoftMaxHeapSize might be wrong when CDS decreases the MaxHeapSize
8316699 TestDynamicConstant.java fails with release VMs
8316698 build failure caused by JDK-8316456
8316456 StackWalker may skip Continuation::yield0 frame mistakenly
8315486 vmTestbase/nsk/jdwp/ThreadReference/ForceEarlyReturn/forceEarlyReturn002/forceEarlyReturn002.java timed out
8316629 j.text.DateFormatSymbols setZoneStrings() exception is unhelpful
8316435 sun.util.calendar.CalendarSystem subclassing should be restricted
8316695 ProblemList serviceability/jvmti/RedefineClasses/RedefineLeakThrowable.java
8316306 Open source and convert manual Swing test
8316383 NullPointerException in AbstractSAXParser after JDK-8306632
8315965 Open source various AWT applet tests
8313229 DHEKeySizing.java should be modified to use TLS versions TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2
8315771 [JVMCI] Resolution of bootstrap methods with int[] static arguments
8311922 [macOS] right-Option key fails to generate release event
8315954 getArgumentValues002.java fails on Graal
8316433 net.dll should delay load winhttp.dll
8316581 Improve performance of Symbol::print_value_on()
8316453 [JVMCI] Using Xcomp on jargraal must eagerly initialize JVMCI
8316240 Open source several add/remove MenuBar manual tests
8310228 Improve error reporting for uncaught native exceptions on Windows
8315739 Missing null check in os::vm_min_address
8316421 libjava should load shell32.dll eagerly
8316595 Alpine build fails after JDK-8314021
8310874 Runthese30m crashes with klass should be in the placeholders during verification
8316659 assert(LockingMode != LM_LIGHTWEIGHT || flag == CCR0) failed: bad condition register
8316582 Minor startup regression in 22-b15 due JDK-8310929
6415065 Submenu is shown on wrong screen in multiple monitor environment
8316105 C2: Back to back Parse Predicates from different loops but with same deopt reason are wrongly grouped together
8311084 Add typeSymbol() API for applicable constant pool entries
8316285 Opensource JButton manual tests
8313612 Use JUnit in lib-test/jdk tests
8315786 [AIX] Build Disk Local Detection Issue with GNU-utils df on AIX
8315082 [REDO] Generational ZGC: Tests crash with assert(index == 0 || is_power_of_2(index))
8308762 Metaspace leak with Instrumentation.retransform
8316229 Enhance class initialization logging
8316627 JViewport Test headless failure
8316156 ByteArrayInputStream.transferTo causes MaxDirectMemorySize overflow
8316532 Native library copying in BuildMicrobenchmark.gmk cause dups on macOS
8315869 UseHeavyMonitors not used
8316562 serviceability/sa/jmap-hprof/JMapHProfLargeHeapTest.java times out after JDK-8314829
8296246 Update Unicode Data Files to Version 15.1.0
8316149 Open source several Swing JTree JViewport KeyboardManager tests
8315880 change LockingMode default from LM_LEGACY to LM_LIGHTWEIGHT
8316427 Duplicated code for {obj,type}ArrayKlass::array_klass
8315981 Opensource five more random Swing tests
8316461 Fix: make test outputs TEST SUCCESS after unsuccessful exit
8286757 adlc tries to build with /pathmap but without /experimental:deterministic
8308995 Update Network IO JFR events to be static mirror events
8316411 compiler/compilercontrol/TestConflictInlineCommands.java fails intermittent with force inline by CompileCommand missing
8316546 Backout JDK-8315932: runtime/InvocationTests spend a lot of time on dependency verification
8316547 Use JUnit.dir jtreg property with jpackage JUnit tests
8315876 Open source several Swing CSS related tests
8316468 os::write incorrectly handles partial write
8315951 Open source several Swing HTMLEditorKit related tests
8315883 Open source several Swing JToolbar tests
8311113 Remove invalid pointer cast and clean up setLabel() in awt_MenuItem.cpp
8315952 Open source several Swing JToolbar JTooltip JTree tests
8316056 Open source several Swing JTree tests
8314830 runtime/ErrorHandling/ tests ignore external VM flags
8314829 serviceability/sa/jmap-hprof/JMapHProfLargeHeapTest.java ignores vm flags
8315415 OutputAnalyzer.shouldMatchByLine() fails in some cases
8308592 Framework for CA interoperability testing
8316513 Serial: Remove unused invalidate_remembered_set
8316294 AIX: Build fopen system call fails on file _BUILD_LIBJDWP_objectfilenames.txt
8314774 Optimize URLEncoder
8315669 Open source several Swing PopupMenu related tests
8316337 (bf) Concurrency issue in DirectByteBuffer.Deallocator
8312498 Thread::getState and JVM TI GetThreadState should return TIMED_WAITING virtual thread is timed parked
8315038 Capstone disassembler stops when it sees a bad instruction
8316428 G1: Nmethod count statistics only count last code root set iterated
8314877 Make fields final in ‘java.net’ package
8316420 Serial: Remove unused GenCollectedHeap::oop_iterate
8030815 Code roots are not accounted for in region prediction
8316061 Open source several Swing RootPane and Slider related tests
8316104 Open source several Swing SplitPane and RadioButton related tests
8314021 HeapDump: Optimize segmented heap file merging phase
8316440 LambdasInTwoArchives.java failed to find WhiteBox.class
8315804 Open source several Swing JTabbedPane JTextArea JTextField tests
8313813 Field sun.util.calendar.CalendarDate#forceStandardTime is never set
8246280 Refine API to model sealed classes and interfaces in javax.lang.model
8301247 JPackage app-image exe launches multiple exe’s in JDK 17+
8314909 tools/jpackage/windows/Win8282351Test.java fails with java.lang.AssertionError: Expected [0]. Actual [1618]:
8316142 Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/nsk/monitoring/stress/lowmem tests
8311220 Optimization for StringLatin UpperLower
8316400 Exclude jdk/jfr/event/runtime/TestResidentSetSizeEvent.java on AIX
8316399 Exclude java/net/MulticastSocket/Promiscuous.java on AIX
8315706 com/sun/tools/attach/warnings/DynamicLoadWarningTest.java real fix for failure on AIX
8316357 Serial: Remove unused GenCollectedHeap::space_containing
8314236 Overflow in Collections.rotate
8294969 Convert jdk.jdeps javap to use the Classfile API
8315988 Parallel: Make TestAggressiveHeap use createTestJvm
8316341 sun/security/pkcs11/PKCS11Test.java needs adjustment on Linux ppc64le Ubuntu 22
8315932 runtime/InvocationTests spend a lot of time on dependency verification
8316391 (zipfs) ZipFileSystem.readFullyAt does not tolerate short reads
8316273 JDK-8315818 broke JVMCIPrintProperties on libgraal
8316387 Exclude more failing multicast tests on AIX after JDK-8315651
8316187 Modernize examples in StringTokenizer and {Date,Number}Format
8315889 Open source several Swing HTMLDocument related tests
8316148 Remove sun/tools/jhsdb/JStackStressTest.java from problem list
8316207 Fix typos in java.io.StreamTokenizer
8316031 SSLFlowDelegate should not log from synchronized block
8315485 (fs) Move java/nio/file/Path/Misc.java tests into java/nio/file/Path/PathOps.java
8312126 NullPointerException in CertStore.getCRLs after 8297955
8316295 Serial: Remove empty Generation::promotion_failure_occurred
8316182 RISC-V: SA stack walking code having trouble finding sender frame when invoking LambdaForms is involved
8314551 More generic way to handshake GC threads with monitor deflation
8312165 Fix typos in java.desktop Swing
8316160 Remove sun.misc.Unsafe.{shouldBeInitialized,ensureClassInitialized}
8316001 GC: Make TestArrayAllocatorMallocLimit use createTestJvm
8314136 Test java/net/httpclient/CancelRequestTest.java failed: WARNING: tracker for HttpClientImpl(42) has outstanding operations
8315931 RISC-V: xxxMaxVectorTestsSmokeTest fails when using RVV
8316178 Better diagnostic header for CodeBlobs
8315741 Open source few swing JFormattedTextField and JPopupMenu tests
8316106 Open source few swing JInternalFrame and JMenuBar tests
8315834 Open source several Swing JSpinner related tests
8316190 Improve MemorySegment::toString
8316326 ProblemList java/awt/Mouse/EnterExitEvents/DragWindowTest.java on macosx-all again
8312332 C2: Refactor SWPointer out from SuperWord
8301991 Convert l10n properties resource bundles to UTF-8 native
8315731 Open source several Swing Text related tests
8315683 Parallelize java/util/concurrent/tck/JSR166TestCase.java
8313452 Improve Classfile API attributes handling safety
8316147 Remove serviceability/sa/TestJhsdbJstackMixed.java from -Xcomp problem list
8315678 Classfile API ConstantPool::entryCount and ConstantPool::entryByIndex methods are confusing
8313258 RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotationsAttribute.annotations() API Index out of Bound error
8315541 Classfile API TypeAnnotation.TargetInfo factory methods accept null labels
8315824 Open source several Swing Text/HTML related tests
8315810 Reimplement sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory::newConstructorForSerialization with method handles
8315937 Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/nsk/stress/numeric tests
8316242 Opensource SwingGraphics manual test
8316115 Parallel: Fix -Wconversion warnings around NUMA node ID
8313638 Add test for dump of resolved references
8315338 RISC-V: Change flags for stable extensions to non-experimental
8315766 Parallelize gc/stress/TestStressIHOPMultiThread.java test
8315933 Serial: Remove empty Generation::ensure_parsability
8316181 Move the fast locking implementation out of the .ad files
8316164 Opensource JMenuBar manual test
8316154 Opensource JTextArea manual tests
8315973 Remove unused fields from ThreadLocalRandom
8316199 Remove sun/tools/jstatd/TestJstatd* tests from problemlist for Windows.
8316179 Use consistent naming for lightweight locking in MacroAssembler
8316228 jcmd tests are broken by 8314828
8315971 ProblemList containers/docker/TestMemoryAwareness.java on linux-all
8314828 Mark 3 jcmd command-line options test as vm.flagless
8315726 Open source several AWT applet tests
8315789 Minor HexFormat performance improvements
6228794 java.text.ChoiceFormat pattern behavior is not well documented.
8314226 Series of colon-style fallthrough switch cases with guards compiled incorrectly
8316087 Test SignedLoggerFinderTest.java is still failing
8315934 RISC-V: Disable conservative fences per vendor
8316021 Serial: Remove unused Generation::post_compact
8316050 Use hexadecimal encoding in MemorySegment::toString
8314612 TestUnorderedReduction.java fails with -XX:MaxVectorSize=32 and -XX:+AlignVector
8311207 Cleanup for Optimization for UUID.toString
8315898 Open source swing JMenu tests
8315761 Open source few swing JList and JMenuBar tests
8313202 MutexLocker should disallow null Mutexes
8316123 ProblemList serviceability/dcmd/gc/RunFinalizationTest.java on AIX
8315677 Open source few swing JFileChooser and other tests
8299614 Shenandoah: STW mark should keep nmethod/oops referenced from stack chunk alive
8315663 Open source misc awt tests
8315652 RISC-V: Features string uses wrong separator for jtreg
8315743 RISC-V: Cleanup masm lr()/sc() methods
8316060 test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/reflect/ReflectOutOfMemoryError.java may fail if heap is huge
8315946 DecimalFormat and CompactNumberFormat do allow U+FFFE and U+FFFF in the pattern
8253620 Debug symbols for tests missing on macos and windows
8267174 Many test files have the wrong Copyright header
8313865 Always true condition in sun.nio.cs.CharsetMapping#readINDEXC2B
8316113 Infinite permission checking loop in java/net/spi/InetAddressResolverProvider/RuntimePermissionTest
8313800 AArch64: SA stack walking code having trouble finding sender frame when invoking LambdaForms is involved
8315968 Move java.util.Digits to jdk.internal.util and refactor to reduce duplication
8285447 StackWalker minimal batch size should be optimized for getCallerClass
8314832 Few runtime/os tests ignore vm flags
8315998 Remove dead ClassLoaderDataGraphKlassIteratorStatic
8316002 Remove unnecessary seen_dead_loader in ClassLoaderDataGraph::do_unloading
8315948 JDK-8315818 broke Xcomp on libgraal
8315990 Amend problemlisted tests to proper position
8313277 Resolve multiple definition of ‘normalize’ when statically linking JDK native libraries with user code
8316094 Problemlist compiler/rangechecks/TestRangeCheckHoistingScaledIV.java
8316038 Fix doc typos in java.io.Console and java.util.Scanner
8315550 G1: Fix -Wconversion warnings in g1NUMA
8315938 Deprecate for removal Unsafe methods that have standard APIs for many releases
8312174 missing JVMTI events from vthreads parked during JVMTI attach
8041488 Locale-Dependent List Patterns
8315437 Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/nsk/monitoring/stress/classload tests
8315770 serviceability/sa/TestJmapCoreMetaspace.java should run with -XX:-VerifyDependencies
8315765 G1: Incorrect use of G1LastPLABAverageOccupancy
8277954 Replace use of monitors with explicit locks in the JDK LDAP provider implementation
8315970 Big-endian issues after JDK-8310929
8315611 Open source swing text/html and tree test
8315855 G1: Revise signature of set_humongous_candidate
8315942 Sort platform enums and definitions after JDK-8304913 follow-ups
8315781 Reduce the max value of GCDrainStackTargetSize
8315841 RISC-V: Check for hardware TSO support
8315609 Open source few more swing text/html tests
8314491 Linux: jexec launched via PATH fails to find java
8315373 Change VirtualThread to unmount after freezing, re-mount before thawing
8314452 Explicitly indicate inlining success/failure in PrintInlining
8315580 Remove unused java_lang_String::set_value_raw()
8315410 Undocumented exceptions in java.text.StringCharacterIterator
8312418 Add Elements.getEnumConstantBody
8306632 Add a JDK Property for specifying DTD support
8315891 java/foreign/TestLinker.java failed with “error occurred while instantiating class TestLinker: null”
8315578 PPC builds are broken after JDK-8304913
8315696 SignedLoggerFinderTest.java test failed
8314838 3 compiler tests ignore vm flags
8315930 Revert “8315220: Event NativeLibraryLoad breaks invariant by taking a stacktrace when thread is in state _thread_in_native”
8315818 vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/Allocate/alloc001/alloc001.java fails on libgraal
8315854 G1: Remove obsolete comment in G1ReclaimEmptyRegionsTask
8307352 AARCH64: Improve itable_stub
8315686 G1: Disallow evacuation of marking regions in a Prepare Mixed gc
8315605 G1: Add number of nmethods in code roots scanning statistics
8315774 Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/gc/g1/unloading tests
8308869 C2: use profile data in subtype checks when profile has more than one class
8315702 jcmd Thread.dump_to_file slow with millions of virtual threads
8312075 FileChooser.win32.newFolder is not updated when changing Locale
8315594 Open source few headless Swing misc tests
8310929 Optimization for Integer.toString
8268829 Provide an optimized way to walk the stack with Class object only
8210375 StackWalker::getCallerClass throws UnsupportedOperationException
8314935 Shenandoah: Unable to throw OOME on back-to-back Full GCs
8315795 runtime/Safepoint/TestAbortVMOnSafepointTimeout.java fails after JDK-8305507
8315877 ProblemList vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/InterruptThread/intrpthrd003/TestDescription.java on macosx-aarch64
8315879 ProblemList java/awt/PopupMenu/PopupMenuLocation.java on macosx-aarch64
8315637 JDK-8314249 broke libgraal
8292692 Move MethodCounters inline functions out of method.hpp
8314831 NMT tests ignore vm flags
8315863 [GHA] Update checkout action to use v4
8315220 Event NativeLibraryLoad breaks invariant by taking a stacktrace when thread is in state _thread_in_native
8313422 test/langtools/tools/javac 144 test classes uses com.sun.tools.classfile library
8312569 RISC-V: Missing intrinsics for Math.ceil, floor, rint
8315444 Convert test/jdk/tools to Classfile API
8314632 Intra-case dominance check fails in the presence of a guard
8314260 Unable to load system libraries on Windows when using a SecurityManager
8315735 VerifyError when switch statement used with synchronized block
8315602 Open source swing security manager test
8315651 Stop hiding AIX specific multicast socket errors via NetworkConfiguration (aix)
8315751 RandomTestBsi1999 fails often with timeouts on Linux ppc64le
8314121 test tools/jpackage/share/RuntimePackageTest.java#id0 fails on RHEL8
8315698 Crash when comparing BasicType as int after JDK-8310577
8315600 Open source few more headless Swing misc tests
8315606 Open source few swing text/html tests
8268719 Force execution (and source) code page used when compiling on Windows
8314604 j.text.DecimalFormat behavior regarding patterns is not clear
8315554 C1: Replace “cmp reg, 0” with “test reg, reg” on x86
8307468 CDS Lambda Proxy classes are regenerated in dynamic dump
8311964 Some jtreg tests failing on x86 with error ‘unrecognized VM options’ (C2 flags)
8315689 G1: Remove unused init_hash_seed
8315579 SPARC64 builds are broken after JDK-8304913
8314949 linux PPC64 Big Endian: Implementation of Foreign Function & Memory API
8288660 JavaDoc should be more helpful if it doesn’t recognize a tag
8315377 C2: assert(u->find_out_with(Op_AddP) == nullptr) failed: more than 2 chained AddP nodes?
8315648 Add test for JDK-8309979 changes
8315612 RISC-V: intrinsic for unsignedMultiplyHigh
8315406 [REDO] serviceability/jdwp/AllModulesCommandTest.java ignores VM flags
8313575 Refactor PKCS11Test tests
8315563 Remove references to JDK-8226420 from problem list
8312213 Remove unnecessary TEST instructions on x86 when flags reg will already be set
8315127 CDSMapTest fails with incorrect number of oop references
8161536 sun/security/pkcs11/sslecc/ClientJSSEServerJSSE.java fails with ProviderException
8315717 ProblemList serviceability/sa/TestHeapDumpForInvokeDynamic.java with ZGC
8314191 C2 compilation fails with “bad AD file”
8305507 Add support for grace period before AbortVMOnSafepointTimeout triggers
8315499 build using devkit on Linux ppc64le RHEL puts path to devkit into libsplashscreen
8305637 Remove Opaque1 nodes for Parse Predicates and clean up useless predicate elimination
8293850 need a largest_committed metric for each category of NMT’s output
8315548 G1: Document why VM_G1CollectForAllocation::doit() may allocate without completing a GC
8315442 Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/nsk/monitoring/stress/thread tests
8312491 Update Classfile API snippets and examples
8314094 java/lang/ProcessHandle/InfoTest.java fails on Windows when run as user with Administrator privileges
8315088 C2: assert(wq.size() - before == EMPTY_LOOP_SIZE) failed: expect the EMPTY_LOOP_SIZE nodes of this body if empty
8315644 increase timeout of sun/security/tools/jarsigner/Warning.java
8315454 Add a way to create an immutable snapshot of a BitSet
8314580 PhaseIdealLoop::transform_long_range_checks fails with assert “was tested before”
8315545 C1: x86 cmove can use short branches
8315369 [JVMCI] failure to attach to a libgraal isolate during shutdown should not be fatal
8315566 [JVMCI] deadlock in JVMCI startup when bad option specified
8315534 Incorrect warnings about implicit annotation processing
8315452 Erroneous AST missing modifiers for partial input
8314662 jshell shows duplicated signatures of javap
8310220 IGV: dump graph after each IGVN step at level 4
8313323 javac -g on a java file which uses unnamed variable leads to ClassFormatError when launching that class
8314997 Missing optimization opportunities due to missing try_clean_mem_phi() calls
8315549 CITime misreports code/total nmethod sizes
8315582 Exclude compiler/codecache/CodeCacheFullCountTest.java with Xcomp
8311775 [TEST] duplicate verifyHeapDump in several tests
8311585 Add JRadioButtonMenuItem to bug8031573.java
8314837 5 compiled/codecache tests ignore VM flags
8303427 Fixpath confused if unix root contains “/jdk”
8314319 LogCompilation doesn’t reset lateInlining when it encounters a failure.
8258970 Disabled JPasswordField foreground color is wrong with GTK LAF
8315195 RISC-V: Update hwprobe query for new extensions
8315446 G1: Remove unused G1AllocRegion::attempt_allocation
8315098 Improve URLEncodeDecode microbenchmark
8315321 [aix] os::attempt_reserve_memory_at must map at the requested address or fail
8315436 HttpsServer does not send TLS alerts
8315069 Relativize extended_sp in interpreter frames
8313983 jmod create –target-platform should replace existing ModuleTarget attribute
8315459 Print G1 reserved and committed sizes as separate items in VM.info and hs_err
8315278 Patch ‘print-targets’ target to print targets separated by new line
8314925 ChoiceFormat does not specify IllegalArgumentExceptions
8315422 getSoTimeout() would be in try block in SSLSocketImpl
6333341 [BI] Doc: java.text.BreakIterator class specification is unclear
8306882 (fs) Path.toRealPath(LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS) fails when “../../” follows a link
8312306 Add more Reference.reachabilityFence() calls to the security classes using Cleaner
8315378 [BACKOUT] runtime/NMT/SummarySanityCheck.java failed with “Total committed (MMMMMM) did not match the summarized committed (NNNNNN)”
8312521 Unused field LocaleProviderAdapter#defaultLocaleProviderAdapter could be removed
8313656 assert(!JvmtiExport::can_support_virtual_threads()) with -XX:-DoJVMTIVirtualThreadTransitions
8315413 Remove special filtering of Continuation.yield0 in StackWalker
8315383 jlink SystemModulesPlugin incorrectly parses the options
8315445 8314748 causes crashes in x64 builds
8315051 jdk/jfr/jvm/TestGetEventWriter.java fails with non-JVMCI GCs
8313873 java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/SendReceiveMaxSize.java fails on AIX due to small default RCVBUF size and different IPv6 Header interpretation
8315242 G1: Fix -Wconversion warnings around GCDrainStackTargetSize
8314748 1-10% regressions on Crypto micros
8315318 Typo in comment on sun.nio.ch.Net.unblock4
8315219 G1: Improve allocator pathological case where it keeps doing direct allocations instead of retiring a PLAB
8315421 [BACKOUT] 8314834 serviceability/jdwp/AllModulesCommandTest.java ignores VM flags
8314611 Provide more explicative error message parsing Currencies
8315248 AssertionError in Name.compareTo
8315061 Make LockingMode a product flag
8315072 Remove unneeded AdaptivePaddedAverage::operator new
8286789 Test forceEarlyReturn002.java timed out
8312018 Improve reservation of class space and CDS
8313669 Reduced chance for zero-based nKlass encoding since JDK-8296565
8315241 (fs) Move toRealPath tests in java/nio/file/Path/Misc.java to separate JUnit 5 test
8314834 serviceability/jdwp/AllModulesCommandTest.java ignores VM flags
8314835 gtest wrappers should be marked as flagless
8314824 Fix serviceability/jvmti/8036666/GetObjectLockCount.java to use vm flags
8314263 Signed jars triggering Logger finder recursion and StackOverflowError
8315117 Update Zlib Data Compression Library to Version 1.3
8297777 Convert jdk.jlink StringSharingPlugin to use Class File API
8298992 runtime/NMT/SummarySanityCheck.java failed with “Total committed (MMMMMM) did not match the summarized committed (NNNNNN)”
8314651 G1: Fix -Wconversion warnings in static fields of HeapRegion
8315206 RISC-V: hwprobe query is_set return wrong value
8314024 SIGSEGV in PhaseIdealLoop::build_loop_late_post_work due to bad immediate dominator info
8315213 java/lang/ProcessHandle/TreeTest.java test enhance output of children
8315214 Do not run sun/tools/jhsdb tests concurrently
8314056 Remove runtime platform check from frem/drem
8312428 PKCS11 tests fail with NSS 3.91
8189685 need PerfMemory class update and a volatile_static_field support in VMStructs
8314932 G1: Fix -Wconversion warnings for simple cases inside g1 folder
8314573 G1: Heap resizing at Remark does not take existing eden regions into account
8314753 Remove support for @beaninfo, @ToDo, @since.unbundled, and @Note
8309463 IGV: Dynamic graph layout algorithm
8314476 TestJstatdPortAndServer.java failed with “java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException: no such object in table”
8314569 (fs) Improve normalization of UnixPath for input with trailing slashes
8315087 G1: Use uint for G1 flags indicating percentage
8315070 RISC-V: Clean up platform dependent inline headers
8315073 Zero build on macOS fails after JDK-8303852
8309697 [TESTBUG] Remove “@requires vm.flagless” from jtreg vectorization tests
8312570 [TESTBUG] Jtreg compiler/loopopts/superword/TestDependencyOffsets.java fails on 512-bit SVE
8308464 Shared array class should not always be loaded in boot loader
8315060 Out of tree incremental build fails with ccache
8315137 Add explicit override RecordComponentElement.asType()
8311081 KeytoolReaderP12Test.java fail on localized Windows platform
8315071 Modify TrayIconScalingTest.java, PrintLatinCJKTest.java to use new PassFailJFrame’s builder pattern usage
8139208 [macosx] Issue with setExtendedState of JFrame
8315062 [GHA] get-bootjdk action should return the abolute path
8315116 fix minor issue in copyright header introduced by JDK-8269957 that is breaking the build
8269957 facilitate alternate impls of NameTable and Name
8315020 The macro definition for LoongArch64 zero build is not accurate.
8315029 [BACKOUT] Generational ZGC: Tests crash with assert(index == 0 || is_power_of_2(index))
8315039 Parallel: Remove unimplemented PSYoungGen::oop_iterate
8314513 [IR Framework] Some internal IR Framework tests are failing after JDK-8310308 on PPC and Cascade Lake
8299658 C1 compilation crashes in LinearScan::resolve_exception_edge
8311792 java/net/httpclient/ResponsePublisher.java fails intermittently with AssertionError: Found some outstanding operations
8314762 Make {@Incubating} conventional
8314148 Fix variable scope in SunMSCAPI
8310596 Utilize existing method frame::interpreter_frame_monitor_size_in_bytes()
8314684 Add overview docs to loaderConstraints.cpp
8313430 [JVMCI] fatal error: Never compilable: in JVMCI shutdown
8237542 JMapHeapConfigTest.java doesn’t work with negative jlong values
8314550 [macosx-aarch64] serviceability/sa/TestJmapCore.java fails with “sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.UnmappedAddressException: 801000800”
8314483 Optionally override copyright header in generated source
8310454 Introduce static-libs-graal bundle
8314960 Add Certigna Root CA - 2
8312547 Max/Min nodes Value implementation could be improved
8314333 Update com/sun/jdi/ProcessAttachTest.java to use ProcessTools.createTestJvm(..)
8315033 Problemlist java/lang/template/StringTemplateTest.java
8314063 The socket is not closed in Connection::createSocket when the handshake failed for LDAP connection
8314990 Generational ZGC: Strong OopStorage stats reported as weak roots
8312749 Generational ZGC: Tests crash with assert(index == 0 || is_power_of_2(index))
8314951 VM build without C2 still fails after JDK-8313530
8219567 Name of first parameter of RandomAccessFile(String,String) is inconsistent
8314850 SharedRuntime::handle_wrong_method() gets called too often when resolving Continuation.enter
8314759 VirtualThread.parkNanos timeout adjustment when pinned should be replaced
8306040 HttpResponseInputStream.available() returns 1 on empty stream
8314656 GHA: No need for Debian ports keyring installation after JDK-8313701
8314554 Debian/Ubuntu should not link OpenJDK with –as-needed link option
8314883 Java_java_util_prefs_FileSystemPreferences_lockFile0 write result errno in missing case
8314819 [JVMCI] HotSpotJVMCIRuntime.lookupType throws unexpected ClassNotFoundException
8313530 VM build without C2 fails after JDK-8312579
8303815 Improve Metaspace test speed
8313319 [linux] mmap should use MAP_FIXED_NOREPLACE if available
8314555 Build with mawk fails on Windows
8303852 current_stack_region() gets called twice unnecessarily
8314694 Separate checked_cast from globalDefinitions.hpp
8314734 Remove unused field TypeVariableImpl.EMPTY_ANNOTATION_ARRAY
8308042 [macos] Developer ID Application Certificate not picked up by jpackage if it contains UNICODE characters
8314679 SA fails to properly attach to JVM after having just detached from a different JVM
8280743 HSDB “Monitor Cache Dump” command might throw NPE
8175874 Update Security.insertProviderAt to specify behavior when requested position is out of range.
8294535 Add screen capture functionality to PassFailJFrame
8314746 Remove unused private put* methods from DirectByteBufferR
8314810 (fs) java/nio/file/Files/CopyInterference.java should use TestUtil::supportsLinks
8312555 Ideographic characters aren’t stretched by AffineTransform.scale(2, 1)
8314517 some tests fail in case ipv6 is disabled on the machine
8314157 G1: “yielded” is not initialized on some paths after JDK-8140326
8313262 C2: Sinking node may cause required cast to be dropped
8313626 C2 crash due to unexpected exception control flow
8314743 Use of uninitialized local in SR_initialize after JDK-8314114
8313374 –enable-ccache’s CCACHE_BASEDIR breaks builds
8313901 [TESTBUG] test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/codecache/CodeCacheFullCountTest.java fails with java.lang.VirtualMachineError
8314752 Use google test string comparison macros
8284772 GHA: Use GCC Major Version Dependencies Only
8309214 sun/security/pkcs11/KeyStore/CertChainRemoval.java fails after 8301154
8312434 SPECjvm2008/xml.transform with CDS fails with “can’t seal package nu.xom”
8312232 Remove sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VM.buildLongFromIntsPD()
8214248 (fs) Files:mismatch spec clarifications
8314749 Remove unimplemented _Copy_conjoint_oops_atomic
8314274 G1: Fix -Wconversion warnings around G1CardSetArray::_data
8313408 Use SVG for BoxLayout example
8314426 runtime/os/TestTrimNative.java is failing on slow machines
8314730 GHA: Drop libfreetype6-dev transitional package in favor of libfreetype-dev
8314738 Remove all occurrences of and support for @revised
8311240 Eliminate usage of testcases.jar from TestMetaSpaceLog.java
8314688 VM build without C1 fails after JDK-8313372
8313689 C2: compiler/c2/irTests/scalarReplacement/AllocationMergesTests.java fails intermittently with -XX:-TieredCompilation
8250269 Replace ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED with alignas
8314618 RISC-V: -XX:MaxVectorSize does not work as expected
8312535 MidiSystem.getSoundbank() throws unexpected SecurityException
8314672 ProblemList runtime/cds/appcds/customLoader/HelloCustom_JFR.java on linux-all and windows-x64
8311639 Replace currentTimeMillis() with nanoTime() in jtreg/gc
8314161 G1: Fix -Wconversion warnings in G1CardSetConfiguration::_bitmap_hash_mask
8313962 G1: Refactor G1ConcurrentMark::_num_concurrent_workers
8314501 Shenandoah: sun/tools/jhsdb/heapconfig/JMapHeapConfigTest.java fails
8314100 G1: Improve collection set candidate selection code
8311630 [s390] Implementation of Foreign Function & Memory API (Preview)
8314495 Update to use jtreg 7.3.1
8313290 Misleading exception message from STS.Subtask::get when task forked after shutdown
8314610 hotspot can’t compile with the latest of gtest because of
8311222 strace004 can fail due to unexpected stack length after JDK-8309408
8309475 Test java/foreign/TestByteBuffer.java fails: a problem with msync (aix)
8314320 Mark runtime/CommandLine/ tests as flagless
8314481 JDWPTRANSPORT_ERROR_INTERNAL code in socketTransport.c can never be executed
8310815 Clarify the name of the main class, services and provider classes in module descriptor
8314449 Clarify the name of the declaring class of StackTraceElement
8314448 Coordinate DocLint and JavaDoc to report on unknown tags
8313419 Template interpreter produces no safepoint check for return bytecodes
8308984 Relativize last_sp (and top_frame_sp) in interpreter frames
8312180 (bf) MappedMemoryUtils passes incorrect arguments to msync (aix)
8314265 Fix -Wconversion warnings in miscellaneous runtime code
8313697 [XWayland][Screencast] consequent getPixelColor calls are slow
8310334 [XWayland][Screencast] screen capture error message in debug
8314543 gitattributes: make diffs easier to read
8314389 AttachListener::pd_set_flag obsolete
8307356 Metaspace: simplify BinList handling
8314249 Refactor handling of invokedynamic in JVMCI ConstantPool
8314169 Combine related RoundingMode logic in j.text.DigitList
8314246 javax/swing/JToolBar/4529206/bug4529206.java fails intermittently on Linux
8314477 Improve definition of “prototypical type”
8314129 Make fields final in java.util.Scanner
8314261 Make fields final in sun.net.www
8314489 Add javadoc index entries for java.lang.Math terms
8314533 ProblemList runtime/cds/appcds/customLoader/HelloCustom_JFR.java on linux-all with ZGC
8313661 [REDO] Relax prerequisites for java.base-jmod target
8313357 Revisit requiring SA tests on OSX to either run as root or use sudo
8282712 VMConnection.open() does not detect if VM failed to be created, resulting in NPE
8314268 Missing include in assembler_riscv.hpp
8314444 Update jib-profiles.js to use JMH 1.37 devkit
8314071 Test java/foreign/TestByteBuffer.java timed out
8311939 Excessive allocation of Matcher.groups array
8314280 StructuredTaskScope.shutdown should document that the state of completing subtasks is not defined
8314213 DocLint should warn about unknown standard tags
8314423 Multiple patterns without unnamed variables
8314216 Case enumConstant, pattern compilation fails
8314321 Remove unused field jdk.internal.util.xml.impl.Attrs.mAttrIdx
8314076 ICC_ColorSpace#minVal/maxVal have the opposite description
8314276 Improve PtrQueue API around size/capacity
8281169 Expand discussion of elements and types
8314240 test/jdk/sun/security/pkcs/pkcs7/SignerOrder.java fails to compile
8062795 (fs) Files.setPermissions requires read access when NOFOLLOW_LINKS specified
8314330 java/foreign tests should respect vm flags when start new processes
8311943 Cleanup usages of toLowerCase() and toUpperCase() in java.base
8313765 Invalid CEN header (invalid zip64 extra data field size)
8310275 Bug in assignment operator of ReservedMemoryRegion
8314144 gc/g1/ihop/TestIHOPStatic.java fails due to extra concurrent mark with -Xcomp
8314209 Wrong @since tag for RandomGenerator::equiDoubles
8314211 Add NativeLibraryUnload event
8313760 [REDO] Enhance AES performance
8313720 C2 SuperWord: wrong result with -XX:+UseVectorCmov -XX:+UseCMoveUnconditionally
8314262 GHA: Cut down cross-compilation sysroots deeper
8314020 Print instruction blocks in byte units
8314233 C2: assert(assertion_predicate_has_loop_opaque_node(iff)) failed: unexpected
8314324 “8311557: [JVMCI] deadlock with JVMTI thread suspension” causes various failures
4346610 Adding JSeparator to JToolBar “pushes” buttons added after separator to edge
8314163 os::print_hex_dump prints incorrectly for big endian platforms and unit sizes larger than 1
8314242 Update applications/scimark/Scimark.java to accept VM flags
8311591 Add SystemModulesPlugin test case that splits module descriptors with new local variables defined by DedupSetBuilder
8309335 Get rid of use of reflection to call Thread.isVirtual() in nsk/jdi/EventRequestManager/stepRequests/stepreq001t.java
8314166 Update googletest to v1.14.0
8310134 NMT: thread count in Thread section of VM.native_memory output confusing with virtual threads
8314120 Add tests for FileDescriptor.sync
8314248 Remove HotSpotConstantPool::isResolvedDynamicInvoke
8311557 [JVMCI] deadlock with JVMTI thread suspension
8314114 Fix -Wconversion warnings in os code, primarily linux
8310308 IR Framework: check for type and size of vector nodes
8313782 Add user-facing warning if THPs are enabled but cannot be used
8313949 Missing word in GPLv2 license text in StackMapTableAttribute.java
8314197 AttachListener::pd_find_operation always returning nullptr
8314244 Incorrect file headers in new tests from JDK-8312597
8308340 C2: Idealize Fma nodes
8313406 nep_invoker_blob can be simplified more
8312597 Convert TraceTypeProfile to UL
8314241 Add test/jdk/sun/security/pkcs/pkcs7/SignerOrder.java to ProblemList
8311981 Test gc/stringdedup/TestStringDeduplicationAgeThreshold.java#ZGenerational timed out
8314059 Remove PKCS7.verify()
8313854 Some tests in serviceability area fail on localized Windows platform
8114830 (fs) Files.copy fails due to interference from something else changing the file system
8313657 com.sun.jndi.ldap.Connection.cleanup does not close connections on SocketTimeoutErrors
8313678 SymbolTable can leak Symbols during cleanup
8314045 ArithmeticException in GaloisCounterMode
8314078 HotSpotConstantPool.lookupField() asserts due to field changes in ConstantPool.cpp
8314025 Remove JUnit-based test in java/lang/invoke from problem list
8313756 [BACKOUT] 8308682: Enhance AES performance
8308850 Change JVM options with small ranges that get -Wconversion warnings to 32 bits
8314119 G1: Fix -Wconversion warnings in G1CardSetInlinePtr::card_pos_for
8314118 Update JMH devkit to 1.37
8313372 [JVMCI] Export vmIntrinsics::is_intrinsic_available results to JVMCI compilers.
8314019 Add gc logging to jdk/jfr/event/gc/detailed/TestZAllocationStallEvent.java
8314116 C2: assert(false) failed: malformed control flow after JDK-8305636
8314106 C2: assert(is_valid()) failed: must be valid after JDK-8305636
8314117 RISC-V: Incorrect VMReg encoding in RISCV64Frame.java
8313948 Remove unnecessary static fields defaultUpper/defaultLower in sun.net.PortConfig
8313743 Make fields final in sun.nio.ch
8313904 [macos] All signing tests which verifies unsigned app images are failing
8314139 TEST_BUG: runtime/os/THPsInThreadStackPreventionTest.java could fail on machine with large number of cores
8313798 [aarch64] sun/tools/jhsdb/HeapDumpTestWithActiveProcess.java sometimes times out on aarch64
8313244 NM flags handling in configure process
8314113 G1: Remove unused G1CardSetInlinePtr::card_at
8311648 Refactor the Arena/Chunk/ChunkPool interface
8313224 Avoid calling JavaThread::current() in MemAllocator::Allocation constructor
8312461 JNI warnings in SunMSCApi provider
8312882 Update the CONTRIBUTING.md with pointers to lifecycle of a PR
8304292 Memory leak related to ClassLoader::update_class_path_entry_list
8313899 JVMCI exception Translation can fail in TranslatedException.
8313633 [macOS] java/awt/dnd/NextDropActionTest/NextDropActionTest.java fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: wrong next drop action!
8312259 StatusResponseManager unused code clean up
8314061 [JVMCI] DeoptimizeALot stress logic breaks deferred barriers
8313905 Checked_cast assert in CDS compare_by_loader
8313654 Test WaitNotifySuspendedVThreadTest.java timed out
8312194 test/hotspot/jtreg/applications/ctw/modules/jdk_crypto_ec.java cannot handle empty modules
8313616 support loading library members on AIX in os::dll_load
8313882 Fix -Wconversion warnings in runtime code
8313239 InetAddress.getCanonicalHostName may return ip address if reverse lookup fails
8313874 JNI NewWeakGlobalRef throws exception for null arg
8313421 [JVMCI] avoid locking class loader in CompilerToVM.lookupType
8298095 Refine implSpec for SegmentAllocator
8313670 Simplify shared lib name handling code in some tests
8299790 os::print_hex_dump is racy
8311508 ZGC: RAII use of IntelJccErratumAlignment
8308843 Generational ZGC: Remove gc/z/TestHighUsage.java
8313768 Reduce interaction with volatile field in j.u.l.StreamHandler
8314075 Update JCov version for JDK 22
8307184 Incorrect/inconsistent specification and implementation for Elements.getDocComment
8313693 Introduce an internal utility for the Damerau–Levenshtein distance calculation
8314022 Problem-list tests failing with jtreg 7.3
8288936 Wrong lock ordering writing G1HeapRegionTypeChange JFR event
8311170 Simplify and modernize equals and hashCode in security area
8311247 Some cpp files are compiled with -std:c11 flag
8313891 JFR: Incorrect exception message for RecordedObject::getInt
8313796 AsyncGetCallTrace crash on unreadable interpreter method pointer
8303056 Improve support for Unicode characters and digits in JavaDoc search
8313922 Remove unused WorkerPolicy::_debug_perturbation
8312467 relax the builddir check in make/autoconf/basic.m4
8310118 Resource files should be moved to appropriate directories
8313691 use close after failing os::fdopen in vmError and ciEnv
8307462 [REDO] VmObjectAlloc is not generated by intrinsics methods which allocate objects
8313954 Add gc logging to vmTestbase/vm/gc/containers/Combination05
8313752 InstanceKlassFlags::print_on doesn’t print the flag names
8313345 SuperWord fails due to CMove without matching Bool pack
8306441 Two phase segmented heap dump
8313206 PKCS11 tests silently skip execution
8313809 String template fails with java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException if last fragment is UTF16
8313889 Fix -Wconversion warnings in foreign benchmarks
8313435 Clean up unused default methods code
8313785 Fix -Wconversion warnings in prims code
8313875 Use literals instead of static fields in java.util.Math: twoToTheDoubleScaleUp, twoToTheDoubleScaleDown
8313552 Fix -Wconversion warnings in JFR code
8140326 G1: Consider putting regions where evacuation failed into next collection set
8311179 Generational ZGC: gc/z/TestSmallHeap.java failed with OutOfMemoryError
8312204 unexpected else with statement causes compiler crash
8313792 Verify 4th party information in src/jdk.internal.le/share/legal/jline.md
8307408 Some jdk/sun/tools/jhsdb tests don’t pass test JVM args to the debuggee JVM
8309663 test fails “assert(check_alignment(result)) failed: address not aligned: 0x00000008baadbabe”
8313702 Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2023-08-02
8313167 Update to use jtreg 7.3
8295058 test/langtools/tools/javac 116 test classes uses com.sun.tools.classfile library
8313779 RISC-V: use andn / orn in the MD5 instrinsic
8313880 Incorrect copyright header in jdk/java/foreign/TestFree.java after JDK-8310643
8313791 Fix just zPage.inline.hpp and xPage.inline.hpp
8313676 Amend TestLoadIndexedMismatch test to target intrinsic directly
8310643 Misformatted copyright messages in FFM
8313701 GHA: RISC-V should use the official repository for bootstrap
8312585 Rename DisableTHPStackMitigation flag to THPStackMitigation
8305636 Expand and clean up predicate classes and move them into separate files
8166900 If you wrap a JTable in a JLayer, the cursor is moved to the last row of table by you press the page down key.
8311160 [macOS, Accessibility] VoiceOver: No announcements on JRadioButtonMenuItem and JCheckBoxMenuItem
8313141 Missing check for os_thread type in os_windows.cpp
8313795 Fix for JDK-8313564 breaks ppc and s390x builds
8313554 Fix -Wconversion warnings for ResolvedFieldEntry
8311517 Add performance information to ArrayList javadoc
8159527 Collections mutator methods should all be marked as optional operations
8312623 SA add NestHost and NestMembers attributes when dumping class
8310388 Shenandoah: Auxiliary bitmap is not madvised for THP
8313564 Fix -Wconversion warnings in classfile code
8313248 C2: setScopedValueCache intrinsic exposes nullptr pre-values to store barriers
8313707 GHA: Bootstrap sysroots with –variant=minbase
8312976 MatchResult produces StringIndexOutOfBoundsException for groups outside match
8313251 Add NativeLibraryLoad event
8311938 Add default cups include location for configure on AIX
8294979 test/jdk/tools/jlink 3 test classes use ASM library
8313394 Array Elements in OldObjectSample event has the incorrect description
8311006 missing @since info in jdk.xml.dom
8313712 [BACKOUT] 8313632: ciEnv::dump_replay_data use fclose
8301606 JFileChooser file chooser details view “size” label cut off in Metal Look&Feel
8313632 ciEnv::dump_replay_data use fclose
8312909 C1 should not inline through interface calls with non-subtype receiver
8312984 javac may crash on a record pattern with too few components
8313582 Problemlist failing test on linux x86
8313602 increase timeout for jdk/classfile/CorpusTest.java
4893524 Swing drop targets should call close() on transferred readers and streams
8313274 [BACKOUT] Relax prerequisites for java.base-jmod target
8313312 Add missing classpath exception copyright header
8311031 JTable header border vertical lines are not aligned with data grid lines
8313576 GCC 7 reports compiler warning in bundled freetype 2.13.0
8313349 Introduce abstract void HtmlDocletWriter.buildPage()
8312821 Javac accepts char literal as template
8306582 Remove MetaspaceShared::exit_after_static_dump()
8313368 (fc) FileChannel.size returns 0 on block special files
8312078 [PPC] JcmdScale.java Failing on AIX
8312617 SIGSEGV in ConnectionGraph::verify_ram_nodes
8313322 RISC-V: implement MD5 intrinsic
8313593 Generational ZGC: NMT assert when the heap fails to expand
8313402 C1: Incorrect LoadIndexed value numbering
8311989 Test java/lang/Thread/virtual/Reflection.java timed out
8310311 Serial: move Generation::contribute_scratch to DefNewGeneration
8312591 GCC 6 build failure after JDK-8280982
8311821 Simplify ParallelGCThreadsConstraintFunc after CMS removal
8313507 Remove pkcs11/Cipher/TestKATForGCM.java from ProblemList
8310991 missing @since tags in java.xml
8312814 Compiler crash when template processor type is a captured wildcard
8312572 JDK 21 RDP2 L10n resource files update
8313226 Redundant condition test in X509CRLImpl
8309240 Array classes should be stored in dynamic CDS archive
8312181 CDS dynamic dump crashes when verifying unlinked class from static archive
8312596 Null pointer access in Compile::TracePhase::~TracePhase after JDK-8311976
8313428 GHA: Bump GCC versions for July 2023 updates
8313256 Exclude failing multicast tests on AIX
8313404 Fix section label in test/jdk/ProblemList.txt
8313249 Fix -Wconversion warnings in verifier code
8312420 Integrate Graal’s blender micro benchmark
8280482 Window transparency bug on Linux
8307312 Replace “int which” with “int cp_index” in constantPool
8310913 Move ReferencedKeyMap to jdk.internal so it may be shared
8301996 Move field resolution information out of the cpCache
8312492 Remove THP sanity checks at VM startup
8312489 Increase jdk.jar.maxSignatureFileSize default which is too low for JARs such as WhiteSource/Mend unified agent jar
8293972 runtime/NMT/NMTInitializationTest.java#default_long-off failed with “Suspiciously long bucket chains in lookup table.”
8295059 test/langtools/tools/javap 12 test classes use com.sun.tools.classfile library
8313252 Java_sun_awt_windows_ThemeReader_paintBackground release resources in early returns
8313207 Remove MetaspaceShared::_has_error_classes
8313307 java/util/Formatter/Padding.java fails on some Locales
8313023 Return value corrupted when using CCS + isTrivial (mainline)
8313231 Redundant if statement in ZoneInfoFile
8313316 Disable runtime/ErrorHandling/MachCodeFramesInErrorFile.java on ppc64le
8312525 New test runtime/os/TestTrimNative.java#trimNative is failing: did not see the expected RSS reduction
8310268 RISC-V: misaligned memory access in String.Compare intrinsic
8312201 Clean up common behavior in “page writers” and “member writers”
8284447 Remove the unused NestedClassWriter interface
8312411 MessageFormat.formatToCharacterIterator() can be improved
8313204 Inconsistent order of sections in generated class documentation
8313253 Rename methods in javadoc Comparators class
8312262 Klass::array_klass() should return ArrayKlass pointer
8312416 Tests in Locale should have more descriptive names
8312612 handle WideCharToMultiByte return values
8312574 jdk/jdk/jfr/jvm/TestChunkIntegrity.java fails with timeout
8312121 Fix -Wconversion warnings in tribool.hpp
8311033 [macos] PrinterJob does not take into account Sides attribute
8306446 java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/Locks.java transient failures
8304954 SegmentedCodeCache fails when using large pages
8313082 Enable CreateCoredumpOnCrash for testing in makefiles
8302017 Allocate BadPaddingException only if it will be thrown
8312626 Resolve multiple definition of ‘start_timer’ when statically linking JDK native libraries with user code
8311104 dangling-gsl warning in libwixhelper.cpp
8313250 Exclude java/foreign/TestByteBuffer.java on AIX
8313174 Create fewer predictable port clashes in management tests
8310033 Clarify return value of Java Time compareTo methods
8312620 WSL Linux build crashes after JDK-8310233
8312495 assert(0 <= i && i < _len) failed: illegal index after JDK-8287061 on big endian platforms
8312433 HttpClient request fails due to connection being considered idle and closed
8312579 [JVMCI] JVMCI support for virtual Vector API objects
8312466 /bin/nm usage in AIX makes needs -X64 flag
8312235 [JVMCI] ConstantPool should not force eager resolution
8312218 Print additional debug information when hitting assert(in_hash)
8312440 assert(cast != nullptr) failed: must have added a cast to pin the node
8313164 src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/windows/awt_Robot.cpp GetRGBPixels adjust releasing of resources
8311653 Modify -XshowSettings launcher behavior
8313081 MonitoringSupport_lock should be unconditionally initialized after 8304074
8309088 security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/AmazonCA.java fails
8313087 DerValue::toString should output a hex view of the values in byte array
4800398 (ch spec) Clarify Channels.newChannel(InputStream) spec
8313155 Problem list some JUnit-based tests in test/jdk/java/lang/invoke
8312445 Array types in annotation elements show square brackets twice
8312526 Test dk/jfr/event/oldobject/TestHeapDeep.java failed: Could not find ChainNode
8312619 Strange error message when switching over long
8312229 Crash involving yield, switch and anonymous classes
8312916 Remove remaining usages of -Xdebug from test/hotspot/jtreg
8312625 Test serviceability/dcmd/vm/TrimLibcHeapTest.java failed: RSS use increased
8312979 Fix assembler_aarch64.hpp after JDK-8311847
8312488 tools/jpackage/share/AppLauncherEnvTest.java fails with dynamically linked libstdc++
8312415 Expand -Xlint:serial checks to enum constants with specialized class bodies
8039165 [Doc] MessageFormat null locale generates NullPointerException
8312401 SymbolTable::do_add_if_needed hangs when called in InstanceKlass::add_initialization_error path with requesting length exceeds max_symbol_length
8311592 ECKeySizeParameterSpec causes too many exceptions on third party providers
8312524 [JVMCI] serviceability/dcmd/compiler/CompilerQueueTest.java fails
8312818 Incorrect format specifier in a HttpClient log message
8312512 sspi.cpp avoid some NULL checks related to free and delete
8312533 JFR: No message for JFR.view when data is missing
8312592 New parentheses warnings after HarfBuzz 7.2.0 update
8311646 ZGC: LIR_OpZStoreBarrier::_info shadows LIR_Op::_info
8312578 Redundant javadoc in X400Address
8312077 Fix signed integer overflow, final part
8262742 (fs) Add Path::resolve with varargs string
8308903 Print detailed info for Java objects in -Xlog:cds+map
8310530 PipedOutputStream.flush() accesses sink racily
8311631 When multiple users run tools/jpackage/share/LicenseTest.java, Permission denied for writing /var/tmp/*.files
8311261 [AIX] TestAlwaysPreTouchStacks.java fails due to java.lang.RuntimeException: Did not find expected NMT output
8311822 AIX : test/jdk/java/foreign/TestLayouts.java fails because of different output - expected [i4] but found [I4]
8309238 jdk/jfr/tool/TestView.java failed with “exitValue = 134”
8301457 Code in SendPortZero.java is uncommented even after JDK-8236852 was fixed
8311847 Fix -Wconversion for assembler.hpp emit_int8,16 callers
8311881 jdk/javax/swing/ProgressMonitor/ProgressTest.java does not show the ProgressMonitorInputStream all the time
8310316 Failing HotSpot Compiler directives are too verbose
8308593 Add Keepalive Extended Socket Options Support for Windows
6442919 JFilechooser popup still left-to-right when JFilechooser is set to right-to-left
8311955 c++filt is now ibm-llvm-cxxfilt when using xlc17 / clang on AIX
8312530 Problemlist runtime/os/TestTrimNative.java
8301341 LinkedTransferQueue does not respect timeout for poll()
8300663 java/util/concurrent/SynchronousQueue/Fairness.java failed with “Error: fair=true i=0 j=1”
8267502 JDK-8246677 caused 16x performance regression in SynchronousQueue
8311978 Shenandoah: Create abstraction over heap metrics for heuristics
8312044 Simplify toolkit Builder/Writer world
8312414 Make java.util.ServiceLoader.LANG_ACCESS final
8136895 Writer not closed with disk full error, file resource leaked
8309305 sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/BlockedAsyncClose.java fails with jtreg test timeout
8312182 THPs cause huge RSS due to thread start timing issue
8310687 JDK-8303215 is incomplete
8227229 Deprecate the launcher -Xdebug/-debug flags that have not done anything since Java 6
8293114 JVM should trim the native heap
8312293 SIGSEGV in jfr.internal.event.EventWriter.putUncheckedByte after JDK-8312086
8312474 JFR: Improve logging to diagnose event stream timeout
8311976 Inconsistency in usage of CITimeVerbose to generate compilation logs
8306136 [vectorapi] Intrinsics of VectorMask.laneIsSet()
8300051 assert(JvmtiEnvBase::environments_might_exist()) failed: to enter event controller, JVM TI environments must exist
8312443 sun.security should use toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)
8199149 Improve the exception message thrown by VarHandle of unsupported operation
8307185 pkcs11 native libraries make JNI calls into java code while holding GC lock
8308591 JLine as the default Console provider
8312395 Improve assertions in growableArray
8312019 Simplify and modernize java.util.BitSet.equals
8312459 Problem list java/awt/GraphicsDevice/DisplayModes/CycleDMImage.java for macOS
8312320 Remove javax/rmi/ssl/SSLSocketParametersTest.sh from ProblemList
8312394 [linux] SIGSEGV if kernel was built without hugepage support
8311130 AArch64: Sync SVE related CPU features with VM options
8312246 NPE when HSDB visits bad oop
8305506 Add support for fractional values of SafepointTimeoutDelay
8309032 jpackage does not work for module projects unless –module-path is specified
8310835 Address gaps in -Xlint:serial checks
6983726 Reimplement MethodHandleProxies.asInterfaceInstance
8311663 Additional refactoring of Locale tests to JUnit
8311879 SA ClassWriter generates invalid invokedynamic code
8312014 [s390x] TestSigInfoInHsErrFile.java Failure
8312164 Refactor Arrays.hashCode for long, boolean, double, float, and Object arrays
8302987 Add uniform and spatially equidistributed bounded double streams to RandomGenerator
8312392 ARM32 build broken since 8311035
8311971 SA’s ConstantPool.java uses incorrect computation to read long value in the constant pool
8312166 (dc) DatagramChannel’s socket adaptor does not release carrier thread when blocking in receive
8311923 TestIRMatching.java fails on RISC-V
8308103 Massive (up to ~30x) increase in C2 compilation time since JDK 17
8312200 Fix Parse::catch_call_exceptions memory leak
8312190 Fix c++11-narrowing warnings in hotspot code
8312329 Minimal build failure after JDK-8311541
8312147 Dynamic Exception Specification warnings are no longer required after JDK-8311380
8312203 Improve specification of Array.newInstance
8311541 JavaThread::print_jni_stack doesn’t support native stacks on all platforms
6211126 ICC_ColorSpace.toCIEXYZ(float[]): NPE is not specified
6211139 ICC_ColorSpace.toRGB(float[]): NPE is not specified
6211202 ColorSpace.getInstance(int): IAE is not specified
8311902 Concurrency regression in the PBKDF2 key impl of SunJCE provider
8308682 Enhance AES performance
8303376 Better launching of JDI
8296565 Enhanced archival support
8305312 Enhanced path handling
8294323 Improve Shared Class Data
8300596 Enhance Jar Signature validation
8302483 Enhance ZIP performance
8302475 Enhance HTTP client file downloading
8304460 Improve array usages
8304468 Better array usages
8300285 Enhance TLS data handling
8310584 GetThreadState reports blocked and runnable for pinned suspended virtual threads
8310814 Clarify the targetName parameter of Lookup::findClass
8311040 JFR: RecordedThread::getOSThreadId() should return -1 if thread is virtual
8311188 Simplify and modernize equals and hashCode in java.text
8312163 Crash in dominance check when compiling unnamed patterns
8310629 java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/OCSP/OCSPTimeout.java fails with RuntimeException Server not ready
8310355 Move the stub test from initialize_final_stubs() to test/hotspot/gtest
8312072 Deprecate for removal the -Xnoagent option
8312127 FileDescriptor.sync should temporarily increase parallelism
8291065 Creating a VarHandle for a static field triggers class initialization
8287061 Support for rematerializing scalar replaced objects participating in allocation merges
8312189 ProblemList serviceability/jvmti/vthread/VThreadTLSTest/VThreadTLSTest.java#id1
8312089 Simplify and modernize equals, hashCode, and compareTo in java.nio and implementation code
8311968 Clarify Three-letter time zone IDs in java.util.TimeZone
8312196 ProblemList test/hotspot/jtreg/applications/ctw/modules/jdk_crypto_ec.java
8312195 Changes in JDK-8284493 use wrong copyright syntax
8284493 Improve computeNextExponential tail performance and accuracy
8308398 Move SunEC crypto provider into java.base
8310157 Allow void-returning filters for MethodHandles::collectCoordinates
8311172 Classfile.PREVIEW_MINOR_VERSION doesn’t match that read from class files
8290005 com/sun/jndi/ldap/LdapCBPropertiesTest.java failling with NullPointerException
8140527 JInternalFrame has incorrect title button width
8139392 JInternalFrame has incorrect padding
8310201 Reduce verbose locale output in -XshowSettings launcher option
8311815 Incorrect exhaustivity computation
8312093 Incorrect javadoc comment text
8310233 Fix THP detection on Linux
8304006 jlink should create the jimage file in the native endian for the target platform
8310949 RISC-V: Initialize UseUnalignedAccesses
6361826 (reflect) provide method for mapping strings to class object for primitive types
8310551 vmTestbase/nsk/jdb/interrupt/interrupt001/interrupt001.java timed out due to missing prompt
8311992 Test java/lang/Thread/virtual/JfrEvents::testVirtualThreadPinned failed
8311862 RISC-V: small improvements to shift immediate instructions
8311946 add support for libgraal specific jtreg tests
8311986 Disable runtime/os/TestTracePageSizes.java for ShenandoahGC
8303134 JFR: Missing stack trace during chunk rotation stress
8311825 Duplicate qualified enum constants not detected
8312049 runtime/logging/ClassLoadUnloadTest can be improved
8311038 Incorrect exhaustivity computation
8281658 Add a security category to the java -XshowSettings option
8311647 Memory leak in Java_jdk_internal_org_jline_terminal_impl_jna_linux_CLibraryImpl_ttyname_1r
6355567 AdobeMarkerSegment causes failure to read valid JPEG
8310070 Test: javax/net/ssl/DTLS/DTLSWontNegotiateV10.java timed out
8311102 Write annotations in the classfile dumped by SA
8244289 fatal error: Possible safepoint reached by thread that does not allow it
8308047 java/util/concurrent/ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor/BasicCancelTest.java timed out and also had jcmd pipe errors
8312013 avoid UnixConstants.java.template warning: ‘linux’ is not defined on AIX
8311583 tableswitch broken by JDK-8310577
8311536 JFR TestNativeMemoryUsageEvents fails in huge pages configuration
8311239 GC: Remove trailing blank lines in source files
8311867 StructuredTaskScope.shutdown does not interrupt newly started threads
8294401 Update jfr man page to include recently added features
8310108 Skip ReplaceCriticalClassesForSubgraphs when EnableJVMCI is specified
8311917 MAP_FAILED definition seems to be obsolete in src/java.desktop/unix/native/common/awt/fontpath.c
8311788 ClassLoadUnloadTest fails on AIX after JDK-8193513
8311556 GetThreadLocalStorage not working for vthreads mounted during JVMTI attach
8311691 C2: Remove legacy code related to PostLoopMultiversioning
8311609 [windows] Native stack printing lacks source information for dynamically loaded dlls
8309566 Migrate away from TagletWriter and TagletWriterImpl
8311974 Clean up Utils.getBlockTags
8311380 Prepare java.desktop for C++17
8306785 fix deficient spliterators for Sequenced Collections
8311545 Allow test symbol files to be kept in the test image
8311813 C1: Uninitialized PhiResolver::_loop field
8156889 ListKeychainStore.sh fails in some virtualized environments
8155902 DataOuputStream should clarify that it might write primitive types as multiple byte groups
8308694 Clarify reversed() default methods’ implementation requirements
8311926 java/lang/ScopedValue/StressStackOverflow.java takes 9mins in tier1
8311921 Inform about MaxExpectedDataSegmentSize in case of pthread_create failures on AIX
8311870 Split CompressedKlassPointers from compressedOops.hpp
8311656 Shenandoah: Unused ShenandoahSATBAndRemarkThreadsClosure::_claim_token
8295894 Remove SECOM certificate that is expiring in September 2023
8310683 Refactor StandardCharset/standard.java to use JUnit
8311805 Clean up ScrollPane: drop redundant initialiser, mark scroller final
8310066 Improve test coverage for JVMTI GetThreadState on carrier and mounted vthread
6960866 [Fmt-Ch] ChoiceFormat claims impossible and unimplemented functionality
8311645 Memory leak in jspawnhelper spawnChild after JDK-8307990
8311606 Change read_icc_profile() to static function in java.desktop/share/native/libjavajpeg/imageioJPEG.c
8311178 JMH tests don’t scale well when sharing output buffers
8310047 Add UTF-32 based Charsets into StandardCharsets
8303279 C2: crash in SubTypeCheckNode::sub() at IGVN split if
8311689 Wrong visible amount in Adjustable of ScrollPane
8311245 JFR: Remove t.printStackTrace() in PeriodicEvents
8311548 AArch64: [ZGC] Many tests fail with “assert(allocates2(pc)) failed: not in CodeBuffer memory” on some CPUs
8304503 Modernize debugging jvm args in demo netbeans projects
8309637 runtime/handshake/HandshakeTimeoutTest.java fails with “has not cleared handshake op” and SIGILL
8311528 Remove IDE specific SuppressWarnings
8311666 Disabled tests in test/jdk/sun/java2d/marlin
8311593 Minor doc issue in MemorySegment::copy
8310892 ScopedValue throwing StructureViolationException should be clearer
8311588 C2: RepeatCompilation compiler directive does not choose stress seed randomly
8311604 Simplify NOCOOPS requested addresses for archived heap objects
8193513 add support for printing a stack trace on class loading
8305962 update jcstress to 0.16
8310818 Refactor more Locale tests to use JUnit
8295068 SSLEngine throws NPE parsing CertificateRequests
8311575 Fix invalid format parameters
8311514 Incorrect regex in TestMetaSpaceLog.java
8311285 report some fontconfig related environment variables in hs_err file
8310170 Use sp’s argument to improve performance of outputStream::indent and remove SP_USE_TABS
8310550 Adjust references to rt.jar
8311511 Improve description of NativeLibrary JFR event
6875229 Wrong placement of icons in JTabbedPane in Nimbus
8311581 Remove obsolete code and comments in TestLVT.java
8310923 Refactor Currency tests to use JUnit
8302351 “assert(!JavaThread::current()->is_interp_only_mode() || !nm->method()->is_continuation_enter_intrinsic() || ContinuationEntry::is_interpreted_call(return_pc)) failed: interp_only_mode but not in enterSpecial interpreted entry” in fixup_callers_callsite
8240567 MethodTooLargeException thrown while creating a jlink image
8311087 PhiNode::wait_for_region_igvn should break early
8307766 Linux: Provide the option to override the timer slack
8311489 Remove unused dirent_md files
8311301 MethodExitTest may fail with stack buffer overrun
8311264 JavaDoc index comparator is not transitive
8311279 TestStressIGVNAndCCP.java failed with different IGVN traces for the same seed
8311183 Remove unused mapping test files
8307526 [JFR] Better handling of tampered JFR repository
8311035 CDS should not use dump time JVM narrow Klass encoding to pre-compute Klass ids
8310999 Add @since info in jdk.jsobject files
8311023 assert(false) failed: EA: missing memory path
8311290 Improve java.lang.ref.Cleaner rendered documentation
8311180 Remove unused unneeded definitions from globalDefinitions
8311077 Fix -Wconversion warnings in jvmti code
8310645 CancelledResponse.java does not use HTTP/2 when testing the HttpClient
8309531 Incorrect result with unwrapped iotaShuffle.
8311122 Fix typos in java.base
8310997 missing @since tags in jdk.httpserver
8311001 missing @since info in jdk.net
8311249 Remove unused MemAllocator::obj_memory_range
8309889 [s390] Missing return statement after calling jump_to_native_invoker method in generate_method_handle_dispatch.
8309894 compiler/vectorapi/VectorLogicalOpIdentityTest.java fails on SVE system with UseSVE=0
8311092 Please disable runtime/jni/nativeStack/TestNativeStack.java on armhf
8311109 tautological-compare warning in awt_Win32GraphicsDevice.cpp
8254566 Clarify the spec of ClassLoader::getClassLoadingLock for non-parallel capable loader
8310743 assert(reserved_rgn != nullptr) failed: Add committed region, No reserved region found
8310661 JFR: Replace JVM.getJVM() with JVM
8311086 Remove jtreg/gc/startup_warnings
8307934 JRobot.moveMouseTo must access component on EDT
8309302 java/net/Socket/Timeouts.java fails with AssertionError on test temporal post condition
8310331 JitTester: Exclude java.lang.Math.random
8310948 Fix ignored-qualifiers warning in Hotspot
8309660 C2: failed: XMM register should be 0-15 (UseKNLSetting and ConvF2HF)
8309209 C2 failed “assert(_stack_guard_state == stack_guard_reserved_disabled) failed: inconsistent state”
8310656 RISC-V: builtin_clear_cache can fail silently.
8311215 [BACKOUT] JDK-8047998 Abort the vm if MaxNewSize is not the same as NewSize when MaxHeapSize is the same as InitialHeapSize
8311145 Remove check_with_errno duplicates
8047998 Abort the vm if MaxNewSize is not the same as NewSize when MaxHeapSize is the same as InitialHeapSize
8311125 Remove unused parameter ‘phase’ in AllocateNode::Ideal_allocation
8309819 Clarify API note in Class::getName and MethodType::toMethodDescriptorString
8311186 ProblemList javax/management/remote/mandatory/subjectDelegation/SubjectDelegation1Test.java on linux-aarch64
8311189 disable gc/z/TestHighUsage.java
8311190 ProblemList javax/management/remote/mandatory/connection/DeadLockTest.java with virtual threads on windows-x64
8311191 ProblemList javax/management/remote/mandatory/connection/ConnectionTest.java with virtual threads on windows-x64
8311193 ProblemList vmTestbase/nsk/jdb/interrupt/interrupt001/interrupt001.java on linux-all
8311195 ProblemList vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/scenarios/capability/CM03/cm03t001/TestDescription.java with Xcomp on macosx-x64
8303086 SIGSEGV in JavaThread::is_interp_only_mode()
8310829 guarantee(!HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION) failed in ExceptionTranslation::doit
8310173 Update –release 21 symbol information for JDK 21 build 29
8310993 Missing @since tags in jdk.attach
8310987 Missing @since tag(s) in java/util/logging/ErrorManager.java
8311162 Simplify and modernize equals and hashCode for java.net
8309976 Add microbenchmark for stressing code cache
8310946 G1: Refactor G1Policy::next_gc_should_be_mixed
8311026 Some G1 specific tests do not set -XX:+UseG1GC
8311000 missing @since info in jdk.management
8310988 Missing @since tags in java.management.rmi
8311046 ProblemList gc/z/TestHighUsage.java with Generational ZGC
8311074 RISC-V: Fix -Wconversion warnings in some code header files
8310241 OffsetDateTime compareTo redundant computation
8311115 Type in java.lang.reflect.AccessFlag.METHOD_PARAMETER
8310232 java.time.Clock$TickClock.millis() fails in runtime when tick is 1 microsecond
8309902 C2: assert(false) failed: Bad graph detected in build_loop_late after JDK-8305189
8309979 BootstrapMethods attribute is missing in class files recreated by SA
8310502 Optimization for j.l.Long.fastUUID()
8310848 Convert ClassDesc and MethodTypeDesc to be stored in static final fields
8310919 runtime/ErrorHandling/TestAbortVmOnException.java times out due to core dumps taking a long time on OSX
8308286 Fix clang warnings in linux code
8305667 Some fonts installed in user directory are not detected on Windows
8307927 C2: “malformed control flow” with irreducible loop
8310299 C2: 8275201 broke constant folding of array store check in some cases
8295191 IR framework timeout options expect ms instead of s
8311064 Windows builds fail without precompiled headers after JDK-8310728
8311020 Typo cleanup in Classfile API
8310902 (fc) FileChannel.transferXXX async close and interrupt issues
8308463 Refactor regenerated class handling in lambdaFormInvokers.cpp
8301569 jmod list option and jimage list –help not interpreted correctly on turkish locale
8311032 Empty value for java.protocol.handler.pkgs system property can lead to unnecessary classloading attempts of protocol handlers
8309811 BytecodePrinter cannot handle unlinked classes
8310264 In PhaseChaitin::Split defs and phis are leaked
8294427 Check boxes and radio buttons have rendering issues on Windows in High DPI env
8310061 Note if implicit annotation processing is being used
8310606 Fix signed integer overflow, part 3
8296972 [macos13] java/awt/Frame/MaximizedToIconified/MaximizedToIconified.java: getExtendedState() != 6 as expected.
8310906 Fix -Wconversion warnings in runtime, oops and some code header files.
8310405 Linker.Option.firstVariadicArg should specify which index values are valid
8309140 ResourceHashtable failed “assert(~(_allocation_t[0] | allocation_mask) == (uintptr_t)this) failed: lost resource object”
6956385 URLConnection.getLastModified() leaks file handles for jar:file and file: URLs
8310974 NMT: Arena diffs miss the scale
8311034 Fix typo in javac man page
8299825 Move StdoutLog and StderrLog to LogConfiguration
8311007 jdk/jfr/tool/TestView.java can’t find event
8310920 Fix -Wconversion warnings in command line flags
8310921 Fix -Wconversion warnings from GenerateOopMap
8310110 Shenandoah: Trace page sizes
8307625 Redundant receiver null check in LibraryCallKit::generate_method_call
8310380 Handle problems in core-related tests on macOS when codesign tool does not work
8310130 C2: assert(false) failed: scalar_input is neither phi nor a matchin reduction
8310728 Enable Zc:inline flag in Visual Studio build
8309591 Socket.setOption(TCP_QUICKACK) uses wrong level
8309109 AArch64: [TESTBUG] compiler/intrinsics/sha/cli/TestUseSHA3IntrinsicsOptionOnSupportedCPU.java fails on Neoverse N2 and V1
8310982 jdk/internal/util/ArchTest.java fails after JDK-8308452 failed with Method isARM()
8310914 Remove 2 malformed java/foreign ProblemList entries
8310585 GetThreadState spec mentions undefined JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_MONITOR_WAITING
8310238 [test bug] javax/swing/JTableHeader/6889007/bug6889007.java fails
8294316 SA core file support is broken on macosx-x64 starting with macOS 12.x
8310830 typo in the parameter name in @throws of ClassDesc::ofDescriptor
8310975 java.util.FormatItemModifier should not be protected
8308452 Extend internal Architecture enum with byte order and address size
8310828 java.sql java.sql.rowset packages have no @since info
8310182 DateTimeFormatter date formats (ISO_LOCAL_DATE) separated with hyphen, not dash
8310849 Pattern matching for instanceof and arrayType cleanup in j.l.invoke and j.l.reflect
8281455 Change JVM options with small ranges from 64 to 32 bits, for gc_globals.hpp
8310890 Normalize identifier names
8222329 Readable read(CharBuffer) does not specify that 0 is returned when there is no remaining space in buffer
8310731 Configure a javax.net.ssl.SNIMatcher for the HTTP/1.1 test servers in java/net/httpclient tests
8310425 [JVMCI] compiler/runtime/TestConstantDynamic: lookupConstant returned an object of incorrect type: null
8301489 C1: ShortLoopOptimizer might lift instructions before their inputs
8308899 Introduce Classfile context and improve Classfile options
8306650 Improve control of stack maps generation in Classfile API
8308646 Typo in ConstantValueAttribute
8006421 GraphicsConfiguration of a frame is changed when the frame is moved to another screen
8309583 AArch64: Optimize firstTrue() when amount of elements < 8
8310873 Re-enable locked_create_entry symbol check in runtime/NMT/CheckForProperDetailStackTrace.java for RISC-V
8310489 New test runtime/ClassInitErrors/TestStackOverflowDuringInit.java failed
8310909 java.io.InvalidObjectException has redundant @since tag
8310908 Non-standard @since tag in com.sun.java.accessibility.util.package-info
8310838 Correct range notations in MethodTypeDesc specification
8310922 java/lang/Class/forName/ForNameNames.java fails after being added by JDK-8310242
8310242 Clarify the name parameter to Class::forName
8301492 Modernize equals() method of ResourceBundle.CacheKey and Bundles.CacheKey
8305671 javac rejects semicolons in compilation units with no imports
8310459 [BACKOUT] 8304450: [vectorapi] Refactor VectorShuffle implementation
8310907 Add missing file
8310861 Improve location reporting for javac serial lint warnings
8310682 No package-info (and @since) for package jdk.nio.mapmode
8308540 On Kerberos TGT referral, if krb5.conf is missing realm, bad exception message
8303549 [AIX] TestNativeStack.java is failing with exit value 1
8310192 RISC-V: Merge vector min & max instructs with similar match rules
8310276 RISC-V: Make use of shadd macro-assembler function when possible
8310541 G1: Remove redundant check in G1Policy::need_to_start_conc_mark
8310354 G1: Annotate G1MMUTracker::when_sec with const
6664309 Docking point of a floating toolbar changes after closing
8310816 GcInfoBuilder float/double signature mismatch
8308633 Increase precision of timestamps in g1 log
8310540 G1: Verification should use raw oop decode functions
8310868 Thread.interrupt() method’s javadoc has an incorrect {@link}
8306922 IR verification fails because IR dump is chopped up
8310863 Build failure after JDK- 8305341
8305341 Alignment should be enforced by alignas instead of compiler specific attributes
8308780 Fix the Java Integer types on Windows
8310571 Use inline @return tag on java.util.Objects
8310234 Refactor Locale tests to use JUnit
8310676 add note about unnamed module to Elements.getAllModuleElements
8310494 Do not include constantPool.hpp from instanceKlass.hpp
8310267 Javadoc for Class#isPrimitive() is incorrect regarding Class objects for primitives
8310628 GcInfoBuilder.c missing JNI Exception checks
8310460 Remove jdeps -profile option
8310537 Fix -Wconversion warnings in gcUtil.hpp
8279254 PKCS9Attribute SigningTime always encoded in UTFTime
8309740 Expand timeout windows for tests in JDK-8179502
8310735 Build failure after JDK-8310577 with GCC8
8309670 java -help output for –module-path / -p is incomplete
8309733 [macOS, Accessibility] VoiceOver: Incorrect announcements of JRadioButton
8310510 Remove WordsPerLong
8295210 IR framework should not whitelist -XX:-UseTLAB
8310581 retry_class_loading_during_parsing() is not used
8310577 Fix -Wconversion warnings in interpreter and oops
8292704 sun/security/tools/jarsigner/compatibility/Compatibility.java use wrong key size for EC
8310453 Update javadoc of java.lang.Object
8309685 Fix -Wconversion warnings in assembler and register code
8310618 Test serviceability/sa/ClhsdbDumpclass.java fails after 8242152: ‘StackMapTable:’ missing from stdout/stderr
8310591 Missing @since tags in java.lang.foreign
8310561 JFR: Unify decodeDescriptors(String, String)
8310549 avoid potential leaks in KeystoreImpl.m related to JNU_CHECK_EXCEPTION early returns
8242152 SA does not include StackMapTables when dumping .class files
8309909 remove test nsk.jvmti test objmonusage006 from ProblemList-Virtual.txt
8309853 StructuredTaskScope.join description improvements
8310586 ProblemList java/lang/ScopedValue/StressStackOverflow.java#default with virtual threads on linux-all
8310512 Cleanup indentation in jfc files
8310575 no @since for StandardDoclet
8310384 Add hooks for custom image creation
8309883 no @since info in com.sun.tools.javac package-info.java, Main.java
8310332 Fix -Wconversion warnings in MethodData
8310379 Relax prerequisites for java.base-jmod target
8310335 JFR: Modernize collections and switch statements
8264899 C1: -XX:AbortVMOnException does not work if all methods in the call stack are compiled with C1 and there are no exception handlers
8309296 jdk/jfr/event/runtime/TestAgentEvent.java fails due to “missing” dynamic JavaAgent
8310297 assert(static_cast(result) == thing) with ctw
8310376 Extend SetupTarget macro with DIR parameter
8310369 UTIL_ARG_WITH fails when arg is disabled
8310133 Effectivelly final condition not enforced in guards for binding variables from the same case
8302865 Illegal bytecode for break from if with instanceof pattern matching condition
8310143 RandomCommandsTest fails due to unexpected VM exit code after JDK-8282797
8310321 make JDKOPT_CHECK_CODESIGN_PARAMS more verbose
8307145 windowsaccessbridge.dll erroneously includes private methods in its C API
8308606 C2 SuperWord: remove alignment checks when not required
8310265 (process) jspawnhelper should not use argv[0]
8310053 VarHandle and slice handle derived from layout are lacking alignment check
8298443 Remove expired flags in JDK 22
8310225 Reduce inclusion of oopMapCache.hpp and generateOopMap.hpp
8309034 NoClassDefFoundError when initializing Long$LongCache
8310458 Fix build failure caused by JDK-8310049
8310049 Refactor Charset tests to use JUnit
8310330 HttpClient: debugging interestOps/readyOps could cause exceptions and smaller cleanup
8309258 RISC-V: Add riscv_hwprobe syscall
8309266 C2: assert(final_con == (jlong)final_int) failed: final value should be integer
8310194 Generational ZGC: Lock-order asserts in JVMTI IterateThroughHeap
8310027 Fix -Wconversion warnings in nmethod and compiledMethod related code
8310326 Incorrect position of the synthetic unnamed class
8310187 Improve Generational ZGC jtreg testing
8219357 G1: G1GCPhaseTimes::debug_phase uses unnecessary ResourceMark
8310020 MacroAssembler::call_VM(_leaf) doesn’t consistently check for conflict with C calling convention.
8310314 Misplaced “unnamed classes are a preview feature and are disabled by default” error
8309228 Clarify EXPERIMENTAL flags comment in hotspot/share/runtime/globals.hpp
8304478 Initial nroff manpage generation for JDK 22
8241800 Disable IPV6_MULTICAST_ALL to prevent interference from all multicast groups
8310105 LoongArch64 builds are broken after JDK-8304913
8310019 MIPS builds are broken after JDK-8304913
8310266 JFR: Refactor after ‘view’ command
8309939 HttpClient should not use Instant.now() as Instant source for deadlines
8304835 jdk/jfr/event/oldobject/TestArrayInformation.java fails with “Could not find event with class … as (leak) object”
8310146 Removing unused PerfLongVariant::_sampled
7083187 Class CSS.CssValue is missing implementations of equals() and hashCode()
8310015 ZGC: Unbounded asynchronous unmapping can lead to running out of address space
8308855 ARM32: TestBooleanVector crashes after 8300257
8310191 com/sun/tools/attach/warnings/DynamicLoadWarningTest.java second failure on AIX
8310107 os::trace_page_sizes_for_requested_size should name alignment as requested page size
8310126 C1: Missing receiver null check in Reference::get intrinsic
8309601 [JVMCI] AMD64#getLargestStorableKind returns incorrect mask kind
8310259 Pin msys2/setup-msys2 github action to a specific commit
8309511 Regression test ExtraImportSemicolon.java refers to the wrong bug
8309605 StubRoutines are not used by SA
8310211 serviceability/jvmti/thread/GetStackTrace/getstacktr03/getstacktr03.java failing
8310054 ScrollPane insets are incorrect
8308808 SunMSCAPI public keys returns internal key array
8309499 javac fails to report compiler.err.no.java.lang with annotation processing enabled
8309964 Use directed inheritDoc for javax.lang.model API
8310076 Reduce inclusion of bytecodeStream.hpp
8309471 Limit key characters in static index pages
8308609 java/lang/ScopedValue/StressStackOverflow.java fails with “-XX:-VMContinuations”
8309937 Add @sealedGraph for some Panama FFM interfaces
8248149 G1: change _cleaning_claimed from int to bool
8310183 Update GitHub Actions to use boot JDK for building jtreg
8293069 Make -XX:+Verbose less verbose
8303916 ThreadLists.java inconsistent results
8309408 Thread.sleep cleanup
8310128 Switch with unnamed patterns erroneously non-exhaustive
8309778 java/nio/file/Files/CopyAndMove.java fails when using second test directory
8310106 sun.security.ssl.SSLHandshake.getHandshakeProducer() incorrectly checks handshakeConsumers
8309747 Update –release 21 symbol information for JDK 21 build 27
8309756 Occasional crashes with pipewire screen capture on Wayland
8308643 Incorrect value of ‘used’ jvmstat counter
8309688 Data race on java.io.ClassCache$CacheRef.strongReferent
8309632 JDK 21 RDP1 L10n resource files update
8301379 Verify TLS_ECDH_* cipher suites cannot be negotiated
8309953 Strengthen and optimize oopDesc age methods
8308499 Test vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/MethodExitRequest/addClassExclusionFilter/filter001/TestDescription.java failed: VMDisconnectedException
8285368 Overhaul doc-comment inheritance
6376959 Algorithm for Inheriting Method Comments seems to go not as documented
6934301 Support directed inheriting of class comments with @inheritDoc
8167252 Some of Charset.availableCharsets() does not contain itself
8310129 SetupNativeCompilation LIBS should match the order of the other parameters
8308444 LoadStoreNode::result_not_used() is too conservative
8309974 some JVMCI tests fail when VM options include -XX:+EnableJVMCI
8309978 [x64] Fix useless padding
8309960 ParallelGC young collections very slow in DelayInducer
8303513 C2: LoadKlassNode::make fails with ‘expecting TypeKlassPtr’
8307907 [ppc] Remove RTM locking implementation
8309717 C2: Remove Arena::move_contents usage
8309502 RISC-V: String.indexOf intrinsic may produce misaligned memory loads
8309899 Rename PtrQueueSet::buffer_size()
8309808 BytecodeTracer prints wrong BSM for invokedynamic
8309958 Incorrect @since tag format in Container.java
8309956 Shenandoah: Strengthen the mark word check in string dedup
8309746 Reconfigure check should include make/conf/version-numbers.conf
8308585 AC_REQUIRE: `PLATFORM_EXTRACT_TARGET_AND_BUILD’ was expanded before it was required
8309928 JFR: View issues
8309959 JFR: Display N/A for missing data amount
8309880 Add support for linking libffi on Windows and Mac
8309957 Rename JDK-8309595 test to conform
8309847 FrameForm and RegisterForm constructors should initialize all members
8309613 [Windows] hs_err files sometimes miss information about the code containing the error
8309890 TestStringDeduplicationInterned.java waits for the wrong condition
8309910 Introduce jdk.internal.net.http.HttpConnection.getSNIServerNames() method
8309878 Reduce inclusion of resolvedIndyEntry.hpp
8309934 Update GitHub Actions to use JDK 17 for building jtreg
8305104 Remove the old core reflection implementation
8309955 Matcher uses @since {@inheritDoc}
8309757 com/sun/jdi/ReferrersTest.java fails with virtual test thread factory
8309884 missing @since tags in com.sun.source.*
8307508 IndirectVarHandle.isAccessModeSupported throws NPE
8308474 DSA does not reset SecureRandom when initSign is called again
8309854 ciReplay TestServerVM test fails with Graal
8309753 Include array classes in the output of -XX:+PrintSharedArchiveAndExit
8309882 LinkedHashMap adds an errant serializable field
8309390 [JVMCI] improve copying system properties into libgraal
8309907 Remove unused _print_gc_overhead_limit_would_be_exceeded
8304403 Remove unused methods in RangeCheckElimination::Bound
8306281 function isWsl() returns false on WSL2
8309468 Remove jvmti Allocate locker test case
8309862 Unsafe list operations in JfrStringPool
8309671 Avoid using jvmci.Compiler property to determine if Graal is enabled
8309838 Classfile API Util.toBinaryName and other cleanup
8295555 Primitive wrapper caches could be @Stable
8309852 G1: Remove unnecessary assert_empty in G1ParScanThreadStateSet destructor
8309538 G1: Move total collection increment from Cleanup to Remark
8309763 Move tests in test/jdk/sun/misc/URLClassPath directory to test/jdk/jdk/internal/loader
8299052 ViewportOverlapping test fails intermittently on Win10 & Win11
8309065 Move the logic to determine archive heap location from CDS to G1 GC
8309867 redundant class field RSAPadding.md
8307144 namedParams in XECParameters and EdDSAParameters can be private final
8309870 Using -proc:full should be considered requesting explicit annotation processing
8309752 com/sun/jdi/SetLocalWhileThreadInNative.java fails with virtual test thread factory due to OpaqueFrameException
8307858 [REDO] JDK-8307194 Add make target for optionally building a complete set of all JDK and hotspot libjvm static libraries
8308645 Javadoc of FFM API needs to be refreshed
8309398 ValueLayout:: arrayElementVarHandle doesn’t throws UnsupportedOperationException - if byteAlignment() > byteSize()
8308812 SequenceLayout::withElementCount(long elementCount) doesn’t throw IllegalArgumentException - if elementCount < 0 for some cases
8272147 Consolidate preserved marks handling with other STW collectors
8309403 Serial: Remove the useless adaptive size policy in GenCollectedHeap
8308966 Add intrinsic for float/double modulo for x86 AVX2 and AVX512
8309761 Leak class loader constraints
8309306 G1: Move is_obj_dead from HeapRegion to G1CollectedHeap
8309814 [IR Framework] Dump socket output string in which IR encoding was not found
8309462 [AIX] vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/RunAgentThread/agentthr001/TestDescription.java crashing due to empty while loop
8308184 Launching java with large number of jars in classpath with java.protocol.handler.pkgs system property set can lead to StackOverflowError
4516654 Metalworks Demo: Window title not displayed fully in Low Vision Theme
8309467 Pattern dominance should be adjusted
8308749 C2 failed: regular loops only (counted loop inside infinite loop)
8027711 Unify wildcarding syntax for CompileCommand and CompileOnly
8309549 com/sun/tools/attach/warnings/DynamicLoadWarningTest.java fails on AIX
8309703 AIX build fails after JDK-8280982
8308603 Removing do_pending_ref/enclosing_ref from MetaspaceClosure
8309627 Incorrect sorting of DirtyCardQueue buffers
8309760 ProblemList serviceability/jvmti/vthread/FollowReferences/VThreadStackRefTest.java#default with ZGC
8294985 SSLEngine throws IAE during parsing of X500Principal
8304885 Reuse stale data to improve DNS resolver resiliency
8309692 Fix -Wconversion warnings in javaClasses
8309142 Refactor test/langtools/tools/javac/versions/Versions.java
8309745 Problem list open client tests failing on Ubuntu_23.04
8309727 Assert privileges while reading the jdk.incubator.vector.VECTOR_ACCESS_OOB_CHECK system property
8309673 Refactor ref_at methods in SA ConstantPool
8309310 Update –release 21 symbol information for JDK 21 build 26
8232839 JDI AfterThreadDeathTest.java failed due to “FAILED: Did not get expected IllegalThreadStateException on a StepRequest.enable()”
8309303 jdk/internal/misc/VM/RuntimeArguments test ignores jdk/internal/vm/options
8305645 System Tray icons get corrupted when Windows primary monitor changes
8308336 Test java/net/HttpURLConnection/HttpURLConnectionExpectContinueTest.java failed: java.net.BindException: Address already in use
8282797 CompileCommand parsing errors should exit VM
8309665 Simplify Arrays.copyOf/-Range methods
8309702 Exclude java/lang/ScopedValue/StressStackOverflow.java from JTREG_TEST_THREAD_FACTORY=Virtual runs
8309545 Thread.interrupted from virtual thread needlessly resets interrupt status
8309612 [REDO] JDK-8307153 JVMTI GetThreadState on carrier should return STATE_WAITING
8307620 [IR Framework] Readme mentions JTREG_WHITE_LIST_FLAGS instead of JTREG_WHITELIST_FLAGS
8309686 inconsistent URL for https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35
8309675 Generational ZGC: compiler/gcbarriers/UnsafeIntrinsicsTest.java fails in nmt_commit
8305593 Add @spec tags in java.desktop
8309595 Allow javadoc to process unnamed classes
8309196 Remove Thread.countStackFrames
8309498 [JVMCI] race in CallSiteTargetValue recording
8306584 Start of release updates for JDK 22
8306585 Add SourceVersion.RELEASE_22
8306586 Add source 22 and target 22 to javac
8087368 java runtime environment error when trying to execute showAndWait() function
8087700 [KeyCombination, Mac] KeyCharacterCombinations behave erratically
8159048 Animation and AnimationTimer methods must be called on JavaFX Application thread
8185831 Pseudo selectors do not appear to work in Node.lookupAll()
8187314 All Cells: must show backing data always
8189282 JavaFX: Invalid position of candidate pop-up of InputMethod in Hi-DPI on Windows
8199216 Quadratic layout time with nested nodes and pseudo-class in style sheet
8205067 Resizing window with TextField hides text value
8221261 Deadlock on macOS in JFXPanel app when handling IME calls
8222209 JavaFX is rendered blurry on systems with monitors in different configuration
8248914 Javafx TextField positions the cursor incorrectly after pressing DEL key
8251240 Menus inaccessible on Linux with i3 wm
8254126 the position of Chinese Input Method candidates window is wrong
8255079 RobotTest::testPixelCaptureAverage fails intermittently on Windows with HiDPI scaling
8255835 [macOS] Undecorated stage cannot be maximized
8260342 FXMLLoader fails to load a sub layout using fx:include with the resources attribute
8262518 SwingNode.setContent does not close previous content, resulting in memory leak
8269921 TextFlow: listeners on bounds can throw NPE while computing text bounds
8274932 Render scales in EmbeddedWindow are not properly updated
8274967 KeyCharacterCombinations for punctuation and symbols fail on non-US keyboards
8282290 TextField Cursor Position one off
8283401 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when disconnecting screen(s)
8283675 Line not removed from LineChart when series cleared
8284445 macOS 12 prints a warning when a function key shortcut is assigned to a menu
8284544 [Win] Name-Property of Spinner cannot be changed
8285700 [TreeTableView] graphic property of TreeItem is still visible after collapsing tree
8298500 Create test to initially show stage with various attributes (iconified, maximized, full screen)
8301219 JavaFX crash when closing with the escape key
8301302 Platform preferences API
8301893 IME window position is off on secondary screen
8303478 DatePicker throws uncatchable exception on tab out from garbled text
8303826 Add FX test for JDK-8252255
8304751 Improve pipeline layout
8305675 [macos] Stage set to iconified before being shown is displayed on screen
8305709 [testbug] Tree/TableViewResizeColumnToFitContentTest fails with fractional screen scale
8306083 Text.hitTest is incorrect when more than one Text node in TextFlow
8307176 Monkey Tester Application Part 2
8307316 Let JavaFX be built on unknown architectures
8307536 FileAlreadyExistsException from NativeLibLoader when running concurrent applications with empty cache
8308608 [testbug] Use Util::waitForIdle instead of Toolkit::firePulse in system tests
8309558 Create implementation of NSAccessibilityCheckBox protocol
8309629 Create implementation of NSAccessibilityRadioButton protocol
8310666 gradle validateSourceSets task not run when TEST_ONLY=true
8310681 Update WebKit to 616.1
8310847 [Mac] Silence OpenGL deprecation warnings
8310885 Width/height of window is not set after calling sizeToScene
8311097 Synchron XMLHttpRequest not receiving data
8311185 VirtualFlow jump when cellcount changes
8311216 DataURI can lose information in some charset environments
8311806 Class ButtonAccessibility is implemented twice
8311844 Change JavaFX release version to 22
8311983 ListView sometimes throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException
8312058 Documentation improvements for subscription based listeners
8312528 Move Subscription interface from javafx.beans to javafx.util
8313048 Better Glyph handling
8313056 General enhancements of Glass
8313105 Improved media framing
8313177 Web Workers timeout with Webkit 616.1
8313181 Enabling modern media controls on webkit 616.1 does not load button images on HTML5 video Element
8313227 Correct attenuation indicator for removed lights
8313321 Set minimum python version in WebKit cmake scripts
8313628 Column drag header, overlay and line are not correctly aligned
8313648 JavaFX application continues to show a black screen after graphic card driver crash
8313651 Add ‘final’ keyword to public property methods in controls
8313711 Cherry-pick WebKit 616.1 stabilization fixes
8313799 Remove lockItemOnEdit flag from (Tree)TableCell
8313856 Replace VLA with malloc in pango
8313900 Possible NULL pointer access in NativeAudioSpectrum and NativeVideoBuffer
8313956 focusWithin on parents of a newly-added focused node is not updated
8314064 Enable building JavaFX on native Windows AArch64 (ARM64)
8314141 Missing default for switch in CreateBitmap
8314149 Clipboard does inexact string comparison on mime type
8314212 Crash when loading cnn.com in WebView
8314266 Several test failures after fix for JDK-8159048
8314484 Update Gradle to 8.4
8314486 JavaFX build uses deprecated features that will be removed in gradle 8
8314589 javadoc build only shows the first 100 warnings and errors
8314597 Deprecate for removal protected access methods in converters
8314779 [testbug] Add test to all the XYCharts to check if chart components are removed when series is cleared
8314906 [testbug] Create behavior tests for text input controls
8315074 Possible null pointer access in native glass
8315317 Add test for JDK-8262518
8315569 Tests for the contract of SkinBase.layoutChildren(..)
8315657 Application window not activated in macOS 14 Sonoma
8315728 [testbug] SystemMenuBarTest prints “FAILED IS: false”
8315870 icu fails to compile with Visual Studio 2022 17.6.5
8315958 Missing range checks in GlassPasteboard
8316135 Create release notes for JavaFX 21
8316419 [macos] Setting X/Y makes Stage maximization not work before show
8316423 [linux] Secondary Stage does not respect Scene’s dimensions when shown
8316518 javafx.print.Paper getWidth / getHeight rounds values, causing errors.
8316590 Rendering artifact after JDK-8311983
8316781 Legal, Monarch paper sizes are incorrect in javafx.print.Paper
8316892 Skip failing IconifyTestcanIconifyDecoratedStage on Linux
8317308 JavaFX Developer build broken on Windows - NativeLibrary file contains invalid character ‘:’
8317370 JavaFX runtime version is wrong at runtime
8317508 Provide media support for libavcodec version 60
8317836 FX nodes embedded in JFXPanel need to track component orientation
8318059 Typo is javafx.scene.Node.usesMirroring comment
8318115 Webkit build fails after gradle 8.4
8318204 Use new EventTarget methods in ListenerHelper
8318386 Update Glib to 2.78.1
8318387 Update GStreamer to 1.22.6
8318388 Update libxslt to 1.1.39
8318630 TextAreaBehaviorRobotTest.testNonMacBindings fails on Linux
8318708 FX: Update copyright year in docs, readme files to 2024
8318714 Update copyright header for files modified in 2023
8318841 macOS: Memory leak with MenuItem when Menu.useSystemMenuBar(true) is used
8318984 Update to Xcode 14.3.1 on macOS
8319066 Application window not always activated in macOS 14 Sonoma
8319079 Missing range checks in decora
8319147 Add regression test for JDK-8317836
8319231 Unrecognized “minimum” key in .jcheck/conf causes /reviewers command to be ignored
8319341 [Linux] Remove operation to show or hide children because it is unnecessary
8319669 [macos14] Running any JavaFX app prints Secure coding warning
8319762 Update to Visual Studio 2022 version 17.6.5 on Windows
8319996 Update to GCC 13.2.0 on Linux
8320267 WebView crashes on macOS 11 with WebKit 616.1
8320359 ImageView: add styleable fitWidth, fitHeight, preserveRatio, smooth properties
8320444 Column drag header is positioned wrong for nested columns
8320773 [macOS] All IME input blocked
8321434 Update Gradle to 8.5
8321435 Update boot JDK to 21.0.1
8321573 Improve Platform.Preferences documentation
8321626 [testbug] Mark DualWindowTest and ContextMenuNPETest unstable on Linux
8321636 [testbug] Skip failing 3D lighting tests on macOS 14 / aarch64
8321638 Update to SWT 4.30
8321722 Tab header flickering when dragging slowly other tabs and reordering uncompleted
8321902 Robot-based Behavior tests must be under test.robot hierarchy
8321970 New table columns don’t appear when using fixed cell size unless refreshing tableView
8322215 [win] OS events that close the stage can cause Glass to reference freed memory
8322795 CSS performance regression up to 10x
8322953 Update copyright header for files modified in 2023
8323077 C type error (incompatible function pointer) in X11GLContext.c
8323078 Incorrect length argument to g_utf8_strlen in pango.c
8323543 NPE when table items are set to null
8324658 Allow animation play/start/stop/pause methods to be called on any thread
8324879 Platform-specific preferences keys are incorrect for Windows toolkit
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