Примечания к релизу Axiom JDK 8u372+7

Данный релиз соответствует OpenJDK 8u372, номер версии Axiom JDK - 8

Axiom JDK 8u372+7

Пожалуйста, прочитайте примечания к релизу Oracle JDK 8 для получения дополнительной информации о функциях JDK 8. В этом документе дополнительно описываются особенности дистрибутива Axiom по сравнению с Oracle JDK 8.

Поддерживаемые серверные и десктопные конфигурации

Axiom поддерживается в следующих ОС:

  • Ubuntu Linux 14.04, 16.04, 18.04 (x86_64, x86, ARMv8*)
  • Debian Linux 8, 9 (x86_64, x86, ARMv8*)
  • Red Hat, Oracle Linux, CentOS 5.5+, 6.x, 7.x (x86_64, x86, ARMv8*)
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise 12, 15, tumbleweed (x86_64, ARMv8*)
  • Alpine Linux x86_64 (64-bit версия для Alpine Linux с libc MUSL)
  • Apple macOS 10.11+ (64 bit only)
  • Solaris 10.9+ (SPARC, x86_64)*
  • Microsoft Windows 2019, Windows 2016, Windows 2012 R2, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 (32 bit, 64 bit)

* - версия не поддерживает Client VM

Примечание: минимальная поддерживаемая версия ядра Linux - 2.6.18, версия GLIBC - 2.5. AxiomFX работает на всех поддерживаемых версиях Ubuntu, семействе Red Hat Linux начиная с версии 7.x и SUSE с бэкэндом GTK2.

Поставка Axiom 8 JDK и JRE

Axiom JDK и JRE распространяются в виде .msi, .dmg, .deb, .rpm, .zip и .tar.gz. Пожалуйста, выберите формат, который наиболее подходит для ваших целей.

  • Используйте Axiom JDK, если вашему приложению требуется javac или другие инструменты и службы, отсутствующие в JRE, или вы хотите использовать jlink для создания урезанной версии Java Runtime для ваших конкретных потребностей.
  • Используйте Axiom JRE для всех других целей.

Axiom 8 содержит весь функционал, поддерживаемый OpenJDK 8.

По умолчанию Axiom использует серверную виртуальную машину (Server VM). Серверная виртуальная машина и клиентская виртуальная машина могут быть включены с помощью параметров командной строки -server и -client соответственно. В случае, если требуется минимальный размер среды исполенения, можно использовать Minimal VM, которая оптимизирована по размеру. Minimal VM имеет только компилятор C1 JIT, Serial GC и не имеет функционала Serviceability. Minimal VM можно включить параметром командной строки -minimal.

Версии Axiom 8 для Linux x86_64, Linux x86, Apple macOS x86_64, Microsoft Windows x86_64 и x86 содержат AxiomFX. В macOS AxiomFX работает, начиная с 10.10+.


Axiom JDK содержит исправления уязвимостей Oracle Java SE. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к документации Oracle для получения деталей о проблемах, исправленных в данной версии.

Дефекты, исправленные в этом релизе

Issue Description
8299129 Enhance NameService lookups
8298667 Improved path handling
8298310 Enhance TLS session negotiation
8298191 Enhance object reclamation process
8297371 Improve UTF8 representation redux
8296832 Improve Swing platform support
8296700 Improve String platform support
8296692 Improve String platform support
8296684 Improve String platform support
8296676 Improve String platform support
8295304 Runtime support improvements
8294474 Better AES support
8288436 Improve Xalan supports
8287404 Improve ping times
8263404 RsaPrivateKeySpec is always recognized as RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in RSAKeyFactory.engineGetKeySpec
8305113 (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2023c
8304053 Revert os specific stubs for SystemMetrics
8303828 [Solaris] Broken jdk8u build after JDK-8266391
8245654 Add Certigna Root CA
8248899 security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/QuoVadisCA.java fails, Certificate has been revoked
8243543 jtreg test security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/BuypassCA.java fails
8303408 [AIX] Broken jdk8u build after JDK-8266391
8275535 Retrying a failed authentication on multiple LDAP servers can lead to users blocked
8301246 NPE in FcFontManager.getDefaultPlatformFont() on Linux without installed fontconfig
8301143 [TESTBUG] jfr/event/sampling/TestNative was backported to JDK8u without proper native wrapper
8270317 Large Allocation in CipherSuite
8301760 Fix possible leak in SpNegoContext dispose
8287463 JFR: Disable TestDevNull.java on Windows
8282947 JFR: Dump on shutdown live-locks in some conditions
8142540 [TEST_BUG] Test sun/awt/dnd/8024061/bug8024061.java fails on ubuntu
8137101 [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicHTML/4251579/bug4251579.java failure due to timing
7124238 [macosx] Font in BasicHTML document is bigger than it should be
8282511 Use fixed certificate validation date in SSLExampleCert template
8299445 EndingDotHostname.java fails because of compilation errors
6734341 REGTEST fails: SelectionAutoscrollTest.html
8156581 Cleanup of ProblemList.txt
8156579 Two JavaBeans tests failed
8205959 Do not restart close if errno is EINTR
8298027 Remove SCCS id’s from awt jtreg tests
8301620 [8u] some shell tests are passed but have unexpected operator errors
8287109 Distrust.java failed with CertificateExpiredException
7124381 DragSourceListener.dragDropEnd() never been called on completion of dnd operation
8301550 [8u] Enable additional linux build testing in GitHub
8177560 @headful key can be removed from the tests for JavaSound
8280048 Missing comma in copyright header
8233570 [TESTBUG] HTMLEditorKit test bug5043626.java is failing on macos
8287741 Fix of JDK-8287107 (unused cgv1 freezer controller) was incomplete
8301332 [8u] Fix writing of test files after the cgroups v2 backport
8287107 CgroupSubsystemFactory.setCgroupV2Path asserts with freezer controller
8275650 Problemlist java/io/File/createTempFile/SpecialTempFile.java for Windows 11
8283606 Tests may fail with zh locale on MacOS
8075964 Test java/awt/Mouse/TitleBarDoubleClick/TitleBarDoubleClick.html fails intermittently with timeout error
8239827 The test OpenByUNCPathNameTest.java should be changed to be manual
8042098 [TESTBUG] Test sun/java2d/AcceleratedXORModeTest.java fails on Windows
7001973 java/awt/Graphics2D/CopyAreaOOB.java fails
8039888 [TEST_BUG] keyboard garbage after javax/swing/plaf/windows/WindowsRootPaneUI/WrongAltProcessing/WrongAltProcessing.java
8196467 javax/swing/JInternalFrame/Test6325652.java fails
8159135 [PIT] javax/swing/JMenuItem/8152981/MenuItemIconTest.java always fail
8293767 AWT test TestSinhalaChar.java has old SCCS markings
8301122 [8u] Fix unreliable vs2010 download link
8293540 [Metrics] Incorrectly detected resource limits with additional cgroup fs mounts
8282398 EndingDotHostname.java test fails because SSL cert expired
8292541 [Metrics] Reported memory limit may exceed physical machine memory
8300119 CgroupMetrics.getTotalMemorySize0() can report invalid results on 32 bit systems
8065422 Trailing dot in hostname causes TLS handshake to fail with SNI disabled
8300014 Some backports placed the tests in the wrong location
8203485 [freetype] text rotated on 180 degrees is too narrow
8299439 java/text/Format/NumberFormat/CurrencyFormat.java fails for hr_HR
8299483 ProblemList java/text/Format/NumberFormat/CurrencyFormat.java
8289695 [TESTBUG] TestMemoryAwareness.java fails on cgroups v2 and crun
8299804 Fix non-portable code in hotspot shell tests in 8u
8296239 ISO 4217 Amendment 174 Update
8294307 ISO 4217 Amendment 173 Update
8289549 ISO 4217 Amendment 172 Update
8293472 Incorrect container resource limit detection if manual cgroup fs mounts present
8299548 Fix hotspot/test/runtime/Metaspace/MaxMetaspaceSizeTest.java in 8u
8283277 ISO 4217 Amendment 171 Update
8229182 [TESTBUG] runtime/containers/docker/TestMemoryAwareness.java test fails on SLES12
8297996 [8u] generated images are broken due to renaming of MSVC runtime DLL’s
8284977 MetricsTesterCgroupV2.getLongValueEntryFromFile fails when named value doesn’t exist
8292083 Detected container memory limit may exceed physical machine memory
8234484 Add ability to configure third port for remote JMX
8284102 [TESTBUG] [11u] Retroactively add regression test for JDK-8272124
8284756 [11u] Remove unused isUseContainerSupport in CgroupV1Subsystem
8254717 isAssignableFrom checks in KeyFactorySpi.engineGetKeySpec appear to be backwards
8266391 Replace use of reflection in jdk.internal.platform.Metrics
8252957 Wrong comment in CgroupV1Subsystem::cpu_quota
8291570 [TESTBUG] Part of JDK-8250984 absent from 11u
8262379 Add regression test for JDK-8257746
8254001 [Metrics] Enhance parsing of cgroup interface files for version detection
8253797 [cgroups v2] Account for the fact that swap accounting is disabled on some systems
8253939 [TESTBUG] Increase coverage of the cgroups detection code
8245543 Cgroups: Incorrect detection logic on some systems (still reproducible)
8253435 Cgroup: ‘stomping of _mount_path’ crash if manually mounted cpusets exist
8252359 HotSpot Not Identifying it is Running in a Container
8278951 containers/cgroup/PlainRead.java fails on Ubuntu 21.10
8196196 Headful tests should not be run in headless mode
8197408 Bad pointer comparison and small cleanup in os_linux.cpp
8239559 Cgroups: Incorrect detection logic on some systems
8072770 [TESTBUG] Some Introspector tests fail with a Java heap bigger than 4GB
8240189 [TESTBUG] Some cgroup tests are failing after JDK-8231111
8244500 jtreg test error in test/hotspot/jtreg/containers/docker/TestMemoryAwareness.java
8239785 Cgroups: Incorrect detection logic on old systems in hotspot
8298307 Enable hotspot/tier1 for 32-bit builds in GHA for 8u
8237479 8230305 causes slowdebug build failure
8253727 [cgroups v2] Memory and swap limits reported incorrectly
8253714 [cgroups v2] Soft memory limit incorrectly using memory.high
8295952 Problemlist existing compiler/rtm tests also on x86
8296957 One more cast in SAFE_SIZE_NEW_ARRAY2
8294767 8u contains two copies of test/../FileUtils.java, one uses JDK9+ features
8296496 Overzealous check in sizecalc.h prevents large memory allocation
8284690 [macos] VoiceOver : Getting java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid location on Editable JComboBox
8257620 Do not use objc_msgSend_stret to get macOS version
8296632 Write a test to verify the content change of TextArea sends TextEvent
6829250 Reg test: java/awt/Toolkit/ScreenInsetsTest/ScreenInsetsTest.java fails in Windows
8296485 BuildEEBasicConstraints.java test fails with SunCertPathBuilderException
8296480 java/security/cert/pkix/policyChanges/TestPolicy.java is failing
8231111 Cgroups v2: Rework Metrics in java.base so as to recognize unified hierarchy
8275713 TestDockerMemoryMetrics test fails on recent runc
8228585 jdk/internal/platform/cgroup/TestCgroupMetrics.java - NumberFormatException because of large long values (memory limit_in_bytes)
8226236 win32: gc/metaspace/TestCapacityUntilGCWrapAround.java fails
8286624 Regression Test CoordinateTruncationBug.java fails on OL8.3
8295982 Failure in sun/security/tools/keytool/WeakAlg.java - ks: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
8247676 vcruntime140_1.dll is not needed on 32-bit Windows
8242468 VS2019 build missing vcruntime140_1.dll
8241087 Build failure with VS 2019 (16.5.0) due to C2039 and C2873
8297329 [8u] hotspot needs to recognise VS2019
8295322 Tests for JDK-8271459 were not backported to 11u
8230305 Cgroups v2: Container awareness
8216366 Add rationale to PER_CPU_SHARES define
8229202 Docker reporting causes secondary crashes in error handling
8232207 Linux os::available_memory re-reads cgroup configuration on every invocation
8254997 Remove unimplemented OSContainer::read_memory_limit_in_bytes
8297739 Bump update version of OpenJDK: 8u372
8089986 Menu beeps when mnemonics is used
8149508 Performance issue when scrolling ListView due to excess CSS processing
8257758 Allow building of JavaFX native libs for Apple Silicon
8257895 Allow building of JavaFX media libs for Apple Silicon
8264536 Building OpenJFX on Apple AARCH64 not possible
8266554 Change default macOS min version for aarch64 to 11.0
8276174 JavaFX build fails on macOS aarch64
8282386 JavaFX media stubs rely on libav.org
8284662 [Win][Accessibility][ListCell] Screen reader fails to read ListView/ComboBox item count if > 100
8293375 add_definitions USE_SYSTEM_MALLOC when USE_SYSTEM_MALLOC is ON
8294400 Provide media support for libavcodec version 59
8295755 Update SQLite to 3.39.4
8298167 Opacity in WebView not working anymore
8299272 Update copyright header for files modified in 2022
8299781 Improve JFX navigation
8299977 Update WebKit to 615.1
8300954 HTML default Range input control not rendered
8301022 Video distortion is observed while playing youtube video
8301712 [linux] Crash on exit from WebKit 615.1
8302294 Cherry-pick WebKit 615.1 stabilization fixes
8302684 Cherry-pick WebKit 615.1 stabilization fixes (2)
8303217 Webview loaded webpage is not showing play, volume related buttons for embeded Audio/Video elements
8303501 Unable to navigate to relative URLs after fix for JDK-8299781
Обратно на страницу загрузки
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