Примечания к релизу Axiom JDK 8u272+10

Данный релиз соответствует OpenJDK 8u272, номер билда Axiom JDK - 8u272+10.

Axiom JDK 8u272+10

Пожалуйста, прочитайте примечания к релизуOracle JDK 8 для получения дополнительной информации о функциях JDK 8. В этом документе дополнительно описываются особенности дистрибутива Axiom по сравнению с Oracle JDK 8.

Поддерживаемые серверные и десктопные конфигурации

Axiom поддерживается в следующих ОС:

  • Ubuntu Linux 14.04, 16.04, 18.04 (x86_64, x86, ARMv8*)
  • Debian Linux 8, 9 (x86_64, x86, ARMv8*)
  • Red Hat, Oracle Linux, CentOS 5.5+, 6.x, 7.x (x86_64, x86, ARMv8*)
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise 12, 15, tumbleweed (x86_64, ARMv8*)
  • Alpine Linux x86_64 (64-bit версия для Alpine Linux с libc MUSL)
  • Apple macOS 10.11+ (64 bit only)
  • Solaris 10.9+ (SPARC, x86_64)*
  • Microsoft Windows 2019, Windows 2016, Windows 2012 R2, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 (32 bit, 64 bit)

* - версия не поддерживает Client VM

Примечание: минимальная поддерживаемая версия ядра Linux - 2.6.18, версия GLIBC - 2.5. AxiomFX работает на всех поддерживаемых версиях Ubuntu, семействе Red Hat Linux начиная с версии 7.x и SUSE с бэкэндом GTK2.

Поставка Axiom 8 JDK и JRE

Axiom JDK и JRE распространяются в виде .msi, .dmg, .deb, .rpm, .zip и .tar.gz. Пожалуйста, выберите формат, который наиболее подходит для ваших целей.

  • Используйте Axiom JDK, если вашему приложению требуется javac или другие инструменты и службы, отсутствующие в JRE, или вы хотите использовать jlink для создания урезанной версии Java Runtime для ваших конкретных потребностей.
  • Используйте Axiom JRE для всех других целей.

Axiom 8 содержит весь функционал, поддерживаемый OpenJDK 8.

По умолчанию Axiom использует серверную виртуальную машину (Server VM). Серверная виртуальная машина и клиентская виртуальная машина могут быть включены с помощью параметров командной строки -server и -client соответственно. В случае, если требуется минимальный размер среды исполенения, можно использовать Minimal VM, которая оптимизирована по размеру. Minimal VM имеет только компилятор C1 JIT, Serial GC и не имеет функционала Serviceability. Minimal VM можно включить параметром командной строки -minimal.

Версии Axiom 8 для Linux x86_64, Linux x86, Apple macOS x86_64, Microsoft Windows x86_64 и x86 содержат AxiomFX. В macOS AxiomFX работает, начиная с 10.10+.


BellSoft Axiom содержит исправления уязвимостей Oracle Java SE. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к документации Oracle для получения деталей о проблемах, исправленных в данной версии.

Дефекты, исправленные в этом релизе

Issue Description
6574989 TEST_BUG: javax/sound/sampled/Clip/bug5070081.java fails sometimes
8006205 [TESTBUG] NEED_TEST: please JTREGIFY test/compiler/7177917/Test7177917.java
8023697 failed class resolution reports different class name in detail message for the first and subsequent times
8025886 replace [[ and == bash extensions in regtest
8026236 Add PrimeTest for BigInteger
8031625 javadoc problems referencing inner class constructors
8035493 JVMTI PopFrame capability must instruct compilers not to prune locals
8036088 Replace strtok() with its safe equivalent strtok_s() in DefaultProxySelector.c
8039082 [TEST_BUG] Test java/awt/dnd/BadSerializationTest/BadSerializationTest.java fails
8046274 Removing dependency on jakarta-regexp
8048933 -XX:+TraceExceptions output should include the message
8057003 Large reference arrays cause extremely long synchronization times
8060721 Test runtime/SharedArchiveFile/LimitSharedSizes.java fails in jdk 9 fcs new platforms/compiler
8061616 HotspotDiagnosticMXBean.getVMOption() throws IllegalArgumentException for flags of type double
8062947 Fix exception message to correctly represent LDAP connection failure
8064319 Need to enable -XX:+TraceExceptions in release builds
8075774 Small readability and performance improvements for zipfs
8076151 [TESTBUG] Test java/awt/FontClass/CreateFont/fileaccess/FontFile.java fails
8078334 Mark regression tests using randomness
8078880 Mark a few more intermittently failuring security-libs
8080462 Update SunPKCS11 provider with PKCS11 v2.40 support
8129582 Controls slow considerably when displaying RTL-languages text on Linux
8132206 move ScanTest.java into OpenJDK
8132376 Add @requires os.family to the client tests with access to internal OS-specific API
8132745 minor cleanup of java/util/Scanner/ScanTest.java
8137087 [TEST_BUG] Cygwin failure of java/awt/appletviewer/IOExceptionIfEncodedURLTest/IOExceptionIfEncodedURLTest.sh
8144539 Update PKCS11 tests to run with security manager
8144681 TableView: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with cell selection / multiselection
8145808 java/awt/Graphics2D/MTGraphicsAccessTest/MTGraphicsAccessTest.java hangs on Win. 8
8148754 C2 loop unrolling fails due to unexpected graph shape
8148854 Class names “SomeClass” and “LSomeClass;” treated by JVM as an equivalent
8151678 com/sun/jndi/ldap/LdapTimeoutTest.java failed due to timeout on DeadServerNoTimeoutTest is incorrect
8151788 NullPointerException from ntlm.Client.type3
8151834 Test SmallPrimeExponentP.java times out intermittently
8152077 (cal) Calendar.roll does not always roll the hours during daylight savings
8153430 jdk regression test MletParserLocaleTest, ParserInfiniteLoopTest reduce default timeout
8153583 Make OutputAnalyzer.reportDiagnosticSummary public
8154313 Generated javadoc scattered all over the place
8156169 Some sound tests rarely hangs because of incorrect synchronization
8160768 Add capability to custom resolve host/domain names within the default JNDI LDAP provider
8161973 PKIXRevocationChecker.getSoftFailExceptions() not working
8163251 Hard coded loop limit prevents reading of smart card data greater than 8k
8165936 Potential Heap buffer overflow when seaching timezone info files
8165996 PKCS11 using NSS throws an error regarding secmod.db when NSS uses sqlite
8166148 Fix for JDK-8165936 broke solaris builds
8167300 Scheduling failures during gcm should be fatal
8167615 Opensource unit/regression tests for JavaSound
8168517 java/lang/ProcessBuilder/Basic.java failed
8172012 [TEST_BUG] delays needed in javax/swing/JTree/4633594/bug4633594.java
8173300 [TESTBUG]compiler/tiered/NonTieredLevelsTest.java fails with compiler.whitebox.SimpleTestCaseHelper(int) must be compiled
8177334 Update xmldsig implementation to Apache Santuario 2.1.1
8177628 Opensource unit/regression tests for ImageIO
8183341 Better cleanup for javax/imageio/AllowSearch.java
8183349 Better cleanup for jdk/test/javax/imageio/plugins/shared/CanWriteSequence.java and WriteAfterAbort.java
8183351 Better cleanup for jdk/test/javax/imageio/spi/AppletContextTest/BadPluginConfigurationTest.sh
8184762 ZapStackSegments should use optimized memset
8191678 [TESTBUG] Add keyword headful in java/awt FocusTransitionTest test.
8191758 Match WebKit’s font weight rendering with JavaFX
8192953 sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/.sh tests fail with error : revokeall.exe: Permission denied
8193137 Nashorn crashes when given an empty script file
8193234 When using -Xcheck:jni an internally allocated buffer can leak
8193800 TreeTableView selection changes on sorting
8194298 Add support for per Socket configuration of TCP keepalive
8198004 javax/swing/JFileChooser/6868611/bug6868611.java throws error
8200313 java/awt/Gtk/GtkVersionTest/GtkVersionTest.java fails
8201633 Problems with AES-GCM native acceleration
8203357 Container Metrics
8208169 can not print selected pages of web page
8209113 Use WeakReference for lastFontStrike for created Fonts
8210147 adjust some WSAGetLastError usages in windows network coding
8211049 Second parameter of “initialize” method is not used
8211163 UNIX version of Java_java_io_Console_echo does not return a clean boolean
8211714 Need to update vm_version.cpp to recognise VS2017 minor versions
8214862 assert(proj != __null) at compile.cpp:3251
8216283 Allow shorter method sampling interval than 10 ms
8217606 LdapContext#reconnect always opens a new connection
8217647 JFR: recordings on 32-bit systems unreadable
8217878 ENVELOPING XML signature no longer works in JDK 11
8219566 JFR did not collect call stacks when MaxJavaStackTraceDepth is set to zero
8219919 RuntimeStub name lost with PrintFrameConverterAssembly
8220165 Encryption using GCM results in RuntimeException- input length out of bound
8220313 [TESTBUG] Update base image for Docker testing to OL 7.6
8220555 JFR tool shows potentially misleading message when it cannot access a file
8220674 [TESTBUG] MetricsMemoryTester failcount test in docker container only works with debug JVMs
8221569 JFR tool produces incorrect output when both –categories and –events are specified
8222079 Don’t use memset to initialize fields decode_env constructor in disassembler.cpp
8223760 support static builds
8224217 RecordingInfo should use textual representation of path
8225695 32-bit build failures after JDK-8080462 (Update SunPKCS11 provider with PKCS11 v2.40 support)
8226575 OperatingSystemMXBean should be made container aware
8226697 Several tests which need the @key headful keyword are missing it.
8226809 Circular reference in printed stack trace is not correctly indented & ambiguous
8228835 Memory leak in PKCS11 provider when using AES GCM
8229378 jdwp library loader in linker_md.c quietly truncates on buffer overflow
8230303 JDB hangs when running monitor command
8230711 ConnectionGraph::unique_java_object(Node N) return NULL if n is not in the CG
8231213 Migrate SimpleDateFormatConstTest to JDK Repo
8231779 crash HeapWord*ParallelScavengeHeap::failed_mem_allocate
8233097 Fontmetrics for large Fonts has zero width
8233621 Mismatch in jsse.enableMFLNExtension property name
8234617 C1: Incorrect result of field load due to missing narrowing conversion
8235243 handle VS2017 15.9 and VS2019 in abstract_vm_version
8235687 Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib cannot be a symlink
8236645 JDK 8u231 introduces a regression with incompatible handling of XML messages
8237504 Update copyright header for files modified in 2020
8237951 CTW: C2 compilation fails with “malformed control flow”
8238225 Issues reported after replacing symlink at Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib with binary
8238380 java.base/unix/native/libjava/childproc.c “multiple definition” link errors with GCC10
8238386 (sctp) jdk.sctp/unix/native/libsctp/SctpNet.c “multiple definition” link errors with GCC10
8238388 libj2gss/NativeFunc.o “multiple definition” link errors with GCC10
8239095 Upgrade libFFI to the latest 3.3 version
8239385 KerberosTicket client name refers wrongly to sAMAccountName in AD
8239819 XToolkit: Misread of screen information memory
8240295 hs_err elapsed time in seconds is not accurate enough
8240676 Meet not symmetric failure when running lucene on jdk8
8241888 Mirror jdk.security.allowNonCaAnchor system property with a security one
8242498 Invalid “sun.awt.TimedWindowEvent” object leads to JVM crash
8242508 Upgrade to Visual Studio 2019 version 16.5.3
8242556 Cannot load RSASSA-PSS public key with non-null params from byte array
8243138 Enhance BaseLdapServer to support starttls extended request
8243320 Add SSL root certificates to Oracle Root CA program
8243321 Add Entrust root CA - G4 to Oracle Root CA program
8243489 Thread CPU Load event may contain wrong data for CPU time under certain conditions
8244151 Update MUSCLE PC/SC-Lite headers to the latest release 1.8.26
8244487 One Windows 10 SDK file missing from FX build
8244818 Java2D Queue Flusher crash while moving application window to external monitor
8245284 Update to 610.1 version of WebKit
8245467 Remove 8u TLSv1.2 implementation files
8245468 Add TLSv1.3 implementation classes from 11.0.7
8245469 Remove DTLS protocol implementation
8245470 Fix JDK8 compatibility issues
8245471 Revert JDK-8148188
8245472 Backport JDK-8038893 to JDK8
8245473 OCSP stapling support
8245474 Add TLS_KRB5 cipher suites support according to RFC-2712
8245476 Disable TLSv1.3 protocol in the ClientHello message by default
8245477 Adjust TLS tests location
8245653 Remove 8u TLS tests
8245681 Add TLSv1.3 regression test from 11.0.7
8246099 Intermittent test failures in SandboxAppTest
8246193 Possible NPE in ENC-PA-REP search in AS-REQ
8246204 No 3D support for newer Intel graphics drivers on Linux
8246310 Clean commented-out code about ModuleEntry andPackageEntry in JFR
8246348 Crash in libpango on Ubuntu 20.04 with some unicode chars
8246357 Allow static build of webkit library on linux
8246384 Enable JFR by default on supported architectures for October 2020 release
8247360 Add missing license file for Microsoft DirectShow Samples
8247947 Build DirectShow Samples (Base Classes) from source checked into repo
8247963 Update SQLite to version 3.32.3
8248177 Improve XML support
8248365 Debug build crashes on Windows when playing media file
8248490 [macOS] Undecorated stage does not minimize
8248643 Remove extra leading space in JDK-8240295 8u backport
8248851 CMS: Missing memory fences between free chunk check and klass read
8249158 THREAD_START and THREAD_END event posted in primordial phase
8249610 Make sun.security.krb5.Config.getBooleanObject(String… keys) method public
8249677 Regression in 8u after JDK-8237117: Better ForkJoinPool behavior
8249839 Cherry pick GTK WebKit 2.28.3 changes
8250546 Expect changed behaviour reported in JDK-8249846
8250627 Use -XX:+/-UseContainerSupport for enabling/disabling Java container metrics
8250755 Better cleanup for jdk/test/javax/imageio/plugins/shared/CanWriteSequence.java
8250875 Incorrect parameter type for update_number in JDK_Version::jdk_update
8251117 Cannot check P11Key size in P11Cipher and P11AEADCipher
8251120 [8u] HotSpot build assumes ENABLE_JFR is set to either true or false
8251341 Minimal Java specification change
8251478 Backport TLSv1.3 regression tests to JDK8u
8251546 8u backport of JDK-8194298 breaks AIX and Solaris builds
8252084 Minimal VM fails to bootcycle: undefined symbol: AgeTableTracer::is_tenuring_distribution_event_enabled
8252107 Media pipeline initialization can crash if audio or video bin state change fails
8252381 Cherry pick GTK WebKit 2.28.4 changes
8252573 8u: Windows build failed after 8222079 backport
8252886 [TESTBUG] sun/security/ec/TestEC.java : Compilation failed
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Axiom JDK info@axiomjdk.ru Axiom JDK logo Axiom Committed to Freedom 199 Obvodnogo Kanala Emb. 190020 St. Petersburg RU +7 812-336-35-67 Axiom JDK 199 Obvodnogo Kanala Emb. 190020 St. Petersburg RU +7 812-336-35-67